音标:[hænd] ; 柯林斯词典等级:4 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 手, 爪, 指针, 掌握, 协助, 人手, 手艺, 手迹, 支配, 插手
vt. 交给, 支持, 搀扶
n. the (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb
n. ability
n. a position given by its location to the side of an object
n. the cards held in a card game by a given player at any given time
词型变化:名词复数形式 : hands ; 过去式 : handed ; 过去分词 : handed ; 现在分词 : handing ; 第三人称单数 : hands



  1. It was written by hand.这是手写的。
  2. He has a book in one hand, and a pen in the other.他一手拿书,一手拿笔。
  3. Do you want a hand?你需要帮忙吗?
  4. He's always willing to give a hand to anyone who asks.任何人有求于他,他总是乐于帮助。
  5. He has a light hand with pastry.他很会做糕点。
  1. Please hand me that book.请把那本书递给我。
  2. She helped to hand round the dishes.她帮忙把菜传给大家。
  3. Most of my clothes were handed down to me by my older brother.我的衣服大多是我哥哥传给我的。


  1. My left hand brushed the wall and found the doorknob.我的左手顺着墙摸过去就找到了门的把手。
  2. She put her hand on his shoulder and then drew it away.她把手放在他肩上,然后又抽了回去。
  3. Her trembling hands betrayed her nervousness to him.她颤抖的双手向他表明了她的紧张不安。
  4. They bound the boy's hands.他们捆住了小孩的手。
  5. When the Madam was carried away with the music of the opera, a thief's hand was getting at her jewellery.当这夫人正陶醉在歌剧中时,一只窃贼的手正伸向她的珠宝。
  6. When the pilot reached hospital, it was found that tissue had been burnt away from his face and hands.当那个飞行员被送到医院时,人们发现他脸上和双手的组织都烧坏了。
  7. We elected the captain of our football team by a show of hands.我们举手选举我们的足球队长。
  8. God has equipped man with two hands, which play an important role in his work.上帝给人配备了在工作中发挥重要作用的两只手。
  9. His hot pancakes are delicious, you buy them straight from the kitchen to eat in your hands.他卖的热煎饼味道真好,你直接从厨房里买来用手拿着吃。
  10. The dish was made of silver, beaten out by hand.这盘子是银制的,是手工打造的。
  11. He balanced the two rocks in his hands.他用手掂两块石头的分量。
  12. The robber bore down on the old woman with a knife in his hand.强盗手持刀子向老妇人逼近。
  13. He is generally acknowledged to have the finest collection of Dutch paintings in private hands.人们普遍认为他所珍藏的荷兰绘画作品是私人收藏家手中最为精美的。
  14. In his sleep he let the book fall out of his hand.他睡着时书从手中掉了下来。
  15. The hour hand is smaller than the minute hand.时针比分针短。
  16. The two hands on my watch are broken.在我的手表上有两个指针断了。
  17. She was at his right hand.她在他的右边。
  18. We are short of hands.我们缺少人手。
  19. Our hands are on strike.我们的工人都罢工了。
  20. Their factory has taken on 150 extra hands.他们厂已经额外雇用了150名工人。
  21. You can hardly fancy what a capital hand she is at embroidery.你简直不能想象她是一个多么出色的绣花能手。
  22. The artist's work showed a master's hand.那位艺术家的作品显示了名家的高超技艺。
  23. I'm a bad hand at making cakes.我做蛋糕不内行。
  24. He is a poor hand at figures.他不善于计算。
  25. I'm not much of a hand at painting.我不擅长绘画。
  26. He writes a good hand.他写得一手好字。
  27. You had better practise your hand.你最好练习书法。
  28. He glanced at the envelope and recognized Eade's hand.他看了看信封,认出是伊德的笔迹。
  29. Does your hand slope forward or backward?你写的字向前斜还是向后斜?
  30. Apply in your own hand.请亲笔书写申请。
  31. Please excuse my bad hand.对不起,我写得不好。
  32. He helps poor people with a free hand.他慷慨地帮助穷人。
  33. Do you think you can do with a helping hand?你认为你需要帮手吗?
  34. She did the work with a heavy hand.她笨拙地从事着这项工作。
  35. The new leader carried out reforms with a bold hand.新来的领导大胆地进行改革。
  36. He is a good hand with a gun.他是个射击能手。
  37. The hand gradually faded.掌声渐渐停息。
  38. The army went forth amid great cheering and hand.军队在热烈的欢呼与掌声中行进。
  39. The comedian's joke elicited hand and laughter from the audience.那位滑稽演员的笑话博得观众的掌声和笑声。
  40. It was given out that the strikers had decided to return to work, and place their dispute in the hands of their union.据宣布:罢工者已决定复工,并决定将其争端交与他们的工会。
  41. You're allowed a small case as hand luggage.你可以带一只小箱子作手提行李。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. A doctor and a nurse are handing my father from the ambulance.一个医生和护士把我父亲从救护车上扶下来。
用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
  1. She handed me the timetable.她把时刻表递给了我。
  2. Hand me that book, please.请把那本书递给我。
  3. She handed him the list of names.她把那张名单交给他。
  4. Hand me the tools, please.请把工具递给我。
  5. With the words he handed Professor Wang a tube.说着他交给王教授一个试管。
  6. As soon as I came out he handed me a bottle of salted water.我一出来,他就拿给我一瓶盐水。
  7. Hand me two eggs.给我拿两个鸡蛋。
  8. He handed each of them a shilling.他给了每人一个先令。
  9. It handed them a laugh.这弄得他们大笑。
  10. 1
  11. We were handed tickets at the entrance.在入口处有人把票给了我们。
S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./n.
  1. Please hand my book to me.请把我的书递给我。
  2. He handed the papers to the headmaster.他把文件交给校长了。
  3. He handed a letter to me when I went into the room.我进屋时他递给我一封信。
  4. He penciled the number on a card and handed it to me.他用铅笔把号码写在一张卡片上交给了我。
  5. 1
  6. It was handed to me yesterday.这东西是昨天交给我的。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. + adv.
  1. He hands the old granny upstairs and downstairs every day.他每天扶那位老大娘上下楼。
  2. He handed the business over to me.他把业务(的处理权)转交给我。


