At first, the elevator is standing still, so you and the scale are standing still. 一开始,电梯静止不动,你和体重计一样静止不动。 The two forces on you are equal and opposite. 你身上的作用力相等且相反。 You can rea

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Which is correct: A dozen eggs is? Or A dozen eggs are? 哪个是正确的:a dozen eggs 'is' 还是 a dozen eggs 'are'? I remember being in elementary school, and my teachers making a big deal about the unit. 我记得上小学的时候,我们老

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The important thing about units is that once we've made a new unit, we can treat it just like we did the old unit. 重要的是,一旦我们创造了新的单位,就能用旧单位那样的方法使用它。 We can compose composed units, and we

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Think back to a really vivid memory. 回想一个生动的回忆。 Got it? Okay, now try to remember what you had for lunch three weeks ago. 想起来了吗?好的,现在想想你三周前午餐吃了什么。 That second memory probably isn't a

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In the third millenium BCE, Mesopotamian kings recorded and interpreted their dreams on wax tablets. 公元前三千年,美索不达米亚国王在蜡质石板上记录并解释了他们的梦。 A thousand years later, Ancient Egyptians wrote a dr

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Once established in childhood, pairings remain fixed for life. 一旦在儿时建立了联系,关联感觉间的联系就会伴随终身。 Synesthetes inherit a biological propensity for hyperconnecting brain neurons, 联觉者遗传了在大脑神经

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Some of the issues that are important if you want to have people in space for long periods of time. 如果人类想长期置身太空,有几个重要的问题不得不考虑。 One is that people will tend to lose bone and muscle mass. 其中之一就

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Imagine a world in which you see numbers and letters as colored even though they're printed in black, 想像这样一个世界,你从中看到的数字和字母是彩色的,尽管它们是用黑色写下的, in which music or voices trigger a s

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The gas stings Iris, and suddenly, she can't help it, she starts weeping uncontrollably. 这种气体刺激着虹膜,来势汹汹,她无力阻止,于是她开始控制不住地大哭。 These reflex tears are different from the basal tears that

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Our story is about a girl named Iris. 我们的故事是关于虹膜女孩的。 Iris is very sensitive. So much that she is always in tears. 虹膜很敏感,以至于总是以泪洗面。 She cries when she's sad, when she's happy, and even tears

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But modulation networks are also activated that deliver endorphins and enkephalins, 不过调制网络也被唤醒,去传递安多芬和脑啡肽, chemicals released when you're in pain or during extreme exercise, creating the runner's high. 这些

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Let's say that it would take you ten minutes to solve this puzzle. 假如你要用十分钟完成这个拼图。 How long would it take if you received constant electric shocks to your hands? 如果你的手被持续电击,你会用多久完成它?

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A 13,000 mile dragon of earth and stone winds its way through the countryside of China 一条1万3英里的土石之龙蜿蜒于中国乡野之间, with a history almost as long and serpentine as the structure. 它的历史几乎与其结构一样悠

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Averaging 23 feet high and 21 feet wide, the walls 5500 miles were punctuated by watchtowers. 长城平均高7米,宽6米,5500英里的城墙中间隔着瞭望台。 When raiders were sighted, fire and smoke signals traveled between towers until

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Where did Russia come from, why is it so big, and what are the differences between it and its neighbors? 俄罗斯起源于哪里,为何幅员如此辽阔,它和其邻国有什么不同呢? The answers lie in an epic story of seafaring warriors

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With Vladimir's conversion and marriage to the Byzantine emperor's sister, 通过弗拉米尔的转变,还有他和拜占庭皇妹的联姻 as well as continued trade along the Volga route, the relationship between the two civilizations deepened. 以

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As far as we know, Medieval England was never invaded by ice zombies, or terrorized by dragons, 就我们所知,中世纪的英国不是被冰僵尸入侵,也不是受到恶龙的威胁, but it was shaken by a power struggle between two noble f

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All animals communicate. 所有动物都会相互交流。 Crabs wave their claws at each other to signal that they're healthy and ready to mate. 螃蟹相互挥舞钳子表明它们健康并准备交配。 Cuttlefish use pigmented skin cells called

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Their alarms calls indicate the predator's size, shape, speed, and, 它们的警报展现了捕猎者的大小、体型、速度 even for human predators, what the person is wearing and if he's carrying a gun. 甚至包括人类狩猎者的穿着,以

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She's only a few feet away. 她就在不远处。 The closer he gets, the more nervous he becomes, 他越走近越紧张, the budding zit on his nose growing bigger and bigger until it practically eclipses his face. 鼻子上才刚长出来的青春痘

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