高科技公司开办体验商店 High tech companies are reaching out to consumers with temporary outlets called holiday pop up stores. Intel, Google and Wired Magazine are showcasing technology and giving buyers ideas for holiday gifts. 高科技公司
白宫公布国安局监控行为审查报告 The White House has released an independent panel's review of U.S. intelligence practices, with recommendations that are expected to serve as a basis for a revision of policy procedures guiding the Nation
俄罗斯人在经济隐忧中庆祝新年 Russian preparations for the New Year holiday are clouded by economic recession and a tumbling currency, the ruble. Nonetheless, people in the Russian capital appear to be in a festive mood. 俄罗斯人的新
美联储1月起减购政府债券 The U.S. Federal Reserve will start scaling back its monthly bond-buying program as early as next month. But the reduction will be gradual. The Federal Reserve has been buying $85 billion a month in government bonds
援助叙利亚的组织面对艰巨挑战 Aid organizations are facing increasing challenges as the humanitarian crisis in Syria worsens and millions of Syrians face hunger, disease and winter weather. 叙利亚人道主义危机恶化,数以百万计
2012 全球消费者购物减缓 Holiday shoppers were out in force hoping to get last minute bargains for Christmas but early indications suggest they didn't spend as much as in previous years. Despite a slew of deep discounts - some retailers say 2
奥巴马医保又成关注重点 The coming week will see renewed focus on President Barack Obamas signature health care law amid a reported end-of-year surge in people who have signed up for coverage. The news constitutes the most concrete sign to
经济专家: 俄罗斯面临长期衰退痛苦 Russia's battered currency fell sharply again this week after a government report showed the economy had shrunk in November, the first such decline in five years. The Russian government recently announc
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- VOA双语新闻:加沙哈马斯中止同以色列的换俘谈
- VOA双语新闻:非盟对津巴布韦态度削弱其声誉
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