There are other reasons why it's perhaps harder now to feel calm than ever before. 还有一些其他理由让我们比过去更难获得平静。 One of these, and it's paradoxical, because it's linked to something that's rather nice, is the hope we

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I think we have to do something about a piece of the culture of medicine that has to change. 我觉得在当今的医学文化中,有一部份文化必须要开始改变。 And I think it starts with one physician, and that's me. 而这个改变可以

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There are a million pictures that I could click through here, 我有上百万张照片可以展示, and had to choose carefully -- this is one of my favorites -- of students learning, 可我得小心的选择--好,这是我最喜欢的一张--学生

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Fast-forward to Pennsylvania, where I find myself today. 快进到宾州,我现在住的地方。 I teach at the Science Leadership Academy, 我在科学领导学院教书, which is a partnership school between the Franklin Institute and the scho

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From Kansas, I moved on to lovely Arizona, 离开堪萨斯后,我搬到美丽的亚利桑纳州, where I taught in Flagstaff for a number of years, this time with middle school students. 我在Flagstaff小镇教了几年书,这次是教初中的学

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In the time that passes between when I was a kid in high school and when I started teaching, 在过去的这几年间,从我还在念高中到我开始教书的时候, we really see the advent of the Internet. 我们真的亲眼目睹网络的发展

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I have been teaching for a long time, and in doing so have acquired a body of knowledge about kids and learning 我从事教师工作很长一段时间了,而在我教书的过程当中我学了很多关于孩子与学习的知识, that I really

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That was fascinating. But how do you reconcile this idea of it being bad to think of someone as a loser, 说的真好。你要如何与自己和解,把一个人称为失败者是糟糕的, with the idea that a lot of people like, of seizing contr

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And the thing about a successful life is that a lot of the time, 常常,我们对一个成功人生的想象, our ideas of what it would mean to live successfully are not our own. 不是来自我们自己,而是来自他人。 They're sucked in

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Our heroes are human heroes. That's a very new situation. 我们的英雄是人类。这是一个崭新的情况。 Most other societies have had, right at their center, the worship of something transcendent: 历史中大部分的社会重心都是敬拜

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And I went to talk to them about certain of the great tragedies of Western art. 我去找他们聊聊西方艺术中最伟大的几个悲剧故事。 I wanted to see how they would seize the bare bones of certain stories, 我想知道他们会如何露

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My students produced these info-graphics 我的学生们制作了这些信息图表, as a result of a unit that we decided to do at the end of the year responding to the oil spill. 结果是我们决定以这个汇报作为我们学年的总结报告

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I'm drawn to a lovely quote by St. Augustine in The City of God, where he says, It's a sin to judge any man by his post. 我很喜欢圣奥古斯丁在上帝之城里的一句话,他说,以社会地位评价人是一种罪。 In modern English th

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You know, in the Middle Ages, in England, when you met a very poor person, that person would be described as an unfortunate 你知道,在中世纪的英国,当你遇见一个非常穷苦的人,你会认为他不走运, literally, somebody who

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I'm not even telling you the story because I think we should be running more carefully controlled randomized trials in all aspects of public policy, 我跟你说这个故事也不是因为我认为,我们在公共政策的各个方面,做随机抽样

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Well let me give you an example. 让我来给你们一个例子。 Imagine for a moment that, instead of Tim Harford in front of you, there was Hans Rosling presenting his graphs. 你们想象一下,现在如果站在你们面前的不是我,而是

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Five thousand products -- that's still nothing. 5000个产品,这还没什么。 Five thousand products -- imagine counting every product category in Cesar Hidalgo's data. 5000个产品,想象我们来数塞萨尔伊达尔戈数据中的每个产品

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So this is the complexity of the world that surrounds us. 所以这就是我们所处环境的复杂性。 This perhaps is why we find the God complex so tempting. 这也许正是为什么我们发现万能神力这么有吸引力的原因。 We tend

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You pump it at a high pressure through a nozzle. You create a spray of detergent. 你用高压将它压过一个喷嘴,你制造了清洁剂喷雾。 Then the spray dries. It turns into powder. It falls to the floor. 喷雾干燥后就成了粉末,

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We have no idea why it works, no idea at all. 我们不知道,为什么它那么高效,根本不知道。 And the moment you step back from the God complex -- let's just try to have a bunch of stuff; 当你不再认为自己有万能神力而是开

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