单词:weighted average of post adjustment
单词:weighted average of post adjustment 相关文章
讨价还价 1、这个你要卖多少钱? How much do you ask for this? 2、太贵了,能否便宜点? That's too expensive! Can you come down a bit? 3、你这辆自行车卖多少钱? How much will you sell your bike for? 4、你想出多少
average brightness 平均亮度 average picture level 平均图象电平 averaging 求平均数 avionics 航空电子学 axial betatron oscilations 轴向电子感应加速岂荡 axial etch nonuniform
weak 疲弱;偏软 weak consumer spending 消费疲弱 wealth effect 财富效应 weight 权数 weighted average 加权平均数 weighted average of exchange rate 汇率的加权平均数 weighted m
value-added product 附加值产品 value-added tax [VAT] 增值税 value-at-risk model 风险数值模式 value-for-money 衡工量值;合乎经济原则;合乎经济效益;物有所值 value-f
It was bright morning. The sun shone down on the damp lawns and sidewalks, reflecting off the sparkling parked cars. The Clerk came walking hurriedly, leafing through his instructions, flipping pages and frowning. He stopped in front of the small gre
They crossed the street together, Ruth holding on tight to Ed's arm. Ahead of them was the building, the towering structure of concrete and metal and glass. There it is, Ruth said. See? There it was, all right. The big building rose up, firm and soli
She jumps into her bed. She is ready to sleep. She hears a noise. She looks out her window. She sees a dog howling. She goes outside. The dog is sad. His owner does not feed him. She gets the dog some food. She plays catch with him. His tail wags.
Well this could be listed as bad behavior in terms of publishing we talk about it earlier today. Princess Kate at the center of a photo scandal this morning. A German tabloid posting a picture of her,exposed rearend. It's in this dress. But we are no
trade surplus 贸易顺差;贸易盈余;出超 trade unit value index 贸易单位价格指数 Traded Options Committee [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited] 股票期权委员会〔香港联合交易
China will increase pension allowances for disabled soldiers, families of fallen soldiers and Red Army veterans, authorities said last Friday. 中国当局上周五表示,将提高对残疾军人、阵亡战士和红军老兵家庭的抚恤津贴。
H 合理预期 rational expectation 核心资本 core capital 合资企业 joint-venture enterprises 红利 dividend 宏观经济运营良好 sound macroeconomic performance 宏观经济基本状况 macroeconomic fundamentals 宏观调控 macroeconom
S 三角债 chain debts;inter-enterprise arrears 善政廉政 good governance 商业贷款 commercial loans 上市公司 (publicly)listed corporations 设备利用 capacity utilization 社会保障 social safety net;social security(insurance)
The National Development and Reform Commission on last Tuesday announced a rise in the per-ton retail price of gasoline by 165 yuan and diesel by 160 yuan. 国家发展改革委上周二发布通知称,将汽、柴油零售价格每吨分别上调1
The renminbis seemingly endless grind lower against the US dollar has been one of the financial stories of 2016, triggering a wave of capital outflows from China that Goldman Sachs estimates may have totalled $1.1tn since August 2015. 人民币兑美元
China has made plans to establish a central adjustment system for basic pension funds of enterprise employees to balance payment burdens of local governments. CRI's Victor Ning has more. Based on China's current pension system, a central adjustment f
Still, this uneven adjustment in the euro area could explain why both demand and inflation, 欧元区内的这种不均匀调整还能够解释,为什么一旦能源和食物价格被排除在外, once energy and food prices are excluded, have be
The authorities in Beijing have decided to open a public hearing later this month for the subway price adjustment. Authorities have discussed plans to implement a metered option for public transportation. This means Beijing will end the era of flat r
liquidation 清盘;清偿〔债务〕;变现〔资产〕 liquidation of an account 平仓 liquidation of margin account