音标:[set] ; 柯林斯词典等级:3 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 日落, 同伙, 组合, 集合, 装置
vt. 放, 安置, 放置, 设定, 使凝结, 点燃, 确定, 点缀, 使就位, 树立, 分配, 调整
vi. 日落, 凝固, 定型, 搁住, 结果, 适合
a. 决心的, 规定的, 故意的, 持久的, 固定的, 老套的, 准备好的
[计] 设置; DOS内部命令:改变或显示分配给环境变量的值
n. a group of things of the same kind that belong together and are so used
n. (mathematics) an abstract collection of numbers or symbols
n. several exercises intended to be done in series
n. an unofficial association of people or groups
词型变化:过去分词 : set ; 过去式 : set ; 现在分词 : setting ; 名词复数形式 : sets ; 第三人称单数 : sets



  1. He set aside the book and lit a cigarette.他把书放置在一边,点燃了香烟。
  2. How do we set the enrollment criteria?我们如何设定录取标准?
  3. We have set the date for the wedding.我们已经确定了婚期。
  4. We set a limit on the expenses of the trip.我们规定了这次旅游的费用。
  5. These instruments have been finely set.这些仪器是经过精密调整的。
  6. The manager set various tasks to the clerks.经理向职员们分配各项任务。
  7. I saw the sun set down inch by inch in the courtyard.我在院子里看到太阳慢慢地落下去。
  8. She had the sapphire set in a gold ring.她把那枚蓝宝石镶在金戒指上了。
  9. pig sty猪圈
  1. It may be a very simple or complicated set of instructions.这个指令的集合可能非常简单,也可能十分复杂。
  2. The set of types is the combined set from the two properties.该类型集是两个属性的组合集。
  3. The sun has rise and set.太阳总要有日出日落的。
  4. I received a set of gardening tools on my birthday.生日那天,我收到一套园艺工具。
  5. She has a set of false teeth.她有一副假牙。
  6. How many points is the winner to get before one set ends?要取得多少分才能算赢一局?
  7. The cast must all be on the set by 7 in the moring.全体演员必须在早上7点钟到场。
  8. She admired the firm set of his jaw.她喜欢他那副紧绷着下巴的刚毅神态。
  1. Please follow the set procedures when you use this product.使用该产品时请遵循规定的步骤。
  2. There is no set time limit on this.这个没有固定的时间限制。
  3. He is old and stubborn and set in his ways.他年老气衰,固执己见,做事方式一成不变。
  4. Are you set for the party tonight?你准备好了参加今天晚上的宴会吗?
  5. As people get older, they get set in their ways.随着年龄的增长,人就积习成性。
  6. His face took on a set expression.他脸上现出凝滞的神态。


