音标:[leiz] ;
v. 打赌( lay的第三人称单数 ); 提出; 放置; 铺
n a narrative song with a recurrent refrain
n a narrative poem of popular origin
v put into a certain place or abstract location
v put in a horizontal position
v prepare or position for action or operation
v lay eggs
v impose as a duty, burden, or punishment



  1. You may lay it on the table.你可以把它放在桌子上。
  2. I lay down not so much to sleep as to think.我躺下来与其说是要睡觉,倒不如说是要思考。
  3. I'll lay odds of three to one that he gets the job.我以三比一的赔率打赌,他能得到那份工作。
  4. He showed us how to lay out a printed page.他告诉我们怎样设计版面。
  5. Surveyors lay out Wall Street along the line of the stockade.测量员沿着栅栏设计出墙街。
  6. They lay eggs from the beginning of July to the middle of August.它们在7月初到8月中这段时间产卵。
  1. He knows the lay of the land here.他了解这里的地形。
  2. Lay more emphasis on combating corruption and advocating integrity.把反腐倡廉放在更加突出的位置上。
  3. A lay figure can be placed in any position, or attitude, and clothed in any costume and thus serves as a model for the drapery.人体模型可以放在任何位置,摆成任何姿势,穿上任何服装,作为服装店的模特儿。
  1. A lay opinion as to the seriousness of the disease.关于这种疾病的非专业的意见
  2. The lay public must be convinced that this is right and beneficial, and the medical fraternity must be held to the standards of the subuniverse.世俗的大众将会相信这是对的并有利的,而医学会友维持在此次级共同体的标准上。


  1. Are your hens laying well?你的母鸡下蛋多吗?
  2. The hens are not laying well at the moment.现在这些鸡下蛋不多。
  3. You can't feed a hen in the morning and expect it to lay in the afternoon.你不能期望上午喂鸡,下午就生蛋。
用作系动词S+~+ adj.
  1. He lays dead.他躺着快要死了。
  2. The snow lays thick on the ground.雪厚厚地铺在地上。
  3. Some books lay loose.一些书松开了。
  4. The fallen leaves lay wet.落叶湿了。
  5. The carpet lays smooth.毯子铺得很平整。
S+~+ v -ed
  1. They lay scattered.他们散开了。
用作及物动词S+~+ n.
  1. Lay these pots along the verandas.把这些花盆沿走廊放。
  2. We all helped her to lay supper.我们都动手帮她摆好晚餐。
  3. Will you lay the table?你摆餐具好吗?
  4. Who will lay the linoleum?谁将铺设地板油毡?
  5. The workers are laying the tracks.工人们正在铺铁轨。
  6. Recently they have laid an underground pipeline.最近他们铺设了一条地下管道。
  7. It was in winter that they dug trenches and laid the oil pipes.他们是在冬天挖沟铺设油管的。
  8. This workman is able to lay bricks very quickly.这位工人能快速地铺砖。
  9. He had laid the foundation of his future success.他已为未来的成功打下了基础。
  10. The prisoners laid an escape plan.囚犯们制定出越狱计划。
  11. He laid the design of the book.他已拟好该书的纲要。
  12. The earthquake laid the city.地震把城市夷为平地。
  13. The rain quickly laid the dust.雨水很快荡涤了空中飞扬的尘土。
  14. Sprinkle water on the road to lay the dust.洒水于路上,以免灰尘飞扬。
  15. His statement laid the rumor.他的声明澄清了这一谣言。
  16. The hens lay eggs every day.这些鸡每天都下蛋。
  17. Her hen lays an egg every other day.她的鸡隔天下一个蛋。
  18. Last week they laid 30 eggs, but this week the hens aren't laying.上星期那些母鸡下了30个蛋,但本周没有下蛋。
  19. The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds' nests.杜鹃在别的鸟巢中产卵。
  20. A turtle lays many eggs at one time.海龟一次生很多蛋。
  21. Several months later, the larvae became fully grown and the adults began to lay eggs.几个月后幼虫长成成虫,开始产卵。
  22. They lay this misfortune at your door.他们把这一不幸归咎于你。
  23. 1
  24. The country was laid in ruins.这个国家成了一片废墟。
  25. The books have been lying here ever since they were laid here.这些书自放在这里之日起,一直在这里未动过。
  26. A new submarine cable was laid from England to Holland.英国至荷兰间铺设了新的海底电缆。
  27. A preliminary groundwork must be laid this year.今年要打好初步基础。
  28. A few days after the eggs are laid, young frogs which are called tadpole come out of them.卵产下几天以后,称为蝌蚪的青蛙幼虫就从卵里出来了。
  29. The scene of the story is laid in the old liberated areas in Jiangxi.这个故事以江西老解放区为背景。
  30. Her fears were soon laid.她的恐惧很快平息了下来。
用作双宾动词S+~+ n./pron. +(that-)clause
  1. I lay you he is wrong.我和你打赌,他错了。
  2. I'll lay five pounds that you don't succeed.我出5英镑打赌,你不会成功。
  3. He lays five dollars that she will not come.他赌五美元,她不会来。
  4. I lay ten yuan Tom is wrong.我赌10元,汤姆错了。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n. +(to be) adj./v -ed
  1. The enemy laid waste the whole area by fire.敌人纵火烧毁了整个地区。
  2. I'll lay the plots open.我要揭发那阴谋。
  3. Presently he laid the paper carefully folded across his knees and closed his eyes.不久他把这张报纸仔细对折好,放在膝盖上,合上了眼睛。
  4. They laid bare the enemy's design.他们使敌人的计划暴露了。
  5. 1
  6. The trees were laid flat by heavy wind.树木被风刮倒了。
  7. Crops were laid flat by heavy rainstorms.作物被暴风雨击倒了。
  8. His head was laid open.他的头受伤了。
  9. The mystery was soon laid bare.秘密很快被披露。


