音标:[rait] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
vt. 书写, 著述, 写, 写满, 写信给
vi. 写, 写字, 写信, 写作, 作曲
[计] 书写器
v. produce a literary work
v. communicate or express by writing
v. communicate (with) in writing
v. communicate by letter
词型变化:过去式 : wrote ; 过去分词 : written ; 现在分词 : writing ; 第三人称单数 : writes ; 名词复数形式 : writes



  1. I've been writing for three hours.我已经写了三个小时了。
  2. Nature inspired him to write such beautiful poems.自然赋予他灵感,使他写出如此优美的诗句。
  3. But there are some parts of the world where even now people cannot write.但直到现在,世界上有些地方的人们还不会书写。
  4. The new doctor smiled smugly as he continued to write on his clipboard.这位新医生得意地笑了笑,接着填写病例卡。
  5. Britten was born in 1913 and began to write music while he was still very young.布里顿生于1913年,很小就开始作曲。


  1. When he was very young, he began to learn to read and write.他很小的时候就开始学习读书写字。
  2. I'm afraid you wrote wrong.我担心你是写错了。
  3. He writes very well.他文笔很好。
  4. I should have written yesterday, but I was not fit.我本来应该昨天写信的,但我身体不舒服。
  5. I have been writing this week.本周我一直在写。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. My brother can write a good hand.我弟弟写得一手好字。
  2. Please write your name here.请把你的名字写在这儿。
  3. Let's write a notice of next Friday's meeting.我们来写一张关于下星期五开会的通知。
  4. Never before had she written so many complaints.过去她从来没写过这么多抱怨的话。
  5. Sticking to this principle, he has written many more songs.他遵循这个原则,又创作了许多歌曲。
  6. He wanted to write his own thoughts.他想把自己的想法写出来。
  7. He realized that he must feel with the people and write the music they need.他认识到他必须和人民同呼吸,创作人民需要的音乐。
  8. I have written my graduation thesis.我已经写完了毕业论文。
  9. She wrote us, saying she would be back the following week.她给我们来信说她下星期回来。
  10. I churned out hundreds of newspaper articles, along with a few books, to raise three children and write them through college.我在报刊上发表了多篇文章并写了好几本书,以稿费收入扶养三个孩子,并一直供养他们上大学。
  11. 1
  12. The message was written with pencil.这信是用铅笔写的。
  13. The book was written in German.这本书是用德文写的。
S+~+to- v
  1. I wrote to let them know that I was coming.我写信让他们知道我就要来了。
  2. Mary wrote to say that she had decided not to come.玛丽来信说她决定不来了。
  3. Bernard Shaw has just written to say he will do us an Irish play.萧伯纳给我来信说他要为我们写一出爱尔兰戏剧。
S+~+ v -ing
  1. He wrote asking me to come.他写信请我来。
  2. She wrote asking him if he had ever loved her.她曾就究竟他是否爱过她的问题写信问过他。
  3. He wrote thanking me for the present.他写信表示感谢我赠送的礼物。
  1. Dick wrote that he was coming back to Paris to stay indefinitely.迪克来信,说他要回巴黎长期呆下去。
  1. He wrote what he saw.他写下了自己目睹的一切。
用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
  1. I wrote my mother a letter hurriedly.我匆忙地给我母亲写了封信。
  2. He wrote me an account of his visit.他写信向我报道他参观的情形。
S+~+ n./pron .+to pron./n.
  1. Please do not mind my writing these opinions to you.我把这些意见写给你,请你不要介意。
S+~+ pron./n. +that-clause
  1. He had written his unit that we were coming and had made preparations.他给他部队写信说我们要去,已做好准备。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. + n.
  1. She wrote Beijing “Peking”.她把北京写作Peking。
S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
  1. He wrote her to come.他给她写信要她来。
其他v -ed as Attrib.
  1. The proposals were sent to them in written form.这些建议是以书面形式向他们提出的。
  2. On the next day they began the written part of the examination.第二天他们开始笔试。
  3. Written records show that acupuncture dates back to the Song Dynasty.文字记载表明,宋朝就已经有了针灸。
  4. There is no written agreement between them about this.关于这一点,他们之间没有书面协议。
  5. It was the first written constitution France had ever had.这是法国的第一部成文宪法。
  6. They were reviewing a lesson written on the blackboard in the Latinized Chinese phonetic script.他们在复习用汉语拼音写在黑板上的一篇课文。


write about (v.+prep.)
    写…的事; 写到…; 把(某事)作为写作的主题 write of; write on; have sb/sth as the subject of writingwrite about sb/sth

    He hoped they would write objectively about China.


    And now Gogarty writes about food difficulties in his town.