  1. It will be cooler when the sun has set.太阳落山之后会凉快一点。
  2. We must get home before the sun sets.我们必须在太阳落山之前到家。
  3. The round sun was setting.圆圆的太阳正在落山。
  4. Outside the night was very quiet and still, and the new moon was setting.外面是寂静的深夜,一弯新月正在下沉。
  5. Dusk sets early in winter.冬季天黑得早。
  6. That star sets very early in summer.夏天那颗星落下很早。
  7. His star has set.他的好运已过。
  8. The jelly hasn't set yet.果冻尚未凝固。
  9. Use up the cement before it sets.要在水泥凝固之前把它用完。
  10. Concrete soon sets in dry, warm weather.在干燥而热的天气里,混凝土不久即凝固。
  11. Some kinds of concrete set more quickly than others.某些混凝土比其他混凝土凝结得快。
  12. His eyes set.他的眼神发呆。
  13. His character has set.他的性格已经定型。
  14. The apple won't set this year.今年苹果不结果。
  15. The apple blossom hasn't set well this year.苹果花今年没结多少果实。
  16. Our apple trees set well last year even though there was a water shortage.尽管缺水,我们的苹果树去年还是结了不少果实。
  17. The current sets strongly eastwards.急流迅猛东去。
  18. The new dress sets well.那件新连衣裙非常合适。
  19. Her behaviour does not set well with her age.她的行为和她的年龄不相称。
用作及物动词S+~+ pron./n.
  1. While her mother prepared the dinner,Mary set the table.母亲在做饭时,玛丽在桌子上摆上餐具。
  2. She set the food and drink before the guests.她把食物和饮料放在客人面前。
  3. She set the milk.她使牛奶凝固。
  4. The cook set the white of an egg by boiling it.厨师煮蛋使蛋白变硬。
  5. The doctor set his broken leg.医生把他骨折的腿接好了。
  6. The surgeon set her broken arm.外科医生为她接好断臂。
  7. The old man can set a broken bone.这位老汉会接骨。
  8. The boy set an insect butterfly.那个男孩把蝴蝶固定起来作标本。
  9. The girl likes very much to set a butterfly.这位姑娘十分喜欢用蝴蝶作标本。
  10. I help my wife to set her hair.我帮我妻子做了一个发型。
  11. The hunter sets his traps.猎人布置陷阱。
  12. They set the last week in July as the deadline for going to press.他们确定7月的最末一周为付印的最后期限。
  13. I'm setting a limit of three hours that you may spend on this essay.我规定你在这篇文章上花的时间不得超过3个小时。
  14. The club set $100 as the membership fee.该俱乐部规定会费为100美元。
  15. I'll do that, but only if we set a few rules.我可以干,但我们得定几条规矩。
  16. We can set some rules.我们制定了一些规则。
  17. Who will set the paper this year?今年谁出题?
  18. Let's set the alarm clock.咱们定好闹钟吧。
  19. He set the alarm for six o'clock.他把闹钟调在6点响。
  20. Please set the clock ahead.请把钟朝前拨。
  21. After winding the watch, he set it at eight o'clock.他上紧表的发条后,就把表针调到8点。
  22. When your plane lands in New York, set your watch forward two hours.飞机到纽约后,把手表拨快两小时。
  23. I always set my watch by the time given on the radio.我总是根据电台的报时校准我的表。
  24. She set the camera for a long-distance shot.她调好相机焦距,准备拍摄远处的目标。
  25. He set a new land speed record.他创造了一项陆上速度的新纪录。
  26. By allowing them to go unpunished we are setting a dangerous precedent.让他们不受惩罚,我们将开创一个危险的先例。
  27. I rely on you to set a good example.我全靠你来树立个好榜样。
  28. Rock stars often set popular clothes.摇滚乐歌星往往推出流行的时装。
  29. Have the printers set the type yet?排字工人把字排好了吗?
  30. 1
  31. The bone in his leg has not been properly set.他的腿骨没有接好。
  32. Has the date for the competition been set?比赛的日期定下来没有?
  33. The time and date of the meeting have not been set.开会的时间和日期尚未确定。
  34. What books have been set?规定哪些书要读一读?
用作双宾动词S+~+ n./pron. + n.
  1. Set Bob a task.给鲍勃分配一项工作。
  2. He set the boys some work.他给男孩子们指派了一些活儿。
  3. The teacher set the class various exercises.老师叫学生们做各种练习。
  4. The teacher set her students a hard problem.这位老师给她的学生们出了一道难题。
  5. Her behaviour sets us all a good example.她的行为为我们大家树立了良好的榜样。
  6. The old should try and set the younger children a good example.老年人应努力为年轻的孩子们树立一个好榜样。
  7. The teacher set the pupils a fine example.教师为学生们树立了好榜样。
  8. 1
  9. He was set the task of finding a way to balance the budget.分派给他的任务是叫他设法使预算的收支平衡。
S+~+ n. +to pron./n.
  1. A noble example was set to us.我们有了一个崇高的榜样。
S+~+ n. +for pron./n.
  1. It seems foolish to set that book for such young students.这么年幼的学生选用那本书是可笑的。
  2. Shall I set the table for dinner?— Yes, please, set it for six people.要我准备餐桌吗?——对,请准备6个人用餐的。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. + adj./adv.
  1. They made a raft and set it afloat.他们做了一个筏子,使它漂浮在水上。
  2. She untied the rope and set the boat adrift .她把绳索解开,放开小船。
  3. The fire was started by a small child who had set some paper alight while playing with matches.火是由一个玩火柴把纸点燃的小孩引起的。
  4. Please set the bird free.请把鸟放掉吧。
  5. They set those prisoners free.他们释放了那些囚犯。
  6. They loosened the prisoners' chains and set them free.他们打开犯人的镣铐把他们释放了。
  7. Who will set the people free from these cruel rulers?谁来解放这些受着残酷的统治者压迫的人民?
  8. They set him mad.他们使他疯了。
  9. If I make a mistake when I read out the results, please set me right.我读结果,如有错请指正。
  10. A good night's rest will set you right.好好睡一觉,你就会恢复的。
  11. The medicine will quickly set you right after your illness.这药将使你病后很快恢复正常。
  12. He set the mistake right.他把错误改正了。
  13. She set the matter right.她把这件事处理好了。
  14. We can set things right if we act immediately.如果我们马上采取措施,我们可以纠正错误。
  15. She said my name wrongly so I set her straight.她把我的名字说错了,我纠正了她。
  16. Set your hat straight.把你的帽子戴端正。
  17. They set the office straight before going home.回家之前他们把办公室收拾整齐。
  18. They set a post upright.他们把一根柱子竖起来。
  19. 1
  20. The dry undergrowth was set alight by the hot sun.干燥的林下植物被炎热的太阳点燃了。
  21. Her eyes are set very close together.她的两只眼睛长的距离很近。
  22. The general made the suggestion that the political prisoners should be set free.将军提议释放政治犯。
  23. Because of his good conduct in prison, he was set free before the end of his term of imprisonment.由于在狱中表现良好,他被提前释放了。
