阿富汗医院战伤救护将忙碌 The conflict in Afghanistan has been intensifying, as international combat forces prepare to leave the country. Factions are fighting for influence and territory, and civilians are caught in the crossfire. An Ital
奥巴马就美国经济发表演讲 President Barack Obama has made the first in a series of speeches intended to focus attention on his efforts to accelerate the economic recovery. 美国总统奥巴马星期三发表讲话,并将继续发表一系
世界无烟日世界卫生组织呼吁禁止烟草广告 May 31 is World No Tobacco Day. The message from the World Health Organization to governments around the globe is to ban tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship. That's to try and preve
阿富汗恐怖袭击升级 更多平民伤亡 Terrorist attacks in Afghanistan appear to be getting bolder in recent days. The Taliban also increasingly is targeting the civilian population, including children. 近日来,阿富汗的恐怖分子日渐
伊朗大选-超强硬派与强硬派之争 Iranians go to the polls Friday for the first round of a presidential election that analysts say pits hardliners against only slightly less hardline candidates. The experts believe that as a result, the out
高等教育昂贵 美国经济受伤 Washington's Republicans and Democrats are haggling over how to finance higher education, including details like the interest rates that students pay for loans. Recent graduates, who are burdened with an average
奥巴马访欧面临棘手问题 President Barack Obama leaves early Monday for the Group of Eight summit in Northern Ireland and a visit to Berlin. The conflict in Syria and U.S. surveillance policies will be among the main topics of discussion. 八国
美国天然气前景乐观 美国天然气产量剧增,不仅降低了燃料价格,还促使很多项目改用天然气来代替污染严重得多的石油,不少公司开始使用天然气作为运输燃料。 While many Americans want to red
美国推出绿色超级计算机 The U.S. Department of Energys Argonne National Laboratory in suburban Chicago is home to one of the newest, fastest, most efficient supercomputers in the country, called MIRA. But despite the new equipment, lawmaker
克林顿卸任前接受国会质询 Outgoing U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is set to testify to Congress next week about the September terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans. 1月23号星
美国经济面临又一财政悬崖 The U.S. may have avoided the fiscal cliff, but analysts say the last minute Congressional agreement at the start of the year to raise taxes on wealthy Americans and avoid massive spending cuts was only a temporar
国际干预马里战乱可能遇到意外危险 With French troops driving back Islamist rebels in northern Mali, West African forces are expected to step in and help secure the country for new elections. This regional response has important implica
纪念马丁.路德.金 奥巴马呼吁民众服务社区 Hundreds of thousands of people are expected in Washington to witness President Barack Obama's second inauguration. The president will be publicly sworn in on Monday, the national holiday cele
跟踪流感的新手段 As influenza season peaks in the United States, one researcher is working to bring the public into tracking the epidemic. Using new technology, he may be able to provide public health officials with useful information more qu
奥巴马呼吁采取行动制止枪械暴力 Tuesday, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden is expected to unveil recommendations for curbing gun violence in America, which claims thousands of lives each year. The recommendations come one month after a dead
美国今年流感季节来势迅猛 The United States is in the grip of a widespread flu outbreak, with crises in Chicago and Boston. An estimated 36,000 people die of flu in the United States each year and it kills some 500,000 people annually arou
国际间可能就伊朗核项目再次展开谈判 With a looming threat from Israel of military action against Iran, Iranian and international diplomats are expected to try again in coming weeks after a seven-month hiatus to open negotiations over
伊拉克经济起飞 多数人并未受益 Ten years after the war that toppled Iraq's President Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi economy is booming, according to statistics - but most Iraqis say they have not benefited from the economic up-turn. 美国200
美国攻伊10年后伊拉克人怎么想 It's been 10 years [March 20, 2003] since U.S.-led forces launched an offensive that toppled the government of Iraq's then-President Saddam Hussein. Although some Iraqis say life since then has improved somew
印度经济放缓 失业形势严峻 With India's economic growth at its lowest point in a decade, some are questioning whether the South Asian nation should still be counted among the world's most influential, emerging economies. 印度经济增长速
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