美游说集团力推一美元硬币流通 With America's national debt continuing to climb, Congress is constantly debating ways to save money. The Dollar Coin Alliance, a lobbying group, says billions could be saved if dollar coins were used instea
新闻博物馆纪念墙又添遇难记者 Dozens of journalists die every year while doing their jobs, reporting on stories from the most troubled regions of the world. Fourteen of those who died last year a small fraction of the total were remember
不怕伤鸟:无扇叶涡轮风力发电机 Wind turbines are efficient sources of cheap energy but also a source of concern as their huge spinning blades frequently kill birds and bats. A new type of wind generator developed in Spain offers a crea
奥巴马夫人启动两亿美元女孩教育项目 U.S. first lady Michelle Obama has announced new multi-million dollar global programs to get more girls into education. On a visit to Britain, which is also taking part in the plan, Obama described
前沿科技改变飞机驾驶舱 Thanks to the seemingly unstoppable advance of electronic and mechanical devices, aircraft manufacturers are constantly upgrading the cockpit environment and the passenger cabin, making flying the plane and traveling
物莫能陷?军事专家对俄新坦克能力存疑 Russia has been showing off its new combat tank design, which officials claim is 20 years ahead of current Western designs. But military analysts question those assertions, and warn the cost coul
我们谈话时大脑在做什么 As every portrait painter knows, the slightest change in the shape of eyebrows, the curvature of lips or a crease in the forehead can alter the expression of a person's face and affect how someone else responds. 当我
骑车上天:单人飞行器接近成为现实 Smart phones, essentially pocket-sized computers, we already have. Flying drones with cameras are available to everybody. Robots and self-driving cars are just around the corner. Now, two groups of inv
公共机构借力社媒软件 随之也有问题 Social media are changing the ways that police departments and other public agencies do business. New media are helping monitor police and keeping the traffic moving on congested highways. But they ar
3D打印制作标志性跑车的复制品 Cars with parts made by 3D printers are already on the road, but engineers are still learning about this new technology. While testing the possibility of printing an entire car, researchers at the U.S. Depart
志愿者在乌东为阵亡人员收尸 As the cease-fire becomes more fragile in eastern Ukraine, a team of volunteer body collectors travels to the small village of Savur Mohyla in the what pro-Russian separatists call the Donetsk Peoples Republic
夏威夷濒危鸟类获得二次机会 Of the world's nearly 9,900 bird species, 13 percent - one in eight - are threatened with extinction, according to BirdLife International. Among them are two Hawaiian honeycreepers - tiny birds that live in the
保持华盛顿领空安全并非易事 Being the home of all three branches of the U.S. federal government makes Washington, D.C., the prime target for those who want to make their messages and ideas heard. Unfortunately, many of them choose to deli
网上手工制品卖家获得前所未有的IPO成功 A U.S.-based online handcrafts and antiques seller has had unprecedented success since it went public last week. 美国一个手工制品和古董买卖网站自从上周上市后,取得了空前
曾被遗弃战场等死的乌军官在美疗伤 A Ukrainian Army colonel, badly wounded while fighting Russia-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine, is undergoing rehabilitation at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland,
纪录片聚焦亚裔美国艺人的追梦之路 When Arthur Dong was growing up in San Francisco in the 1950s and 60s, he used to walk by a nightclub just outside of Chinatown. 1950年代和60年代时,曾奕田在旧金山长大。他那时经常光
骚乱十周年 法国为被忽视的郊区寻找答案 The terrorist attacks in France in January and fears of more to come are casting a spotlight on the country's neglected suburbs. Home to many immigrants and sometimes hubs of crime, they were ro
索马里连锁酒店业主努力营造新局面 Many in the Somali diaspora are returning home to make a new life despite the continuing risks. Since 2011 when a military campaign against Al-Shabab militants began making progress, members of the dia
女童服装新主张:爱裙子也爱圆周率 Many little girls like dolls, flowers, butterflies and ponies. A lot of them also like cars, robots, dinosaurs, and spaceships. But most girls clothes only feature the flowers, butterflies and ponies.
奥巴马宣布筹款2.4亿美元 加强美数理化教学 President Barack Obama has announced nearly a quarter-billion dollars in new pledges to support the study of science, technology, engineering and math, a group of fields jointly called STEM.
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