  24. He gave the command that the prisoners should be set free.他下令释放囚徒。
  25. Through the agency of friends, he was set free.在朋友的帮助下,他获释了。
  26. When an atom of U ̄235 is split, several neutrons are set free.一个铀235原子分裂时,释放出几个中子。
  27. The dog mustn't be set loose.这只狗不可以放开。
S+~+ n. + prep. -phrase
  1. He set his house in order.他把他的房子收拾得很整齐。
S+~+ pron./n. +to- v
  1. He set the boy to cut the tree.他指使那男孩把树砍掉。
  2. We set him to write a report.我们叫他写报告。
  3. He then set them to write reports on what they had done.他然后叫他们把自己所做的事写个报告。
  4. The teacher set the students to write a composition.老师布置学生写一篇作文。
  5. His appearance set people to stare at him.他的外表使人们都盯着他看。
  6. I've set myself to finish the job by the end of May.我已决心在5月底以前完成工作。
  7. Mrs. Smith set herself to produce a pleasant atmosphere.史密斯太太竭力想使气氛活跃。
  8. They set themselves to hunt down the traitor.他们自己去追踪叛徒。
  9. She set a match to fire.她用火柴点火。
  10. Set a thief to catch a thief.以毒攻毒。
  11. 1
  12. These books were set to be read by the class during the term.这些书是规定这班学生本学期要读的。
S+~+ n./pron. + v -ing
  1. The joke he said set me laughing loud.他讲的那个笑话逗得我哈哈大笑。
  2. His funny performance set everybody laughing.他滑稽的表演使每个人大笑起来。
  3. His clumsy mistake set all the girls giggling.他的笨拙的动作引得姑娘们咯咯地笑了起来。
  4. His behaviour set people talking.他的行动引起了人们的议论。
  5. The sudden noise set the dog barking.这突然的声响惊得狗汪汪叫起来。
  6. It's time we set the machine going.是我们发动机器让它运转的时候了。
  7. At that same instant, a deafening explosion set the windows rattling.正在这时,一声震耳欲聋的爆炸突然袭来,把窗玻璃震得当当地响。
  8. He set the factory going again.他使这家工厂又重新开工了。
  9. Blow, bugles, blow, set the wild echoes flying.响起来,号角,响起来,让激昂的回声在空中震荡。
  10. We must set things going.我们必须使事情有个开始。
  11. The old men having set the ball rolling, the others began to throw in their suggestions.老头儿们开了头,别人都纷纷出起主意来。
  12. 1
  13. We were set laughing.我们被逗得大笑起来。
  14. In the next few months the movement was set going throughout the country.在以后几个月中,运动就在全国开展起来了。
  15. I was set wondering by the remark that he let fall.他有意无意说出的那番话令我感到惊异。
其他v -ed as o-Compl.
  1. She is having her hair set for the party.她正在为参加聚会做头发。
  1. I want one more stamp to complete my set.我再有一枚邮票就凑成一套了。
  2. This set of the furniture is very good.这套家具非常好。
  3. These sets of machines are out of date.这几套机器过时了。
  4. Don't adjust your TV set.请勿自行调试电视机。
  5. I don't see your TV set.What happened to it?我没看到你的电视机,到哪儿去了?
  6. She went there to mend the radio set.她去那里修理收音机。
  7. He's not of our set.他不是我们一伙里的人。
  8. His is the sporting set.他那一伙人是体育运动爱好者。
  9. He used to be with a very fast set.他过去经常和一些不务正业的人在一起。
  10. He goes round with a rather wild set.他常和一群放荡人在一起。
  11. Hollywood has many old movie sets.好莱坞有许多电影布景。
  12. We need volunteers to help build and paint the set.我们需要有人自愿帮忙把布景搭起、画好。
  13. He was a set designer.他是一个布景设计者。
  14. Everyone must be on the set ready to begin filming at 10 o'clock.每个人都须在10点前到场作好拍摄的准备。
  15. Becker won the second set 6-4.贝克以6比4赢了第二盘。
  16. The group played a very impressive set.乐队演奏了一组非常动人的乐曲。
  17. Please I'd like a shampoo and set.请给我先洗头,然后做头发。
  18. A shampoo and set costs 8 pounds.洗头、做头发共8英镑。
  19. You'll get a better set if you use gelatine.如果你用明胶,会凝结得好些。
  20. You won't get a good set if you put too much water in the jelly.果冻掺水太多就凝固不好了。
  21. The wind had a western set.风一直在向西吹。
  22. The current had a northeasterly set.水朝东北方流去。
  23. The set of the tide is towards the shore.潮水正涌向海岸。
  24. Some fish like to swim against the set of the current.有些鱼喜欢逆水而游。
  25. The set of public opinion was now strongly toward peace.现在舆论趋势是强烈地要求和平。
  26. She's in the top set in maths.她在数学成绩最好的班上。
  27. The set {x, y} has two members.这个集{x, y}有两个项。
用作定语~+ n.
  1. Are the meals at set times in this hotel?这家旅馆是在固定的时间开饭吗?
  2. All his children must study at set hours each day.他所有的孩子都必须在规定的时间里学习。
  3. I was there before the set time.我在规定的时间之前到达那儿。
  4. The examination will have questions on the set books.考试将就指定的课本出一些问题。
  5. There is a set procedure for making formal complaints.要正式提出投诉是有固定程序的。
  6. She greeted her guests with a set smile.她作出一副微笑的样子向客人致意。
  7. He had a set smile on his face.他脸上带着假笑。
  8. He looked at me with a set stare.他凝视着我。
  9. Her face wore a grim, set look.她脸上显出严厉、木然的神情。
  10. She looked at the picture with set eyes.她目不转睛地盯着那张照片。
  11. The hotel offers a set form of service.这家旅馆按照一成不变的方式服务。
  12. He is an old man of set opinions and won't change his mind now.他是一位有固定见解的老人,现在他不会改变看法。
  13. I'll have the set lunch, please.请给我来个午餐套餐。
  14. We have come here for a set purpose.我们来到这里是有目的的。
  15. He thanked me in a number of set phrases for my help.他说了很多客套话感谢我的帮助。
n. +~
  1. There is a house set on a wooded hillside.在树木丛生的山坡上有一栋房子。
  1. Our plans for the new corporation are all set.我们对新公司的筹划已经准备妥当。
  2. Get set!各就各位!
S+be+~+ prep .-phrase
  1. Are you all set for the journey?你们都为旅行准备好了吗?
  2. The building is set back from the road.这栋房子离道路有一段距离。
  3. The house is set in beautiful grounds.这栋房子在一座美丽的庭院里。
  4. The woman is set in her opinions.这个女人很固执。
  5. The government are set against raising taxes.内阁坚决反对增加税收的意见。
S+be+~+to- v
  1. I was set to leave home when the news came.消息传来时,我正要离家外出。
  2. Are you all set to go to work?你们都准备好去上班了吗?
  3. The government is set to introduce new tax laws soon.政府打算很快就实行新税法。
  4. The temperature is set to drop very low tonight.今夜气温很可能降得很低。
  5. This issue seems set to cause serious embarrassment to the government.这个问题似乎有可能给政府造成很尴尬的局面。