lay about1 (v.+adv.)
    乱打 strike wildly with sthlay about

    He laid about with a stick.


lay about2 (v.+prep.)
    猛攻 attack violentlylay about sb/sth

    He laid about them with a stick.


    He rushed into the midst of the hooligans and laid about him fearlessly.


    When ruffians attacked him, he laid about them vigorously.


lay aside (v.+adv.)
    积蓄(金钱),留出(时间) save money or time
lay away (v.+adv.)
    埋葬 bury a person
lay before (v.+prep.)
    提交 refer tolay sth before sb/sth

    I laid the matter squarely before him.


    The nominating committee laid its slate before the board.


    We laid the issue before the committee.


    The bill has been laid before the Congress.


lay by (v.+adv.)
    储蓄,存留(备将来之用) save for future needslay sth ⇔ by

    Every month he laid by fifty dollars out of his salary.


lay down (v.+adv.)
    训斥,发号施令 dress down;give orders
lay for (v.+prep.)
    〈非正〉暗中等待(伺机攻击),埋伏着等待 hide and wait for in order to catch or attacklay for sb/sth

    They were laying for him in the dark, and when he went out of his car, they all fell upon him.


    The bandits laid for him in the dark.


    lay sth for sb

    The hunter laid a trap for the tiger.


lay in (v.+adv.)
    贮存,储备 store;stock uplay in with sth

    Peter is laying in with good red wine for his wedding party.


    Mother is laying in with some peanuts for the Spring Festival.


    lay sth ⇔ in

    She has laid in provisions against a shortage.


    We usually lay in extra coal in case of emergencies .


    She bought many fresh eggs and preserved them in salted water, because she wanted to lay them in for her little son.


    At the beginning of the winter supplies were laid in, in case heavy falls of snow should block the road.


lay into (v.+prep.)
    〈非正〉攻击 attack sb physically or verballylay into sb

    He's frightened to stay out late in case his mother lays into him again.


    At the committee meeting the experts laid into each other fiercely.


    The senator laid into the opponents of his bill.


    In a speech of about twenty minutes he laid into the Opposition.


    He laid into the defenders and scored a goal.


lay off1 (v.+adv.)
    暂时解雇 dismiss temporarilylay off

    The doctor told me to lay off for a week.


    The teacher told him to lay off a couple of days.


    lay off

    I wish you would lay off!


    lay sb ⇔ off

    Bill has not lost his job. His firm laid him off for two weeks.


