A resurgent Republican Party is basking in the afterglow of its best midterm electoral showing in 16 years. Republicans scored a huge majority in the U.S. House of Representatives, pared the Democratic majority in the Senate, and captured a slew of g
President Barack Obama is mounting an all-out push for U.S. Senate ratification of the New START nuclear treaty with Russia, calling it crucial for U.S. national security. The president summoned a bipartisan group of former White House officials to h
A massive storm that dumped about a half-meter of snow from Virginia to Maine did more than frustrate motorists. It added to the woes of retailers that were already bracing for weak holiday sales as the United States struggles to emerge from the deep
President Barack Obama has been under pressure to recast the nation's relations with Cuba and ease decades of restrictions on the Communist government. Already the president has ended travel limits on Cuban-Americans and called for new talks between
While many residents in the area support the move because of the jobs they hope it will bring, many across the state oppose any plan to house detainees on U.S. soil. The hearing in the town of Sterling, Illinois, offered a chance for the public to he
白人妇女独立选民一票难求 In U.S. Presidential politics, President Barack Obama and his challenger Mitt Romney are making a final push for votes in battleground states where key groups, like female voters, could decide the outcome of the N
美总统大选佛州拉美裔选民态度分歧 In the upcoming U.S. presidential election, national polls indicate Latino-Americans overwhelmingly support President Barack Obama over his Republican challenger Mitt Romney. Latino support in the key
肯尼亚天主教反对消除小儿麻痹症运动 In recent years, the international campaign to rid the world of polio has been hampered in some Muslim countries by claims from some clerics that the polio vaccine is really an undercover campaign t
人工智能双刃剑 服务于人也伤人 The notion of machines rebelling against humans has long been a theme of science fiction books and films. But as advances in computer processors and memory chips rapidly usher us into the world of artificia
时尚摄影师用镜头寻找另一种美 Where do you find beauty? Fashion Magazines? Music Videos? One American photographer is finding beauty in unexpected places. And a new documentary about his work might help change the traditional standards o
克什米尔地区的温和巴士外交经久不衰 India and Pakistan are known for their tense relations, but one modest program aimed at bridging those differences in the hotly contested Kashmir region has endured for more than 10 years. 印度和巴
伊朗希望迎来国际游客增加收入 The deal struck between Iran and six world powers over its nuclear program should see sanctions against the country beginning to ease by next year and Iranians are hoping the lifting of travel restrictions c
俄航空业寻找中东顾客和盟友 As Russia's economy heads into recession, its defense industry is one of the few that seems to be prospering. And that was made clear at Russia's International Aviation and Space Show (MAKS) this week with the
索马里将禁止女性生殖器割礼 Hope at last for girls in Somalia as the government signals its intentions to ban female genital mutilation, a brutal practice girls in Somalia have been forced to undergo for years. 长久以来,索马里的女
水漫名屋:美国地标建筑受洪水威胁 The Farnsworth House in the Midwest State of Illinois is one of the most iconic homes in America. Thousands of tourists visit the site every year. Its location near a river inspired the design of the h
FIFA腐败案与反海外贿赂法 The FIFA indictments of 2015 and the Salt Lake City Olympic Committee scandal of 1998 share an important characteristic: both were the targets of a corruption investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice. 2015年的
赞助商对FIFA腐败表关注但不撤广告 Today, when news of a sports scandal breaks, it becomes a problem for everyone involved, including corporate sponsors and advertisers. They can pay a heavy price for their actions or inaction. 今天,当
国际足联未来之路:加大透明度 As American and Swiss authorities proceed with their criminal investigations against FIFA officials, the future of the organization and its leadership remains a mystery. Anti-corruption experts say FIFA must
钱从哪来?发展中国家须学会收税 Low-income countries are being called on to generate their own financial resources for development. One of the ways they can do that is through taxes. Its being discussed at the Third International Confer
战略考量影响希腊危机 When Greek and other European leaders came to the 17th hour of their all-night talks that culminated in an agreement Monday morning, their immediate concerns were economic. But experts say there were also serious strate
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