set about1( v.+adv. )
    〈非正〉散布(谣言) spread bad news, rumors, etc.set sth ⇔ about

    Someone is always setting stories about that the Prince is to be married.


set about2( v.+prep. )
    攻击(某人),抨击(某人) attack sb verbally or physicallyset about n\u002e/v-ing

    How should we set about our work?


    We set about our task at once with great enthusiasm.


    I must set about my packing.


    Mother set about making tea.


    He set about writing his report.


    He asked me how he should set about learning the German language.


    I will set about seeing him off.


    set about sb

    If those boys steal any more of my fruit,I'll set about them with my spade.


    In a very forceful speech he set about his critics.


    Don't set about him; he doesn't know what's been going on.


set above( v.+prep. )
    认为…高于… consider sth/sb as being more important or worthy of attention than sth/sb elseMothers are well-known for setting the needs of the family above their own interests.众所周知,做母亲的总是把家庭需要置于个人的利益之上。
set across( v.+prep. )
    把…横在…上 place or move sth/sb into place or move sth/sb into a position across sthset sb/sth across sth

    If you do that again,I'll set you across my knee and beat you.


set against( v.+prep. )
    (使)与…为敌; 反对… make sb an enemy of sb else; oppose sth firmlyset sb/sth against sb/sth

    Set the sleeping child against his brother.


    I set the basket against the door, hoping that the housekeeper would find it.


    The plank was set against the wall.


    set against sth

    The trees looked bare and threatening, set against the darkening sky.


    set sth against sth

    Diamonds look best when they are set against black cloth.


    set sth against sth

    Setting the results against those of the last election, we can see a clear improvement.


    set sth against sth

    We must set the cost against the advantages of the new invention.


    But there is a disadvantage to be set against this fact.


    set sb/sth against sb/sth

    The civil war set brother against brother.


    She accused her husband of setting their children against her.


set ahead( v.+adv. )
    往前拨 move the hands of a clock or watch to a later timeIn spring we usually set the clocks ahead one hour to take advantage of the summer daylight.春季我们通常把钟往前拨一小时以充分利用夏天的白昼。
set among( v.+prep. )
    把…置于…中 place sth/sb in the middle of a groupset sb/sth among sb/sth

    If you set the boy among all those tall children, he looks even shorter.


    Let's set some white flowers among the blue ones.


set apart( v.+adv. )
    突出,区别 make noticeable or outstanding; distinguishHer bright red scarf set her apart from the other girls.她那鲜红的围巾使她在姑娘们中间显得特别突出。
set aside( v.+adv. )
    留出 keep sth for sthHe tries to set aside at least half an hour every day for jogging.他尽量每天留出半个小时用于慢跑。
set at( v.+prep. )
    认为…没有价值 consider sth to be of little valueset sth at sth

    The worshippers set their sacrifices at the feet of the god.


    set sth at sth

    The rate of interest is set at 11.5%.


    set sth at sth

    I set the value of the horse at 134 pounds.


    His income can be set at £9000 a year.


    set one's cap at sb

    It's no use that new secretary set her cap at the director, he's not interested in women.


    set sth at defiance

    One mustn't set the law at defiance.


    The prisoner's refusal to answer has set the court at defiance, and he must be punished.


    set sb at his ease

    His behaviour did nothing to set me at my ease.


    set sth at naught

    Most election promises can be set at naught.


    All our victories are set at naught if we lose sight of our principles.


set back( v.+adv. )
    花费 costHow much did your new bicycle set you back?你的新自行车花掉了你多少钱?
set before( v.+prep. )
    提出…供…参考 offer sth such as an idea for consideration or approval by sb or a group in powerThe government has set two choices before the voter.政府为选民提供两项选择。
set beside( v.+prep. )
    把…与…相比较 compare sth/sb with sth/sbSet beside the attractions of a place with continuous sunshine, living in this city seems very dull.与一个总是阳光明媚的地方相比,这个城市的生活显得十分阴郁。
set by1( v.+adv. )
    留出,拨出 save (usually money or time)I set the whole afternoon by for work on the book.我留出整整一个下午的时间来攻读那本书。
set by2( v.+prep. )
    把…置于…旁边 place beside sth/sbset sb/sth by sb/sth

    The mother set the toy gently by the side of the sleeping child.


    Please set these chairs by the window.


set down( v.+adv. )
    标出 mark sth on a plan, map, etc.set sb/sth ⇔ down

    He set down the heavy box and rested for a while.


