亚洲缺虎骨求狮骨 保育者急救南非狮 A new ad campaign is underway in South Africa to stop the countrys lion bone trade. Lions are killed so their bones can be used to make fake aphrodisiacs and traditional medicines. The demand for the
从枪击案看白人至上种族主义走向 American Sikhs have been mourning the victims of the mass shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin - and are trying to comprehend an act that seems senseless. The shooter's motives are unclear, but one orga
利比亚少数民族要求平等 Libya's revolution has led to renewed demands from the country's Berber minority for cultural and language rights and full integration into the Arab-majority country. Such demands have been heard before, but this tim
美国党代会致力于激励忠诚 Every four years in the United States, national political party conventions are held to officially introduce the presidential nominees to Americans. Early conventions were often governed by backroom negotiations t
共和党大会将近 考验总统候选人 The next phase of the U.S. presidential campaign is about to begin with the Republican and Democratic conventions. Republicans will meet in Tampa, Florida, beginning on Monday, August 27, to formally nomina
罗姆尼问鼎白宫的成功商人 Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney will be formally nominated next week as the Republican Partys presidential candidate at the party's convention in Tampa, Florida. 美国共和党全国代表大会正在佛罗
美国海军舰只改用生物燃料 The U.S. Navy is going ahead with plans to convert much of its fleet to expensive biofuels despite opposition from members of Congress who say it is the wrong thing to do at a time when the U.S. military faces nea
全球假冒产品规模超过毒品交易 Fake designer brand purses, clothing and even prescription medications are made and sold around the world. Investigators say it is bigger business than the illegal drug trade. And police say that when consum
地球最艰难障碍赛难不倒最强悍者 Tough Mudder is not your typical run in the mountains; it is a world-class military-designed obstacle course. In fact, it's the type of thing you're told never to try at home with gut-wrenching obstacles
塞内加尔女运动员出征奥运会 Wrestling matches in Senegal usually take place between large men on a sandy surface in front of massive crowds. 在塞内加尔,摔跤通常是膀大腰圆的男子汉们展示自己力量的运动。 But a
加纳举重选手备战残奥会 The Paralympic Games will be staged in London less than three weeks after the 2012 Summer Olympics end. 伦敦奥运会结束后不到三个星期,残奥会也将在伦敦举行。 Charles Teye is a disabled Ghanai
密西西比河水位下降威胁航运 The Mississippi River is the longest and most economically important waterway in the United States. But a lack of rainfall is reducing the depth of the river. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is surveying the r
北卡罗来纳州-奥巴马连任关键州 This week, the U.S. Democratic Party holds its national convention in the southern city of Charlotte, North Carolina to officially name incumbent Barack Obama as its nominee for president in the November el
At 91, Philip Theil lives in a century-old house in Seattle's University District and that's the way he wants to keep it. 菲利普锡尔今年91岁。这名海军建筑师住在西雅图大学区的一栋百年老屋里。他希望留在那里。 As
The American Petroleum Institute is urging U.S. lawmakers to end what the trade group considers restrictive regulations that it says will lead to greater energy dependence and fewer jobs for American workers. It also is urging President Obama to appr
Losing a limb is traumatic in any circumstances, but it can become a poverty trap for those without access to advanced medical care. The Indian state of Rajasthan is home to one of the world's largest charities devoted to empowering amputees by givin
Iran's National Security Adviser Saeed Jalili is calling for a new round of negotiations with the West over its nuclear program, amid heightened tensions in the Persian Gulf over threats by Tehran to close the vital Strait of Hormuz. About 40 percent
In 2011, scientists discovered they had created a highly contagious and deadly form of H5N1 commonly called avian or bird flu. When the discovery was announced, debate erupted over whether the research was ethical and fears the new strain could be us
European leaders hit back Saturday at the downgrade by Standard Poor's of the credit ratings of nine European nations, calling the move unfounded and inconsistent. 欧洲领导人星期六对标准普尔公司(SP)下调9个欧洲国家信用评级的举
A team of scientists is urging that agriculture be a top priority in climate change negotiations, saying its vital for global food security and for reducing carbon emissions. The recommendations appear in the January 20th issue of Science magazine. 一
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