    Harry wrote about his adventures in the war every week.


write against (v.+prep.)
    写(文章)反对(某事或某人) oppose sb/sth in writingwrite against sb/sth

    You can be imprisoned for writing against the government.


write away (v.+adv.)
    连续写作 write continuouslywrite away for sth

    He wrote away for some catalogues.


    They wrote away for a fresh supply of penicillin.


    write away to-v

    I've written away to order the second edition of the dictionary.


    write away

    She wrote away all day, filling page after page.


    Don't interrupt him; he's been writing away all morning and likes to have a long period free of other considerations.


write back (v.+adv.)
    回信reply by letterwrite back

    Please write back as soon as possible.


    As we expected,Jim wrote back straight away to turn down our request.


    He writes me a letter every day, but I don't write back very often.


    write sb ⇔ back

    I received Mum's letter two weeks ago, but I couldn't write her back until the term exam.


    write back that-clause

    She has just written back that she's too busy to get away.


write down (v.+adv.)
    贬低(地位、重要性等)reduce (position or value)write sth ⇔ down

    Another wrote down his sincere wish in the visitors' book,“May our friendship last forever!”


    He has written down many of the things he has learned from them in scientific papers.


    If I didn't write them down,I might forget all about them.


    What you've said has been written down.Sign your name at the bottom of the paper.


    write sb down as n\u002e/adj\u002e

    Don't write me down as a fool!


    You say he is clever, but I'd write him down as ignorant.


    write sb/sth ⇔ down

    Though several critics have tried to write down the play, it is still very popular.


write for (v.+prep.)
    写信要求提供(货物、信息等) order sth such as goods, information, etc. by postwrite for sb/sth

    Do you like writing for children?


    write sth for sb/sth

    Part of the secretary's job is to write short reports for the director.


    The great musician wrote simple pieces for his young wife, when she was learning to play.


    write for sth

    She wrote for fun for many years before starting to write seriously for a living.


    write for sth

    After writing for the theatre for many years, he turned to the art of film.


    write for sth

    Have you written for the booklist yet?


write home about (v.+adv.+prep.)
    值得大书特书be sth especially remarkablewrite home about sth

    The entertainment at the party was something to write home about.


    His cooking is really something to write home about.


    The play was something to write home about .


    He told us that the exhibition was not bad, but it was nothing to write home about.


    The play was OK,I suppose, but nothing much to write home about.


    I've been busy, but nothing to write home about.


    I had a dull week—nothing to write home about.


    I've had a look at the dresses in the new boutique, but they're nothing to write home about.


write in (v.+adv.)
    将…插写进去insert in a written textwrite in

    To expose the corrupt dealings, you may write in to the reporting center.


    Some senior students wrote in asking for information concerning postgraduate studies.


    write sth ⇔ in

    He wrote in an additional paragraph at the editor's request.


    Any alterations should be written in neatly to the left side.


write into (v.+prep.)
    写进include sth in a written textwrite sth into sth

    That's only someone's personal opinion, we don't have to write it into the document.


    We will sign the agreement on condition that not a single word of racial discrimination is written into it.


write off (v.+adv.)
    毁掉; 结束掉damage sth badlywrite sth ⇔ off

    He wrote off three letters within ten minutes.


    She has written off an account of her trip.


    write sb/sth ⇔ off

    It may not be a bad thing that they write off their marriage before it begins.


    Do you think we'd better write off the party?


    They wrote the team off just because the boys of the team were too young.


    write sb/sth ⇔ off as n\u002e/adj

    She has made such a poor showing in her work lately that we have to write her off as negligible for the post.


    They wrote the meeting off as a failure.


    write sth ⇔ off

    They wrote the car off.


    He wrote off a pretty shabby kind of life by killing himself.


    In the accident, the car was almost completely written off and the driver was seriously injured.


    The plane was completely written off and the pilot died.


write out (v.+adv.)
    使(自己)竭尽才智无可再写 exhaust the ideas or resources of (oneself) by writing all one has to saywrite sth ⇔ out

    My mother always writes out a shopping list before she goes shopping, but she never uses it while shopping.


    He wrote out the agreement after its terms had been agreed to by both parties.


    The director has asked me to write out a report of the decisions taken at last committee meeting.


    The department requested that all teaching practice reports be written out before the end of the month.


    When the document is written out you may send it off.


    write sb ⇔ out

    They've written me out!The character I was playing dies in the third part!


    write oneself ⇔ out

    The author seems to have written himself out.


    The poet had written himself out before he was 30, and produced no other good poems for the rest of his long life.


write to (v.+prep.)
    按照(计划或规定,如时间、篇幅等的安排)来写plan one's writing of sth so as to fit or obey a plan or limit, as of time or lengthwrite to sb/sth

    He never failed to write to his mother every week.