    He set me down in a comfortable chair.


    They bought some drinks at the bar then set themselves down at a table.


    The desk was set down before the window.


    set sth ⇔ down

    We had to set down the rules for the behaviour of the members.


    You knew the hearing was set down today.


    set down

    We set down in a heavy fog.


    set sth ⇔ down

    The pilot was able to set the damaged plane down safely in a field.


    set sb ⇔ down

    Please set me down at the street corner.


    The second passenger asked to be set down at the church.


    set sth ⇔ down

    She listened attentively and set down every word he said.


    set sth ⇔ down

    The areas of future redevelopment are set down clearly on the map.


set down as( v.+adv.+prep. )
    把…认作为 judge sb to be a certain kind of personAs the man had rough hands,I set him down as a farm worker.这人双手粗糙,我认为他是个农场工人。
set down for( v.+adv.+prep. )
    为…确定… fix (a date) for (an event such as a trial); decide to hold (an event such as a trial) on (a certain day)set sth ⇔ down for sth

    13 April has been set down for the trial.


    Monday has been set down for the next meeting.


set down to( v.+adv.+prep. )
    把…归于… consider sth to be the result of sthset sth ⇔ down to sth

    I set his bad temper down to his recent illness.


set fire to
    放火烧,使着火 make sth catch fire
set for( v.+prep. )
    为…准备 prepare a table for a mealCan you set the table for supper?你摆好桌子准备吃晚饭好吗?
set forth( v.+adv. )
    展示,陈列 exhibit or displayset forth

    They set forth on their bike at once after breakfast.


    The troop set forth on their ten-mile hike early.


    They set forth in three small boats.


    set forth sth

    The Prime Minister set forth the aims of his government in a television broadcast.


    In his preface the author set forth his reasons for writing the book.


    His views were fully set forth in a written statement.


    set forth sth

    Many newly-unearthed cultural relics are set forth in the exhibition hall.


set forward( v.+adv. )
    往前拨 move or change (sth such as an event) to an earlier time or dateset sth ⇔ forward

    Why not set the table forward?


    set forward

    The climbers set forward towards the mountain in bright weather.


    set sth ⇔ forward

    He set forward several practical proposals.


    The committee's plans are set forward in the report.


    set sth ⇔ forward

    We shall have to set the meeting forward because of the holiday next week.


    set sth ⇔ forward

    Please set forward your watches an hour.


set in1( v.+adv. )
    驶向岸边 move towards the shoreset sth ⇔ in

    The builders set the panels in very carefully.


    Set the glass in carefully so that it fits the window frame exactly.


    set in

    Commerce in the urban districts has been carried on smoothly since winter set in.


    Fungus set in and killed the plants.


    You'd better paint the woodwork before decay sets in.


    An infection has set in, and his leg will have to be removed.


    set sth ⇔ in

    You'd better set in the sleeves first.


    set sth ⇔ in

    The scenery does not fill the space properly, we should set in an additional piece here.


    The novel is set in pre-war London.


    set sth ⇔ in

    The next three sentences should be set in.


    set in

    The wind began to set in at noon.


    The wind set in strongly.


    The current sets in towards the shore.


    set sth ⇔ in

    The captain set the ship in.


    It's time to set the ship in.


set in2( v.+prep. )
    排字 arrange for printing用于 be ~ed 结构
set off( v.+adv. )
    点燃,爆炸 become ignited; explodeset off

    When shall he set off tomorrow?


    We will set off at six o'clock tomorrow morning.


    They've set off on a trip round the world.


    We set off at dawn so that we could get to the coast before lunch time.


    Chichester set off once more in spite of his friends' attempts to dissuade him.


    set sb/sth ⇔ off

    She had stopped crying but his shouting set her off again.


    That strike set off a series of strikes throughout the country.


    set sb ⇔ off v-ing

    That set all of them off laughing again.


    Don't mention the war! You'll set grandfather off reminiscing for hours.


    set sth ⇔ off

    The gold frame sets off the painting very well.


    That dress sets off her jewellery to perfection.


    Her great wealth, as he thought, set off her plain face.


    set sth ⇔ off

    Be careful that you don't set the fireworks off by mistake.


    The children are setting fireworks off in the garden.


set on1( v.+adv. )
    开始雇用 begin employing (sb)set on

    The enemy is near us; now, set on!


    set sb ⇔ on

    He tried in vain to set on the crew of the ship to rebellion.


    I refuse to have that child to the party, he always sets the others on.


    set sb ⇔ on

    Trade was so good that the firm was able to set on more workers.


set on2( v.+prep. )
    攻击(某人) attack (sb)set sth on sth

    Set the plates gently on the table, they are very delicate.


    He set his hand on my shoulder comfortingly.


    He set the camera on automatic.


    set sth on sb

    I'll set my dog on you if you don't leave at once!


    He set the dog on the thief.


    set on sb

    The youths set on the old man and robbed him.


    She was set on by a thief in the park.


set out( v.+adv. )
    安排,组织 arrange or organize sthset out for somewhere

    They set out immediately for Rome.


    They set out for Britain yesterday.


    Early the next morning he set out on foot for Changsha.


    set out to-v

    The government has set out to make many needed reforms.


    set sth ⇔ out

    He set out all the pieces on the floor.


    John expects to have an opportunity to set out his plan at the next meeting.


    The room is set out with pictures.


    All the sales were set out on the stall.