a willing hand
    对工作不挑剔的人 a man who expresses satisfaction
an iron hand
    铁腕人物 a man who controls the country
ask for a (lady's) hand
    向女人求婚 ask for sb as wife
at hand
    在手边,在附近,即将来临 near in time or place
at first hand
    直接地,第一手地 by direct personal experience, or that another person
at second hand
    间接地 indirectly
bind hand and foot
    捆住手脚,使受束缚 bind both the hands and feet of sb; make sb unable to do anythingbind sb hand and foot

    Such a slogan will bind us hand and foot.


    If he signs that paper, he will be bound hand and foot.


bring up by hand
    用奶瓶喂大 feed an animal that has no mother so that it can live and growbring sb ⇔ up by hand

    The lamb had to be brought up by hand.


by hand
    用手;亲自 using one's hand; in person
change hands
    转手 go from the possession of one person to that of another
come to hand
    到手; 收到 be received or obtained
deal with from a weak hand
    做得不得力 not do well on sthdeal with sth from a weak hand

    Although he apparently has Moscow's back,Kenya is dealing with it from a very weak hand.


dirty one's hands
    败坏自己的人格 lower or hurt one's character or good name
don't know what to do with one's hands
    手足无措 be seized with panic
eat out of one's hand
    〈非正〉服服帖帖; 不给人惹麻烦 believe or obey sb without question; give sb no trouble
fight hand to hand
    短兵相接,打肉搏战 fight with enemies very near
fling up one's hands
    失去一切希望 lose all hopes
fold one's hands
    双臂在胸前合抱 bring one's arms together and cross them over one's chest
force sb's hand
    迫使(某人)做不愿做的事 force sb to do what he dislikes to
get the upper hand (of)
    压倒,制服 get control of power over sb/sth difficult
give sb a free hand
    让某人放手干 allow sb to do things in his or her own way
give one's hand to
    与…结婚 marry
grab sb's hand
    抓住某人的手 catch sb by the hand
grasp sb's hands
    握着某人的手 shake sb's hands
hand in glove
    亲密地 very close or friendly
hand in hand
    手拉手; 密切合作 closely connected; accompanying each other
hand over fist
    大量而快速地 of making or losing money in great quantity and at great speed
have a hand in
    参与,有关系 join in; have a relation with sth
have one's hands full
    非常忙 be fully occupied; be very busy
have the game in one's hands
    有必胜的把握 be sure of success
hold one's hand
    不忍心 be not hardhearted
hold sb's hand
    帮助某人 help sb
in hand
    在手中,有关系 having a connection
in one's own hands
    在某人自己手中 control sth oneself
join hands with
    与…携手合作; 显示出与…的友谊 make a show of friendship with sb such as another nation
lay one's hands on
    动手打人 hit sb by hand
lend a hand
    〈口〉帮助,援助 help; assistlend a hand

    If we all lend a hand, it shouldn't take us long to get the job done.