    You're expected to write to us as soon as possible.


    I've been battling with my conscience for several days, and now I know I have to write to you.


    I shall write to them on hearing from you.


    I intend to write to the shop asking for an explanation of this bill.


    write to sb to-v

    He decided to write to the Ministry of Health to come.


    write sth to sb

    You haven't written one letter to me since the summer!


    write sth to sb

    Words have now been written to that well-known piece of music.


    write sth to sb/sth

    He wrote poem after poem to her beauty.


    The book was written to his children.


    write to sth

    Writing to a contract date is the only way some writers would ever finish a book.


    It is good practice to write to a certain length.


    write sth to sth

    The article should be written to a careful plan.


write up (v.+adv.)
    全部写出,充实报道make a full written recordwrite sth ⇔ up

    The first thing he does after class is to write up the rough notes he makes in class.


    Mr. Black wrote up their acting in the play.


    They wrote up the affair in the papers.


    Our experiment was written up into a report.



用作动词 (v.)
  • write a book写书
  • write a book report写读书报告
  • write a composition写作文
  • write a film script写电影剧本
  • write a good hand写一手好字
  • write a letter写封信
  • write a novel写小说
  • write a paper写论文
  • write a play写剧本
  • write a poem写诗
  • write a poor hand字写得不好
  • write admirably极为成功地写
  • write affectionately深情地写
  • write anonymously匿名写
  • write appealingly有趣地写
  • write artistically富有艺术创造力地写
  • write assiduously持之以恒地写
  • write authoritatively权威地写
  • write badly写得差
  • write barbarously无礼地写
  • write brilliantly高明地写
  • write calmly悄悄地写
  • write carefully细心地写
  • write characteristically具有特色地写
  • write charitably慷慨地写
  • write clearly写得清楚
  • write confidentially秘密地写
  • write confidently满怀信心地写
  • write conscientiously诚心诚意地写
  • write consistently始终如一地写
  • write contemptuously傲慢地写
  • write convincingly令人信服地写
  • write cordially真心诚意地写
  • write creditably值得称赞地写
  • write crudely无理地写
  • write cynically愤世嫉俗地写
  • write daintily斯文地写
  • write deceitfully不诚实地写
  • write deliberately有意地写
  • write depreciatingly不情愿地写
  • write determinedly坚决地写
  • write earnestly认真地写
  • write energetically有力地写
  • write enthusiastically全心全意地写
  • write exorbitantly极其过分地写
  • write expertly熟练地写
  • write expressly快速地写
  • write extemporaneously临时地写
  • write falteringly犹豫地写
  • write fascinatingly迷人地写
  • write genially亲切地写
  • write glibly圆滑地写
  • write gloomily忧伤地写
  • write graphically形象地写
  • write grotesquely可笑地写
  • write hesitatingly犹豫不决地写
  • write hurriedly匆忙地写
  • write ignobly不光彩地写
  • write impatiently不耐烦地写
  • write impiously不恭地写
  • write impudently厚颜无耻地写
  • write inadvertently非故意地写
  • write industriously勤奋地写
  • write ineffectually效果不佳地写
  • write ingeniously巧妙地写
  • write inscrutably高深莫测地写
  • write insidiously不知不觉地写
  • write instinctively凭直觉写
  • write intermittently断断续续地写
  • write involuntarily不由自主地写
  • write irresistibly不可抗拒地写
  • write laboriously努力地写
  • write languidly懒散地写
  • write laudably值得赞美地写
  • write left-handedly用左手写字
  • write listlessly无精打采地写
  • write ludicrously荒唐可笑地写
  • write magnanimously大度地写
  • write mechanically习惯性地写
  • write methodically有条理地写
  • write necessarily有必要地写
  • write painfully痛苦地写
  • write passionately热情地写
  • write philosophically冷静地写
  • write phlegmatically冷淡地写
  • write physically踏踏实实地写
  • write personally亲自写
  • write picturesquely生动地写
  • write prematurely提前地写
  • write pretentiously狂妄地写
  • write politely彬彬有礼地写
  • write poorly很少写
  • write professionally专业化地写
  • write punctually准时写
  • write realistically用写实手法写
  • write regularly定期地写
  • write rhythmically有节奏地写
  • write satirically讽刺性地写
  • write scientifically科学地写
  • write simultaneously同一时间地写
  • write sincerely严肃地写
  • write solemnly庄严地写
  • write superficially表面上地写
  • write systematically系统地写
  • write thoroughly详尽地写
  • write thoughtfully考虑周到地写
  • write tremulously大胆地写
  • write uncomfortably不自在地写
  • write unexpectedly意外地写
  • write unthinkingly不假思索地写
  • write urgently急切地写
  • write vigorously精力充沛地写
  • write away一个劲写下去
  • write back回信
  • write down写下来
  • write in插写进去
  • write off注销,取消
  • write off a bad debt划去无法收回的账
  • write out写出来
  • write out a speech写演说辞
  • write up把(姓名等)写在公共场合,把(笔记等)整理成文
  • write about写,描写
  • write about the war描写战争
  • write for为…写作,为…撰稿
  • write for magazines为杂志撰稿
  • write for the press为报刊写文章
  • write from one's own experience根据自己的亲身经历来写作
  • write in用…写
  • write in chalk用粉笔写
  • write of写,描写
  • write of the war描写战争
  • write on在…上写,以…为题写
  • write on mathematics写数学著作
  • write to写信给,为…填词
  • write to that shop写信给那家商店
  • write under a pen name用笔名写作
  • write with ease笔墨流畅