    My plans for the firm have been set out in this document.


set to1( v.+adv. )
    打起来,吵起来 begin fighting or quarrellingTwo angry women set to and began to pull each other's hair.两个愤怒的女人相互吵架并开始彼此抓住头发厮打。
set to2( v.+prep. )
    谱曲 compose music forset sb/sth to sth

    She set a finger to her lips to signal silence.


    John set his lips to the class.


    He set a match to the dry timber.


    set to sb

    Set to your partner.


    set sth to sth

    The composer set a sonnet to music.


    Many of Burns's poems were set to music.


set up( v.+adv. )
    使恢复 begin or restore to normal healthYou need a holiday to set you up again after all that hard work. 干完那艰苦的工作之后,你需要有一个假期来恢复体力。
set up against( v.+adv.+prep. )
    决定与…竞争 decide to go into competition against (sb/sth)set sth ⇔ up against sb/sth

    Too much opposition was set up against the government's plan to control wages and prices, so that they had to cease it.


    set oneself up against sb/sth

    If you set yourself up against an international company of that size, you can expect failure.


set up as( v.+adv.+prep. )
    宣称是… claim (oneself) to be a certain kind of personset up as sb/sth

    It takes money to set up as a lawyer.


    set sb ⇔ up as sth

    His father lent him some money to set him up as a shoe-maker.


    set up as sb/sth

    He sets up as a leader in the scientific field, but many other scientists disagree with him.


set up with( v.+adv.+prep. )
    为…提供… provide (sb or a group) with (sth needed)set sb/sth ⇔ up with sth

    The new library can set me up with enough reading matter for a month at a time.


set with( v.+prep. )
    用…装饰… ornament sth with sthset sth with sth

    Her bracelet was set with emeralds.


    The sky was set with countless stars.


(a) set of
    一套,一伙 suit; suite; a band of people
make a dead set at
    设法得到 try to obtain sthJim intends to make a dead set at winning the tennis prize this year.吉姆打算设法赢得今年网球赛大奖。
the set of
    …的样式〔形状〕 the style of; the type of


