判断的标准, 定规, 尺度, 准则, 标准
n a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated
n the ideal in terms of which something can be judged



  1. Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.实践是检验真理的唯一标准。
  2. He thinks that the criterion of success is the ability to work joyfully.他认为成功的检验标准是看能否愉快地生活。
  3. We have a clear-cut criterion to go by.我们有个可供遵循的明确标准。
  4. The table shows the scoring for each criterion and criterion group.上表显示每一准则和准则组别的评分。
  5. The optimal systems differ according to the criterion chosen.按照所用准则之不同,最佳化系统便不同。


  1. What criteria do you use when judging the quality of a student's work?你评定学生功课好坏时用什么作标准?


  • criterion validity效标效度
  • damage criterion损伤分度标准, 损伤...
  • optimality criterion最优性判别
  • control criterion控制准则
  • decision criterion决策准则,决策基准...
  • convergence criterion收敛性判别标准...
  • criterion score标准分数
  • evaluation criterion评价标准
  • cycle criterion循环判据
  • test criterion检验判据
  • yield criterion屈服判据
  • origin criterion产地来源标准...
  • safety criterion安全标准,安全准则...
  • similarity criterion相似性准则
  • criterion register判定寄存器
  • design criterion设计准则
  • failure criterion故障判定标准,故障判...
  • error criterion误差准则
  • stability criterion稳定性判据
  • pollution criterion污染标准


  • Medical treatment and care..should be made available to rich and poor alike in accordance with medical need and by no other criterion.

    出自:A. Bevan
  • Hoping to find a criterion to distinguish statements from performatives.

    出自:J. L. Austin