  • The cuneiform inscription is written in the Babylonian language.

    出自:British Museum Magazine
  • Roll on, thou..dark blue Ocean!..Time writes no wrinkle on thy azure brow.


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Grammar Girl here. Today's topic is how to write your first novel. Since youre listening to this podcast, you probably love the English language and the written word. And if you do, you probably have an itch to write that first novel. Well, you're no

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Suppose someone gave you a pen a sealed, solid-colored pen.You couldnt seehow much ink it had. 假设有人给了你一枝笔,一枝密封的、纯色的水笔,里面有多少墨水你看不到。 It might run dry after the first few tentative wo

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Writing is not easy. I do it everyday. 写作非常不容易。我每天都在写作。 And I can tell you, its quite a challenge. 我可以告诉你,这是一个相当大的挑战。 But, the more I do it, the easier I get to just write. 但是,我

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At the beginning of the third article in the Learn to Participate series, I stated the following: The gap between the ability to just explain and the ability to explain well is as wide as the gap between the image of an authoritative, stubborn, aggre

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She climbed up an oak tree and double back-flip The river drenched bikini sittin' pretty on her hips So we shared a Coca Cola sittin' on a log And I was wantin' to kiss her like an old bullfrog Did you say you're only here for a couple of days Well a

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今天我们要学的词是write off。Write off, 有取消、勾销债款的意思。负债累累的希腊无法偿还所有贷款, Private banks agreed to write off 50% of Greek debt last week, 上星期,私营银行同意勾销希腊50%的负债

发表于:2019-02-08 / 阅读(101) / 评论(0) 分类 英语单词荟萃

Write Your Own Life 书写你的生命 Suppose someone gave you a pen a sealed, solid-colored pen.You couldnt seehow much ink it had. 假设有人给了你一枝笔,一枝密封的、纯色的水笔,里面有多少墨水你看不到。 It might r

发表于:2019-02-18 / 阅读(141) / 评论(0) 分类 阅读空间

When I was fifteen, I announced to my English class that I was going to write and illustrate my own books. Half the students sneered, the rest nearly fell out of their chairs laughing. Dont be silly, only geniuses can become writers, the English teac

发表于:2019-02-19 / 阅读(137) / 评论(0) 分类 阅读空间

Suppose someone gave you a pen - a sealed, solid-colored pen. You couldn't see how much ink it had. It might run dry after the first few tentative words or last just long enough to create a masterpiece (or several) that would last forever and make a

发表于:2019-02-25 / 阅读(159) / 评论(0) 分类 阅读空间
alcohol block therapy
algological chemistry
anhydrous sugar
batch settling
bottom application
Burchard's test
carditella hanzawai
climatic rhythm
concrete layer
conical grinder
declaration of use
depth ruler for rudder checking
desired to undesired signal ratio
diamond glide
digitally programmable modem
dynamic shrinkage
en grand
essential manpower
evolutionary stochastic process
farther on
field verification
final age of the maximum forest rent
frames up
gas supply regulator
genus Haemodorum
global output
gravity wave manifold
high-frequency sputtering
hill-drop drill
hood type annealing furnace
hot flue
housing investment
I was glad to do it
isoamyl cyanide
jobbing chases
Kabīr, Nahr el
Keith process (for lead refining)
lithospermum arvens l.
loose order
magnetic delay line
Malek Kandī
meadow muffins
miniature bearing race
minimization of finite automaton
monochrome signal
open surface cooler
pass the hat around
plant irrigation with artificial light
plighted lovers
Poliny Osipenko
press out a dress
primary malnutrition
range rod
rape cake
redox equilibrium
Sauro, Torrente
secretory duct
servicing siding
sharpened patterson function
statistical factor in Breit-Wigner formula
statokinetic labyrinth
Séguéla, Dep.de
taxation bears hard
weak digraph
who laughs last laughs best
wild fowl
ZD programme
Zond spacecraft