用作动词 (v.)
  • set a broken leg接合断腿
  • set a date定日期
  • set a match点火
  • set a new record创造新纪录
  • set a pot放置锅
  • set a price标价
  • set a rule制定规则
  • set a test布置考试
  • set a trap设圈套
  • set a watch布置哨兵
  • set a wedding day定下结婚的日子
  • set an example树立榜样
  • set duty布置任务
  • set fire点火
  • set hat戴好帽子
  • set homework布置家庭作业
  • set house整理屋子
  • set problems布置题目
  • set rules立规矩
  • set sb's watch对表
  • set seedlings植苗
  • set seeds下种
  • set the alarm定闹钟
  • set the clock调好钟
  • set the controls调整,控制
  • set the fashion创新样式
  • set the goal确定目标
  • set the last week in April定在四月的最后一周
  • set the pupils problems给学生布置题目
  • set the questions布置考题
  • set the room收拾房子
  • set the selling prices定售价
  • set the stage设置舞台布景
  • set the table摆好桌子
  • set trap设陷阱
  • set work布置工作
  • set ablaze起火
  • set adrift使…逐流
  • set ahead向前拨
  • set ashore使…登岸
  • set forward提出,促进,把(钟)拨快
  • set forward the clock把时钟往前拨
  • set homeward朝回家的方向走
  • set awkwardly笨拙地装置
  • set calmly沉着地放置
  • set coquettishly卖弄风情地做样子
  • set cunningly巧妙地放置
  • set deliberately故意地放置
  • set firmly牢固地装好
  • set grimly严厉地规定
  • set heavily沉沉地落下
  • set illogically不合理地放
  • set ingeniously巧妙地装好
  • set intelligently聪明地放置
  • set intuitively凭直觉装好
  • set partially局部装好
  • set probably适当地放置
  • set quickly凝固得快
  • set rapidly迅速进入某种状态
  • set resolutely坚决地规定
  • set simultaneously同时放置
  • set slowly慢慢地进入某种状态
  • set temporarily暂时放置
  • set about开始,着手
  • set apart留出
  • set aside放在一边
  • set back拨回(钟表),使退步,使挫折,阻碍
  • set back the clock把时钟往回拨
  • set back the programme阻碍计划实施
  • set by搁在一旁
  • set down放下,卸下,记下,制定
  • set down a load放下担子
  • set forth出发,提出
  • set forth one's views阐述己见
  • set in流行,确立,走进
  • set in one's attitude about抱定自己对…的态度
  • set off动身,出发,引起,爆炸
  • set on唆使
  • set out动身,布置,提出,开辟
  • set out a garden设计花园的布局
  • set to开始努力干
  • set up建立,提出,贴出,引起,使振作
  • set up a factory建立工厂
  • set up a loud cry大声叫喊
  • set up a new theory提出新的理论
  • set about开始,着手,乱打(人)
  • set about cleaning the classroom开始打扫教室
  • set about learning English开始学习英语
  • set above将…置于…之上
  • set against使靠在…上,使与…对立
  • set a ladder against a wall把扶梯靠在墙上
  • set brother against brother使兄弟之间不和
  • set oneself against the people与人民为敌
  • set at sb袭击〔攻击、抨击〕某人
  • set before把…置于…之前
  • set for为…而安排
  • set a date for a conference决定会议日期
  • set a place for a guest为客人安排位置
  • set a date for a wedding为婚礼定下日期
  • set the papers for an examination出试题
  • set the table for dinner在桌上摆设餐具准备开饭
  • set a piece of music for the violin为小提琴编曲
  • set a diamond in a ring在戒指上嵌钻石
  • set flowers in a vase把花插在花瓶里
  • set the machines in motion开动机器
  • set sb in the way指点某人路途
  • set the targets of production定生产指标
  • set eyes on凝视(某人)
  • set sights on凝视某物,渴求(某物)
  • set a price on an article为物品标价
  • set one's hope on becoming a flyer渴望成为飞行员
  • set the wheel on the axle把轮子装在轴上
  • set one's heart on the common good一心为公
  • set eyes on the green hill望见翠绿的小山
  • set the lamp on the table将台灯放在桌上
  • set a match to a pile of dead leaves擦火柴点燃一堆枯树叶
  • set a poem to music为诗配曲
  • set a receiver to the ear把听筒放到耳边
  • set fire to the enemy's ammunition dump放火烧敌人的弹药库
  • set with为…提供
  • set the top of a wall with broken glass在墙头上嵌碎玻璃
用作名词 (n.)
  • accumulate set积累成批
  • acquire set获得一套
  • break (up) a set拆散一套
  • classify in set按系列分类
  • collect set采集种子
  • compile set编纂成套
  • complete set使成一套
  • compose set构成一付
  • consort in set配成套
  • constitute set组成一套
  • create set制成一套
  • cut set裁成一套
  • dispose of set处理掉一系列…
  • dissolve set拆散团体
  • divide set共分一套
  • effect set产生一系列
  • employ set使用整套
  • form set形成一套
  • fuse set使成批熔合
  • lose a set输一盘球
  • make (up) a set配成一套
  • play a set打一盘球
  • procure set购买一套
  • sort into set分成一套一套
  • strike a set拆除布景
  • supply set提供成套
  • weld set焊接成一套
  • win a set赢一盘球
  • academic set学术界
  • artistic set艺术布景
  • basic set基本格式
  • best set最优秀的一批
  • cold set冷凝固
  • complete set完整的一套
  • deplorable set可悲的一群
  • fair set一大套
  • fast set享乐阶层
  • intelligent set一批智者
  • literary set一批文学爱好者
  • military set军事布置
  • musical set一群爱好音乐的人
  • new set新的一套
  • poisonous set一群恶徒
  • prosaic set平凡的装置
  • shiftless set一群无聊的人
  • smart set最时髦的人
  • social set社会集团
  • the fast set不务正业之流
  • uncut set一套毛边(书)
  • unreasonable set一群不讲理的人
  • unwelcome set一群不受欢迎的人
  • wireless set无线电收音机
  • bedroom set一套卧室家具
  • bicycling set一伙喜欢骑自行车的人
  • brawling set一伙喧嚷的人
  • carpentry set一批木器
  • chemistry set一套化学用具
  • chess set一副国际象棋
  • command set(装在飞机上的)指挥无线电台
  • desk set一套办公用具
  • dinner set一套餐具
  • dresser set梳妆用具
  • gambling set一群赌徒
  • golfing set爱好高尔夫球的一伙人
  • hard-drinking set一伙酒徒
  • high-school set一群中学生
  • literary set爱好文学的一伙人
  • onion set洋葱块茎
  • racing set爱好赛马的一伙人
  • radar set雷达装置
  • radio set收音机
  • sending set发射机,发送机
  • shaving set一套修面用具
  • stage set舞台装置
  • table set成套餐具
  • tea set成套茶具
  • teen-age set一批十几岁的孩子
  • TV set电视机
  • toilet set卫生间里的装备
  • transistor set晶体管收音机
  • wall telephone set壁挂式电话机
  • a set of一副,一套,一群
  • a set of carpenter's tools一套木工工具
  • a set of circumstances一组情况
  • a set of cups一套杯子
  • a set of dishes一套碟子
  • a set of equipment一套设备
  • a set of false teeth一副假牙
  • a set of finger-prints一组指纹
  • a set of gardening tools一套园艺工具
  • a set of Mark Twain's short stories一套马克·吐温的短篇小说集
  • a set of problems一大批问题
  • a set of rules一套规则
  • a set of saucers一套茶具
  • a set of six dining chairs六把一套的餐椅
  • a set of stairs一组楼梯
  • a set of the tide潮水的方向
  • the set of a hat帽子的样式
  • the set of a person's shoulders某人肩部的形状
  • the set of the coat上装的款式
  • the set of the hills丘陵的形状
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • set battle对阵战
  • set form固定的格式
  • set frown皱紧眉头
  • set hours既定的钟点
  • set phrase固定的短语
  • set policy既定方针
  • set purpose预定的目标
  • set rains连绵不断的雨
  • set smile面带假笑
  • set speech事先准备好的演讲
  • set subjects规定的主题
  • set stare凝视
  • set time固定时间
  • set wage固定工资
  • set in one's way一成不变


  • A girl..who made a dead set at me.

  • A direct set upon Phil was made by the satirical young rogues.

    出自:A. Mayhew
  • Almost every member of the British Press made a dead set for the hosiery counter.

  • A set of smugglers, gipsies, and other desperadoes.

    出自:Sir W. Scott
  • He moved in a fast set of hard-smoking and hard-swearing cronies.

