单词:ratio of cost of capital borrowed to borrowed capital
单词:ratio of cost of capital borrowed to borrowed capital 相关文章
73. books I borrowed two books in the library. looks Do you usually judge people by their looks? likes He likes to gamble.
Unit 8 [00:38.01]The lost library book [00:41.95]Peter,Patsy's friend,has used the school library since September. [00:49.71]Yesterday,in the library lesson,Miss Qin said, [00:55.88]'You haven't returned The Time Machine, Peter.' [01:02.43]'I don't r
Many people___ to stay in a hotel when they are out___. Some don't. Monica tells her___ night's sleep. Although she didn't choose it,it turned out to be___ beautiful. My most unusual night's sleep was some years ago when I I went for an___ with my bo
Jack was angry. Joe owed him money. Joe owed him $100. Joe had borrowed $100 a month ago. He had borrowed the money 30 days ago. He said he would pay Jack back the next week. He said that he would pay Jack back in seven days. But he didnt pay Jack ba
一贯原则 consistency 人名帐户 personal account 工作底稿 working paper 已承兑汇票 accepted draft/bill 已发行股本 issued capital 己催缴股本 called-up capital 己缴股本 paid
call 催缴股款 called-up capital 己催缴股本 calls in arrear 欠付催缴股款 capital 资本 capital employed 动用资金 capital expenditure 资本支出 capital redemption reserve fund 赎回
[00:01.45] [00:04.40]Review and Evaluation [00:08.23]Sue has a problem.苏有一个麻烦. [00:10.48]She asks Daniel for advice.她想丹尼尔求助. [00:13.69]Listen and check the correct answer. [00:17.72]Hey,Daniel.I have a problem.你好丹尼尔
[00:05.69]Lesson 69 Reading THE NECKLACE(1) [00:13.74]Scene 1 [00:16.61]A park in Paris,1870.Jeanne(J) is sitting in the park. [00:23.98]Mathilde(M) walks towards her. [00:28.34]Good afternoon,Jeanne. [00:31.58](Looking at the other woman) I'm sorry,
按揭贷款 mortgage loan 按揭购房 to buy a house on mortgage; to mortgage a house 房屋空置率 housing vacancy rate 安居工程 Comfortable Housing Project 板楼,板式楼 slab-type apartment building 搬迁户 a relocated unit or househ
恶性通货膨胀 hyperinflation 二级市场 secondary market 发行货币 to issue currency 发行总股本 total stock issue 法定准备金 required reserves;reserve requirement 法人股 institutional shares 法人股东 institutional sharehold
Lesson 9 Around Town 第九课 城镇地标 January 21 1月21日 On the Ice 冰上运动 Read it! 读读看! At the hockey rink, Alex puts on Rob's skates. 在曲棍球场,亚力克斯套上了罗柏的溜冰鞋。 Their feet are about the same s
calendar year figure 历年数字 call 催缴通知;认购期权 call deposit 通知存款;活期存款 call loan 短期同业拆借;通知贷款 call margin 补仓;追加保证金 call market
Y 养老基金 pension fund 一刀切 universal application;non-discretionary implementation 一级市场 primary market 应收未收利息 overdue interest 银行网点 banking outlets 赢利能力 profitability 营业税 business tax 硬贷款(商业
Hong Kong is the world's most expensive city for expats, leapfrogging Angolan capital Luanda in the annual chart compiled by consultancy firm Mercer. 根据咨询公司美世的年度图表显示,对外籍人士而言,香港超越了安哥拉首都
net capital 资本净值;资本净额 net cash balance 现金结余净额 net chargeable income 应课税入息实额 net claims paid 已偿付申索净额 net clearing balance 净结算差额 net c
Electricity is taken for granted in much of the world. But in a country going through a devastating war like Syria, providing this simple necessity is a daily challenge for workers struggling to keep the power. Generating stations and cables are targ
本期内容: DeutscheBank,Germanysbiggestlender,agreedtosellits20%stakeinHuaXia,aChinesebank,toPICCPropertyandCasualty,aninsurer,for23billionyuan.ThesalewillbolsterDeutschescapitalratio.JohnCryan,itsnewishchiefexecutive,hasalreadyannouncedbigjoblo
金融英语考试之金融阅读辅导之金融市场 The financial markets in China are still in their infancy, with many areas that do not have the legal framework required to begin operations. A financial market is a market created for the exch