美语怎么说:057 抛媚眼用英语怎么说
JESSICA: Lulu,What's up?
LL: 我要去赴约,有人请我吃饭!
LL: 那当然! 请客的是一对情侣,俩人是在我家的Party上认识的,所以我算他们的媒人,他们当然要请客啦! 当时,那女生一眼就看上那男生了,马上向他狂抛眉眼! 就是......呃......threw pretty looks at him...
JESSICA: Haha! 我明白了,She made eyes at him. To make eyes at someone means to flirt 1 with someone。
LL: 哦, to make eyes at someone就是向某人抛媚眼。 你知道么,有些人喜欢乱放电。比如我认识一男生,He makes eyes at every young woman he knows! 他对认识的女生都乱抛媚眼!
JESSICA: Oh yeah? I bet he also uses lame 2 pickup 3 lines to those women.
LL: Pickup line我听说过,就是跟女孩儿搭讪时说的话,对不对?
JESSICA: Exactly! For example, the typical pickup line at the bar is "can I buy you a drink?"
LL: 还有那句老掉牙的:小姐,我们在哪儿见过吧?
JESSICA: Haha! Seems like you've been asked this question many times!
LL: 呵呵。别说我了,还是说我那俩个朋友吧,真是有缘人,在我家见了一次面,就好上了!
JESSICA: They really hit it off!
LL: Hit if off? 打什么了?
Jessica: No. To hit it off means to like each other very quickly.
LL: 哦! Hit it off 就是一见如故,才聊两句就觉得特对路! 我这两个朋友--They hit if off instantly! I won't be surprised if the girl shows off her engagement ring to me tonight!
Jessica: Wow, good for her! Now tell me what you've learned today!
LL: 第一:To make eyes at someone 是冲某人抛媚眼;.
第二:pickup line 是和女孩儿搭讪时所说的话;
第三:to hit it off是一见如故。
1 flirt
- He used to flirt with every girl he met.过去他总是看到一个姑娘便跟她调情。
- He watched the stranger flirt with his girlfriend and got fighting mad.看着那个陌生人和他女朋友调情,他都要抓狂了。