    In the economic depression the firm laid off some of their workmen.


    The factory had to lay some workers off when its orders decreased.


    The work force has been laid off.


    Five hundred men were laid off when the factory closed after the fire.


    There has been nothing to do since I got laid off.


lay off2 (v.+prep.)
    停止做某种不快的事 stop doing sth unpleasant
lay on1 (v.+adv.)
    组织,安排 organize;make arrangement forlay on

    The soldiers laid on with a will.


    Taking up a stick, he caught the boy and laid on vigorously.


    lay on

    They all moved into apartments with water and electricity laid on.


    We have got a house with gas and water laid on.


    lay sth ⇔ on

    The firm always lays on a special meal for the staff about Christmas.


    The telephone is laid on.


    lay sth ⇔ on

    They laid on two coats of paint.


    She laid the paint on thickly.


    lay sth ⇔ on

    The government has laid on a new tax.


    The firm is laying on higher prices.


    lay sth ⇔ on

    I'll lay on a car tomorrow and have you run down to London.


    I laid on a party for his birthday.


    Sightseeing tours were laid on for the distinguished visitors from China.


lay on2 (v.+prep.)
    强调,把…强加于某人 emphasize;stress
lay out (v.+adv.)
    准备殡葬 prepare a body for burial
lay to (v.+adv.)
    (使)停泊 (cause to) come to anchorlay to off sth

    The ship lays to off the coast.


    lay sth to off sth

    He laid the ship to off the coast.


lay up (v.+adv.)
    使(某人)呆在床上(或室内) cause sb to stay in bed or indoors
lay with (v.+prep.)
    用…铺设 cover (a surface) with sthlay sth with sth

    The floor of the entire house was laid with carpet.


    This road is laid with asphalt.