    All the packing has to be done; perhaps you'll lend a hand?


    Lend a hand in carrying these chairs indoors, please.


    They all lend a hand, and between them the thing is done.


    We mustn't stand idly by without lending a hand.


    lend sb a hand

    Lend me a hand to shift this piano, will you?


    Could you lend me a hand with these parcels?


    He lent me a hand with the heavy boxes.


    It will take me hours to check all these figures; I wish somebody would lend me a hand with them.

    检查这些数字得花我几个小时; 希望有人帮帮忙就好了。

    We got through the job sooner than we had expected, as we were lent a hand by a couple of boy scouts.


live from hand to mouth
    挣一点吃一点; 仅够糊口 live without saving for the future; have just enough
many hands make light work
    人多好办事 many people do thing that everyone is light
on every hand
    从各个方面 on all hand
on hand
    在手边,在附近; 在场 near in time or place; at present
on the other hand
    另一方面 as one point in the argument
out of hand
    终于 in the end
out of sb's hand
    不再由某人负责掌握 sb doesn't charge again
play into sb's hands
    助人损己; 给人可乘之机 do sth which gives one's opponents an advantage; be or do sth that another person can use against you; help an opponent against yourself
play one's hand
    耍手腕 trick
poke one's hand
    伸手 dig one's hand into
press sb's hand
    握手shake hands with sb
put one's hand to
    着手做; 开始做 start working at; try to do
raise a/one's hand to
    体罚,打人be physically threaten
raise one's hand
    举手 lift hand
reach one's hand across
    把手伸过… stretch out a hand across sth
reach out a/one's hand
    伸出手 stretch forward a hand
remove one's hand from
    把手从…拿开 take hand away from sth
request sb's hand in marriage
    向某人求婚ask for a lady's hand
rest on one of one's hands
    支撑在一只手上 lean on one of one's hands; be supported by one of one's hands
rub one's hands
    搓手 move one hand backwards and forwards on the other hand
rule with a firm hand
    用铁的手腕来统治或管理 govern sth such as a group in a very severe way
set one's own hand to
    亲手处理 do sth oneself
shake hands with
    和…握手 grasp sb's hands
sit on one's hands
    拒绝工作 refuse to work
take in hand
    把…管起来 put sb/sth under controltake sb/sth in hand

    When the Export Department began to fail,Mr. Smith took it in hand and made a success of it.


try one's hand at
    试图去做 try to do sth
turn one's hand to
    着手做; 开始做 start working at; try to do
wait on sb's hand and foot
    伺候(某人) serve sb
wash one's hands of
    退出,不过问 withdraw from or refuse to be responsible for
win hands down
    轻易地获得 win easily
hand back (v.+adv.)
    交还 return; give backhand sth ⇔ back

    Hand it back when through.


    Please remember to hand back your room key before leaving the hotel.


    The ticket was handed back to the passenger.


    Examination papers will be handed back after the marks have been officially recorded.


hand down (v.+adv.)
    正式宣布,正式宣判 deliver; pronounce formallyhand sth ⇔ down

    Please hand down the large dish from the top shelf.


    hand sth ⇔ down

    That folk song has been handed down through generations.


    These customs have been handed down through the ages.


    It has been handed down by generations of peasants.


    This necklace has been handed down in my family.


    He passed on to us all the skill that had been handed down in his family.


    hand ⇔ sth down to sb/sth

    Our fathers handed down these customs to us.


    Our ancestors have handed a rich national culture down to us.


    hand sb down to sth

    They handed Grandma Li down to the ground floor.


    hand sth ⇔ down

    The judge handed his decision down at noon.


hand in (v.+adv.)
    把…扶上车 assist to get up with the hand aboard a car
hand it to (v.+pron.+prep.)
    敬佩 respect sb
hand off (v.+adv.)
    用手推开某人 push sb away with the handhand sb ⇔ off

    The player caught the ball and ran down the field, handing off any player from the other team who tried to stop him.


hand on (v.+adv.)
    传下来,传给下一代 hand down; pass downhand sth ⇔ on to sb

    Hand it on to others after you have read it.


    Hand it on to each of your classmates when through.


    In the early days, news was handed on from one person to another.


    hand sth ⇔ on

    The estate is handed on from generation to generation.