    出自:C. Connolly
  • All the girls..in her set round the village are buying Miele dishwashers.

    出自:M. Bradbury
  • A well-designed set out table!

    出自:B. H. Malkin
  • Those believers..who will not..deal with a set-apart ministry.

    出自:G. Priestland
  • Who setting us upon Camels, conducted us to Mazna.

    出自:S. Johnson
  • Set a beggar on horseback, and he'll ride to the Devil.


backset, n 挫折,倒退;涡流,逆流=check 【记】backset=set back-倒退 【反】hike(n 远足,增加)

发表于:2018-12-30 / 阅读(136) / 评论(0) 分类 不择手段背单词

说一口流利的英语,从简单的单词开始。 听听,读读,背背,今天你的词汇量又增加了5个。 单词/词义 中英例句 单词听读 whom [ hu:m ] I don't know to whom I o

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说一口流利的英语,从简单的单词开始。 听听,读读,背背,今天你的词汇量又增加了5个。 单词/词义 中英例句 单词听读 miss [ mis ] I'm sure that everybody w

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My New Set of Wheels There you stand, and I see you stare Thinking, poor dear, she's stuck in that chair. But I'm not sad, I'm very happy because I haven't forgotten the way it was. You'd want to go shopping, all over town, I was thinking but there'

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set of wheels free-wheeler Wheel是轮子的意思。轮子是在很久以前就发明的,现在都没有人记得到底是谁发明了轮子。可是,轮子的发明对人类做出了非常大的贡

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LONDON, Feb. 9 (Xinhua) -- Reigning Olympic champion and world record holder Dayron Robles will go head-to-head with reigning world indoor champion Liu Xiang of China in a blockbuster 60m hurdles race at the Aviva Grand Prix next Saturday. It will be

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Chinese authorities have said that all those still serving time in labour camps will be released today. But they added that the penalties handed out before the abolition of the labour camps will still be considered legitimate. The Vice director of th

发表于:2019-02-03 / 阅读(121) / 评论(0) 分类 CCTV9英语新闻2013年12月

李华正在为朋友的生日party做准备,她生平第一次烤了一个蛋糕。今天李华会学到两个常用语:from scratch和all set. LH: Larry, 这是我烤的蛋糕,你尝尝。这可

发表于:2019-02-03 / 阅读(241) / 评论(0) 分类 美国之音《流行美语》

今天我们要学的词是 dead set. Dead set的意思是铁了心的,坚决的。She wanted to move to Los Angeles but her parents were dead set against it. 她想搬去洛杉矶住,但她父母坚决反对。畅销小说《格雷的50道阴影》

发表于:2019-02-04 / 阅读(97) / 评论(0) 分类 英语单词荟萃

MADRID, Jan. 7 (Xinhua) -- FC Barcelona face one of the most difficult games of the season when they face city rivals Espanyol on Sunday night. Newly crowned World Club Champions, Barca travel to the Cornella-El Prat Stadium after starting the weeken

发表于:2019-02-06 / 阅读(169) / 评论(0) 分类 英语新闻

United Nations peacekeepers prepared to leave the border between Ethiopia and Eritrea, with the mission's mandate set to expire at midnight. As Derek Kilner reports from VOA's East Africa bureau in Nairobi, the governments of both Eritrea and Ethiop

发表于:2019-02-12 / 阅读(106) / 评论(0) 分类 VOA标准英语2008年(八月)

By Steve Herman New Delhi 10 June 2008 Former prime minister of Bangladesh Sheik Hasina is awaiting release from jail so she can seek medical treatment outside the country. The Awami League matriarch had been facing trial on corruption charges, as p

发表于:2019-02-12 / 阅读(125) / 评论(0) 分类 VOA标准英语2008年(六月)

音乐咖啡厅:Hey Monday - Set Off 相关介绍:Hey Monday是近来比较优秀的一支女声流朋乐队, 签约于Decaydance唱片公司, 成为Fall Out Boy, Panic at Disco, The Academy Is...等的同门师妹, 也是Decaydance旗下继The Hus

发表于:2019-02-18 / 阅读(192) / 评论(0) 分类 音乐咖啡厅
air exposure
amphiubolic pathway
Barber, Samuel
be agreeably disappointed
Blue Caps
california bearing ratio (cbr)
chronic pleurisy
clear the debt
coastal jet
colletotrichum medicaginisdenticulataae sawada
condensed deposit
conical key
cross-flow header
destroy the conifers
dew-point formula
diamond model
exciter armature
facies hepatica
familial immunity
fire line
flight inspection
gets along
head-tail instability
hoe wheel
identical element
infected abortion
intuition thinking
keel slab
ladder tape
lifting line theory
low pressure-charging
magnetic disk
micro split image
mistake in programming
morbus constitutionalis
mosaic floor
mucuna deeringianas
negative temperature laser
neomorphic texture
neophyte pilot
non-reversible frequency changer
oil purifying system
open-ended system design
operational design and analysis
oxidation waste
Phormidium papyraceum
physics of the Earth
pipethread protector
Possession I.
pre-access filtration system
prediction probability
random change
reseal voltage
residual term
sambucus pubenss
scrap metal processor
sea squill
search and rescue missions
session initiation
Stephania brevipedunculata
supplementary civil action
surface soils
tap-leakage algorithm
to mime
total net inflow volume
unreducible expression
webbed chain
zero age main sequence