用作动词 (v.)
  • lay a carpet铺地毯
  • lay a city〔town〕 flat(地震)把城市〔镇〕夷为平地
  • lay a course按计划进行
  • lay a fire生火
  • lay a floor铺地板
  • lay a ghost驱除鬼怪
  • lay a pipe铺管道
  • lay a scheme策划阴谋
  • lay a sewer安装排水管
  • lay a trap设圈套
  • lay a turf铺草皮
  • lay a wager打赌
  • lay a wreath献花圈
  • lay ambush设埋伏
  • lay bombs埋炸弹
  • lay breakfast摆好桌吃早饭
  • lay bricks砌砖
  • lay cloth铺桌布
  • lay colours涂颜料
  • lay doubts消除疑惑
  • lay dust消除尘土
  • lay eggs下蛋,产卵
  • lay explosives埋炸药
  • lay facts陈述事实
  • lay fine罚款
  • lay heads together研讨计划
  • lay indictment提起公诉
  • lay lunch摆好桌子吃午饭
  • lay mines布雷
  • lay pavement铺路面
  • lay plans准备计划
  • lay plaster抹泥
  • lay plates摆菜盘(准备用餐)
  • lay railroad track铺设铁轨
  • lay snare设陷阱
  • lay spirit驱除鬼魂
  • lay submarine cable铺设海底电缆
  • lay supper摆好桌子吃晚饭
  • lay tempest平息风暴
  • lay the basis打基础
  • lay the blanket盖毯子
  • lay the cloth铺桌布
  • lay the crops flat把庄稼割倒在地
  • lay the dust消除灰尘
  • lay the foundation奠定基础
  • lay the land waste使…成一片荒凉
  • lay the table摆好餐具
  • lay asleep使入睡
  • lay bare露出,揭开
  • lay flat使…倒下
  • lay open揭发,使…暴露
  • lay waste损坏
  • lay recently最近铺设
  • lay squarely直截了当地提出
  • lay well下蛋很多
  • lay about乱打
  • lay across横着放
  • lay along顺着放
  • lay aside把…搁在一边
  • lay book aside把书搁在一边
  • lay project aside放弃这个方案
  • lay aside the habit of smoking戒烟
  • lay away把…放在一边,积蓄,抛弃,埋葬
  • lay back使…向后
  • lay by储存,把…放在一边
  • lay down放下,放弃,牺牲,制定,建造,储藏
  • lay down a general policy制订总的方针
  • lay down one's arms放下武器投降
  • lay down one's power放弃权力
  • lay down one's precious life献出宝贵的生命
  • lay oneself down to sleep躺下睡觉
  • lay in储备,储存
  • lay in provisions贮存食物
  • lay off把…放在一边,解雇,停止,打扰
  • lay off workers解雇工人
  • lay on安排(茶点,娱乐,活动等),提供(交通工具等),安装(水,电,煤气)
  • lay on a next tax征收一种新税
  • lay on blows猛烈打击
  • lay on water and gas安装自来水和煤气
  • lay out摊开,展开,安排,布置,设计,花(钱、精力等)
  • lay out pictures设计版面
  • lay out the meeting布置会场
  • lay over推迟某事
  • lay to(使)停泊
  • lay up储存,使某人因病卧床
  • lay up a car把汽车搁置不用
  • lay up goods贮藏货物
  • lay about向四面八方乱打
  • lay across横跨
  • lay across the river横跨河流
  • lay against靠…放,控告
  • lay an accusation against sb控告某人
  • lay along顺置,顺着放
  • lay around在…周围放置
  • lay before摆到…前面,递交
  • lay report before a meeting向会议提交报告
  • lay facts before the committee将事实提交委员会
  • lay one's case before the court向法院起诉
  • lay before the House of Commons递交下议院
  • lay behind落后于
  • lay behind most countries落后于大多数国家
  • lay by放在…旁边
  • lay for等待时机,埋伏着等待
  • lay for the enemies给敌人设下…
  • lay in挡路,淹没
  • lay in the dust化为灰烬
  • lay into狠打,责骂
  • lay off停止…,戒掉…
  • lay off alcohol戒烟
  • lay on把…放在…,把…强加于
  • lay one's hands on对…下毒手
  • lay one's hopes on指望,期待
  • lay stress on强调
  • lay on a second coat of paint再涂一层漆
  • lay duties on imports对进口货抽税
  • lay the books on the desk把书放在书桌上
  • lay one's cards on the table摊牌
  • lay over涂…,覆盖
  • lay to把船驶入安全地带
  • lay to heart牢记
  • lay to rest埋葬,消除
  • lay claim to the property争财产所有权
  • lay under使某人顺从,使某人服从
  • lay with用…铺
  • lay the road with asphalt用柏油铺路
  • lay the yard with straw将稻草铺在院子里


  • W. S. Gilbert's lay of the two Englishmen wrecked on a desert island.

    出自:E. Huxley
  • One can never spontaneously burst into song, however doleful a lay.

    出自:N. Frye
  • By venturing my life upon an even lay with him.

  • Particular attention must now be given to women, both lay and religious.

    出自:New York Times
  • We check the fire by laying flat Each building in its path.

  • Like flaws in summer laying lusty corn.


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Aberta oil
acetone-methylene chloride solvent
all in cost
anti-g suit
aperture factor
arsenic group
beluga caviar
body measure
buys time
character insertion
cheat sth out of sb
Chisny, Piton
clock pulse circuit
common club-moss
distribution of errors
double bottom tank top plating
electrically heated windshield
else process
enzyme preparation
erythro-diisotactic polymer
Family Safety
gastrointestinal microflora
geometric surface
gimp hand
gutter board
Gymnaster piccolii
harbor terminal facilities
herniated disk
ilio pt.
imageless thought
instantaneously changing
into the ewigkeit
light reflection loss
magnet therapy
malleable cast-iron
Media Queries
medial geniculate bodies
monotropic phases
net clearance
new subsystem
numbered division
Pars abdominalis autonomica
penetration of the tool
perhydrous coal
pericardial thickening
peroxidizing property
Plain Saxon
pneumatic servodrive
postdeflection acceleration
production oriented department
radio-frequency coil
relaining key
rocking drum frame
simulator for air-to-air combat (saac)
spondylolisthetic pelvis
structure specifying descriptor
the hidden hand
thermostatically operated
thiazole purple
trap depth energy
unwanted image
vibratory gyroscope
Yushania punctulata