    This ring was handed on from my great-grandmother.


hand out (v.+adv.)
    居住 livehand sb out of sth

    As the lady stepped down from the carriage, the gentleman politely handed her out of the car.


    hand sth ⇔ out

    The teacher is handing out the first paper—Chemistry.


    The teacher was handing the examination-papers out when a telephone call was for her.


    She helps hand out the pamphlets in the street.


    They handed out leaflets in the streets.


    Text and worksheets are handed out, and students are asked to read the questions given before reading the article.


    hand sth ⇔ out to sb

    The teacher handed the new books out to his students.


    We shall hand out these written statements to the reporters.


    hand sth ⇔ out to sb

    Mrs. White likes to hand out advice to the young people, whether they want it or not.


    The police handed out punishment to those who stole bicycles.


    hand sth ⇔ out

    He handed out the goods and his children took them away.


    I'll stay by the car and hand the boxes out to you, so that you can carry them into the house.


    hand out

    The besieged garrison managed to hand out for ten days, after which their supplies became exhausted.


    hand out

    This is your friend John, is it?And where does he hand out?


hand over (v.+adv.)
    让予,移交 give control or possession of; give sth to another person; transfer power, control, responsibility. etc.
hand round〔around〕 (v.+adv.)
    把…递给; 分发给众人 distribute among a gathering
hand up (v.+adv.)
    上交,呈交 deliver uphand sth ⇔ up

    Hand the paintbrush up to Father on the ladder.


    hand sb ⇔ up

    I shall need you to hand me up on this difficult slope.


    hand sth ⇔ up

    He handed up the indictment to the supreme court.


    Your request will be handed up to the board of directors.



用作名词 (n.)
  • accept sb's hand接受某人的求婚
  • ask for a lady's hand向某个女人求婚
  • bear a hand in在…中出一把力
  • bind hand and foot捆住手脚
  • bite the hand that feeds one恩将仇报
  • burn one's hand烧伤手
  • change hands易手
  • check one's hand拒绝做某事
  • clap one's hand拍手
  • come to hand到手,收到
  • cup one's hand拱着手掌
  • cut one's hand割破手
  • decline sb's hand拒绝某人的求婚
  • deliver by hand专人递送
  • dig one's hand into把手伸入…
  • fall into sb's hands落入某人之手
  • force sb's hand迫使某人,强迫某人
  • gain a lady's hand求得某女士同意结婚
  • get a big hand大受欢迎
  • get one's hand使自己熟悉技能
  • get sth off one's hands摆脱某事物,卸掉对某事的责任
  • have a hand很会…
  • have an open hand慷慨大方,大手大脚
  • have one's hands free没有事情可做,空着手
  • have one's hands full手头工作很忙
  • hold one's hands迟迟不下手,观望
  • join hands手拉手
  • kiss one's hand to向…飞吻
  • lay one's hands on得到,抓到,对…动武
  • lend a hand帮助,帮忙
  • lift a hand动手,帮忙
  • offer one's hand伸出手
  • oil sb's hand贿赂某人
  • put one's hand to承担…,着手做…
  • raise one's hand against sb打某人,威胁某人
  • reach one's hand out for sth伸手拿某物
  • set one's hand on着手干…
  • set one's hand to着手干…
  • shake hands with sb同某人握手
  • show one's hand摊牌,表明自己的真正意图
  • stay one's hand住手,不做某事
  • strengthen sb's hands使某人采取极有力的行动
  • take a hand in参与
  • throw in one's hand放弃,退出(竞争)
  • throw up one's hands绝望
  • tie sb's hands使某人无能为力
  • try one's hand at sth尝试一下,试试身手
  • turn one's hand to sth承担某事,着手做某事
  • wash one's hand解手,洗手
  • wash one's hand of sth洗手不干某事,不再做某事
  • wave one's hand at〔to〕 sb向某人挥手示意
  • win a lady's hand求得某女士同意结婚
  • write a good hand写得一手好字
  • employ hands雇工
  • hire hands雇工
  • give sb a hand帮助某人
  • brown hands晒黑的手
  • gentle hands温柔的手
  • large hands宽大的手
  • strong hands粗大有力的手
  • thin hands纤细的手
  • weak hands软弱无力的手
  • good hand字写得好
  • small hand一般书写体
  • first hand第一手的,直接的
  • second hand第二手的,间接的,用过的,旧的
  • good hand at善于…的人
  • green hand生手
  • new hand新手
  • old hand老手,技术熟练的人
  • poor hand at不善…的人
  • white hands不从事劳动的人
  • hour hand时针
  • minute hand分针
  • second hand秒针
  • factory hand工人
  • farm hand农工
  • at the hands of doctors医生给予的
  • by hand手工
  • hold sb by the hand握住某人的手
  • lead sb by the hand拉着某人的手领路
  • pull sb by the hand拉着某人的手
  • take sb by the hand抓住某人的手
  • from hand to mouth仅够糊口地
  • hand in hand手拉手,共同地
  • in one's hand在手里
  • take the business in hand承担这件事
  • a pair of hands一双手
  • off hand立即,当下
  • on hand手头
  • under sb's hand由某人签署的,在某人保管之下
  • with a heavy hand粗手粗脚地,严厉地,高压地
  • with clean hand廉洁地
  • strike sb with one's hand用手打某人
  • with one's own hand由某人亲自
用作动词 (v.)
  • hand a good line所有功课都考得好
  • hand sb a blow给某人一击
  • hand the old granny扶那位老太太
  • hand bewilderingly使人迷惑地传递
  • hand cautiously小心地交出
  • hand confidentially秘密地传递
  • hand conscientiously诚心诚意地给
  • hand constantly连续地传递
  • hand cordially真心诚意地交出
  • hand delicately灵敏地传递
  • hand dexterously熟练地传递
  • hand discreetly谨慎地给
  • hand earnestly诚挚地交出
  • hand erroneously错误地传递
  • hand felicitously恰当地传递
  • hand generously大度地交出
  • hand methodically有条理地传递
  • hand immediately立刻交出
  • hand impressively令人难忘地传递
  • hand incompetently不适当地交出
  • hand intelligently明智地交出
  • hand intentionally故意地给
  • hand passively被动地交出
  • hand selectively有选择地传递
  • hand systematically有条理地传递
  • hand unanimously一致交出
  • hand unhesitatingly毫不犹豫地交出
  • hand back把(某物)交还给某人,使某人重新获得
  • hand back the government to the people把政权还给人民
  • hand down把(某物)传递给下面的人,提出或公开声明
  • hand down a decision公布一项决定
  • hand in把(某人)扶上车,把(某物)递交给负责人,提交
  • hand off用手推开对手
  • hand on把(某物)传递给某人,给他人传递(消息),把…移交他人
  • hand out分发,散发,免费提供
  • hand out copies分发文本
  • hand over把…移交他人
  • hand round把…递给,分发给众人
  • hand round the letter把那封信给大家传阅
  • hand up把…递上去,把…提交给上司
  • hand sb across the street扶某人过街
  • hand sb from the car把某人扶下汽车
  • hand sb into the car把某人扶上汽车
  • hand to把(某物)交给或递给(某人)
  • hand the salt to sb把盐递给…


