The Irish government may be heading towards collapse after agreeing to a bailout from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund. Prime Minister Brian Cowen said he will call an election for early next year, but some politicians in Irelan
U.S. President Barack Obama has hailed the Senate vote on health-care reform, calling it a landmark piece of legislation. The measure is a top priority for the Obama administration. 美国总统奥巴马称赞参议院投票通过医疗保险改革法案
美国人选总统 最关心经济和就业 Unemployment is a key issue in the U.S. presidential election, and on Friday the government publishes the last official jobless rate before voters go to the polls on November 6. More than 12 million America
科学家研制奔跑如猎豹的机器人 Scientists have been experimenting with four-legged robots for years, trying to see if they could be used as pack animals for carrying heavy loads over a difficult terrain. But the machine's power requiremen
恐怖袭击重创肯尼亚旅游业 Kenya's usually popular beachside tourist destination of Mombasa is seeing a much slower holiday season this year due to fears of insecurity as the country has suffered from a string of terror attacks linked to So
欧洲难民压力急需缓解 As of November, some 800,000 refugees and migrants from the Middle East and Africa had crossed the Mediterranean to reach a safe haven in Europe. The European Union estimates as many as three million might arrive by the
海啸十年后泰国渔民仍处境艰难 When the massive Indian Ocean tsunami hit Thailands coast 10 years ago, the world saw images of huge waves hitting scenic beachside resorts. But in more rural areas, the disaster also killed scores of undocu
美古复交 美籍古巴人情绪复杂 President Barack Obama's decision to ease restrictions on U.S. trade with Cuba is attracting a lot of attention from the business community, with many companies poised to enter the last communist stronghold in
新技术使牙医病人少遭罪 Medical robots help surgeons perform delicate operations more safely and with greater dexterity than with instruments manipulated by hand. Such sophisticated tools also help doctors work more quickly. One machine red
诺贝尔和平奖得主呼吁关注儿童权利 The Indian and Pakistani winners of this years Nobel Peace Prize have called on political and religious leaders to make childrens rights a priority, and to improve the lives of millions of children cau
世界首批试管狗宝宝成功诞生 Scientists at Cornell University have proudly presented the first litter of dogs successfully born through in vitro fertilization, or IVF. The breakthrough may help in combating inherited diseases that affect c
国际应对气变协议即使达成如何实施引关注 The main expectations from the two-week United Nations Climate Change Conference about to begin in Paris are that the outcome should be a concrete plan with achievable goals from every nation
巴黎气候协议引发美国党派反应 Americans are digesting a global climate accord that is dividing Washington along predictable partisan political lines. 美国人正在琢磨全球气候协议的意义。该协议像人们先前预期的那样
旅美非洲人希望美国接收更多非洲难民 The United States says it will significantly increase the numbers of refugees it accepts from around the world over the next couple of years. While the recent focus has been on Syrian refugees, memb
中东局势动荡使以色列不安 The year 2013 saw more upheaval in the Middle East as the effects continued from popular uprisings in a half-dozen countries. For Israel this brought a mixed reaction of reassurance and uncertainty. The effort to
马拉维监狱乐队获得格莱美奖提名 For the first time, a Malawian band has been nominated for a Grammy Award, and it's not just any band. It's a group from the Zomba maximum-security prison. 这是有史以来的第一次,马拉维的一支
埃及年轻人参与极限运动-跑酷 A law recently passed in Egypt makes it illegal for groups of more than 10 people to gather. However, every Friday a group of young men meets on the outskirts of Cairo, not to protest, but to practice a sport
全球气候峰会将至 巴黎加强戒备 Four thousand seven hundred meters above sea level lies the Tibetan Plateau, known as the roof of the world. Its glaciers are the source of many of Asias most important rivers. 位于青藏高原海平面以上
纽约火箭女郎开启圣诞季 When the holiday season arrives in the United States, the most synchronized high-kick dancers in New York take the stage at Radio City Music Hall. 每当圣诞季来临时,舞蹈演员们便登上纽约无线电城音
2014年全球经济会好转 The global economy may be entering a new phase as the year draws to a close. New data suggest some of the uncertainty that has characterized much of 2013 appears to be lifting as a new year begins, though economists are c
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- VOA双语新闻:加沙哈马斯中止同以色列的换俘谈
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