单词:on-topic 相关文章
Topic 003 客人来访 Vistors 利萨是丹尼尔家的远房亲戚,彼此有三年时间没见过面了。她现在是北京大学一年级的学生,利用课余时间去拜访丹尼尔一家。 Listen Read Learn Benjamin: Lisa, I'm so glad to see you. How are you doing? Lisa: Fine. I miss you so much,
丹尼尔在社区遇见了他的同班同学汤姆并告诉了阿美有关汤姆的绰号。那他们之间又发生了什么好玩的事呢? Listen Read Learn Daniel: Pig Tom is over there. May: Pig Tom? Daniel: That's Tom's nickname. May: You are always a naughty boy. Daniel: It's just me. (
Hey, I almost forgot Oh, its nearly slip to my mind Oh, I knew there were something I meant to tell you. Oh, I know what I meant to tell you. Oh, before I forgot Oh, while I remember By the way Incidentally Well, lets talk about something different.
停车场的故事还真不少,这不,好像以前也发生了一些小事故,还真是无巧不成书! Listen Read Learn Mr. Li: I am sorry for damaging your car, sir. Benjamin: Don't worry about it. Just leave it to the insurance companies. Mr. Li: The car park in this commun
另一碗虾球端上来了。丹尼尔和汤姆竟然数起了碗里虾球的数目,如果要是少一个就叫餐馆再赔一碗。结果怎么样呢!这真能如他们所愿吗? Listen Read Learn Daniel: Here comes the other bowl. Waiter: It is seasoned with more salt, as you required. Daniel: Great!
Version 01 Old person describe an old man influenced you 1.who was he 2.when did you know him 3.what he did and explain why he influeced you Version 02 City 1. where it is located? 2. what special for
A preacher was asked to give a talk at a local women's health symposium. His wife asked about his topic, but he was too embarrassed to admit that he had been asked to speak about sex. Thinking quickly
part 2: describe a gift that you have received which make you feel special? what the gift is? who gave it to you? why the person gave it to you? why the gift means so much to you? part 3: 1.中国人
part 2: describe a film you enjoyed a lot what's the topic of a film that you have ever seen? what the story was about? is it sad or happy? when and where you saw it? why do you like it? part 3: 1
part 2: describe an interesting city where it is what you can do there its general feature and explain why you would recommend someone to see it. part 3: 1.你觉得城市和乡村有什么最大的
为了备考7月9日的ielts,总结了一些2005年来在澳洲考的口语topic,跟大家共享,并且欢迎补充,为继续奋战的鸭子们尽点微薄之力...... Speaking Topic in Austra
1, test number 事先要把你的号码用英语读得非常流利 2,name 告诉他你名字的特殊含义,还有最好是告诉他你的family name 3, student or work , 程度, where are you
part 2: describe a change in your own life? what is it? what's the effections on you? how do you feel about it? explain why it is important? part 3: 1.what do you think the main changes over the p
丹尼尔和汤姆找到了李老师推荐的那本书。它到底符不符合丹尼尔的要求呢?最后他们买了吗? Listen Read Learn Tom: Have you found the book recommended by Mrs. Li? Daniel: 30 Nights on Nightmares? No. Tom: Mrs. Li said it was a good self-help book aiming at
再教育和就业 Reeducation and Employment 在中国,人才市场和再教育确实变得越来越流行。随着发展的深入,以及对提高生活水平的技术需求,这就变得必需了。 Listen Read Learn During the course of our lives, we must make many choices that we may come to regret
职业教育和社会进步 Vocational Education and Social Progress 参加职业培训在中国已经逐渐成为普遍的现象。 Listen Read Learn The use of vocational schools is a growing phenomenon in China. Despite the large number of university graduates in China, the u
雪莉吃不惯公司的工作餐,于是叫了好朋友简到外面的大排档吃中饭,两个人对于吃的观念好像很不一样,一起来看看吧。 Listen Read Learn Jane: How do you like the food sold in this sidewalk snack booth? Shirley: At least, it is better than my boxed lunch at w
A preacher was asked to give a talk at a local women's health symposium. His wife asked about his topic, but he was too embarrassed to admit that he had been asked to speak about sex. Thinking quickly, he replied, I'm talking about sailing.Oh, that's
a special day part 3: 1.what do you think the balance among study,friends,family? 2.what's the difference between study in modern time and that in 20 years ago? 3.how to relax yourself in normal tme
part 2: describe an old man you are familar with. who he/she is? how you get to know him/her? how he/she have influence on you? part 3: 1.what is the different attitute between the younger and the o