I think there are probably three key points here. 我认为有三个关键问题。 The first one is about the stories that we tell ourselves. 第一个关键是我们对自己的认识。 For so long, I told myself that I couldn't have an adventure

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I had a meeting with the president there, who told me about his exit strategy for his country. 我在那与该国的总统会面,总统也向我透露了他为国家制定的生存战略。 He expects that within the next 50 years, the 100,000 peop

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We know three things about intelligence. One, it's diverse. 培养人才有三个原则。第一,多样化。 We think about the world in all the ways that we experience it. 我们认知世界的角度不同。 We think visually, we think in sound,

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And even more, policy makers and the corporate sectors would like to see how the world is changing. 此外,政策制定者,各企业部门,都会想知道世界的变化。 Now, why doesn't this take place? Why are we not using the data we have

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And if we move back again, here, and we put on trails on them, like this, 我们再回到过去,给每个球画出运动的轨迹, you can see again that the speed of development is very, very different, 可以看到,发展速度的差距非常大

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Data is often better than you think. Many people say data is bad. 大家总说数据不准确,数据其实比我们想象的好很多。 There is an uncertainty margin, but we can see the difference here: Cambodia, Singapore. 数据是有误差,但

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But let me split sub-Saharan Africa. 下面把撒哈拉以南非洲地区分解成各个国家。 Health is there and better health is up there. 分布靠上边的国家拥有更高的健康水平。 I can go here and I can split sub-Saharan Africa i

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We heard it in other forms. And who are these? Where are the different countries? 这是个老问题了。中间这些人是谁?他们在哪些国家? I can show you Africa. This is Africa. 10% the world population, most in poverty. 先看非洲。

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Let me make a comparison directly between the United States of America and Vietnam. 现在我们对比一下美国和越南。 1964. America had small families and long life; Vietnam had large families and short lives. 1964年的美国家庭小寿命长

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Because the chimpanzee would score half right if I gave them two bananas with Sri Lanka and Turkey. 因为黑猩猩能得一半的分数,如果我给它们两个分别标着斯里兰卡和土耳其的香蕉, They would be right half of the cases.

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About 10 years ago, I took on the task to teach global development to Swedish undergraduate students. 大约在十年前,我担当起给瑞典大学生讲授全球发展的任务。 That was after having spent about 20 years together with African i

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So, we're learning lots new from the shallow water. 我们从浅海中学到了很多新东西。 Still exploring the deep, but learning lots from the shallow water. 继续来探索下深海领域,同时从浅海中学到很多新东西。 There's

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So this is what I could display here. 那么一起来看看。 I put fertility rate here: number of children per woman: one, two, three, four, up to about eight children per woman. X轴是生育率,每个妇女的育儿数,从每人1,2,3,4胎

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You didn't break it. It's just in a new position, 你没有破坏它,只是让它移到一个新的地方, and that new position can be just as beautiful. 这新的地方也可以是一样美丽。 Now, if you're no longer a traffic cop -- the pr

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It's probably as unlikely that you would nowadays become as rich and famous as Bill Gates, 今日你变得像比尔盖茨一样,有钱又出名的机会, as it was unlikely in the 17th century that you would accede to the ranks of the French aris

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What do you want me to say? 你们想让我说什么? Now, do you really want me to say now, tell you, Really, I swear I don't kick children. 现在,你们真的想让我说,告诉你们,真的,我发誓我不踢小孩。 Look at the worldv

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And what do you say? You say, you say, That's risky, kid. Might fail, kid. 然后你说什么?你说,你说,嗯...那样比较不保险,孩子。有可能会失败,孩子。 Don't make a lot of money at that, kid. I don't know, kid, you sho

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And so the sins of the parents are visited on the poor children. 然后父母的罪恶就在可怜的孩子们身上应验了。 Why will you seek refuge in human relationships as your excuse not to find and pursue your passion? You know why. 你为什

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For me they normally happen, these career crises, often, actually, on a Sunday evening, just as the sun is starting to set, 我经常对事业感到恐慌,周日下午,晚霞洒满天空, and the gap between my hopes for myself and the reality

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And the dominant kind of snobbery that exists nowadays is job snobbery. 今天,最主要的势利就是对职业的势利。 You encounter it within minutes at a party, 你在派对中不用一分钟就能体会到, when you get asked that famous

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