  • She started to count off the fingers of her left hand.

    出自:V. S. Naipaul
  • The hand he gave to Jeremy was disagreeably sweaty.

    出自:Aldous Huxley
  • His hands palm-upwards on its grained surface.

    出自:M. Amis
  • If you can command these elements to silence,..we will not hand a rope more.


WORDS AND THEIR STORIES - Expressions Use Hand By Marilyn Christiano Broadcast: Sunday, April 03, 2005 Now, the VOA Special English program,

发表于:2018-12-01 / 阅读(189) / 评论(0) 分类 Words & Their Stories

give me a hand foot the bill blow out lock, stock and barrel hook, line and sinker 每一种语言都有它独特的成语和俗语。而学习外语的人经常在理解这些习惯用语时会感到很

发表于:2018-12-01 / 阅读(165) / 评论(0) 分类 美国习惯用语

Idiom: Left hand doesn't know what right hand is doing ( communication is so bad that people don't know what others are doing ) Hit the book: Enjoy/love Hate/dislike Doing something Doing yoga/earthing +two reasons Playing chess Knitting/babysitting

发表于:2018-12-03 / 阅读(108) / 评论(0) 分类 趣味青春英语

She is a dab hand at chopsticks Neil: Hello, welcome to Real English from BBC Learning English, I'm Neil. Helen: 大家好, 我是 Helen. Neil: In Real English we look at words and phrases people use all the time, but you probably won't find in your dict

发表于:2018-12-07 / 阅读(109) / 评论(0) 分类 地道英语在线听

Hand In Hand We can see the fire in the sky We feel the beating of our hearts together This is our time to rise above We know the chance is here to live forever, for all time Hand in hand we stand all

发表于:2018-12-08 / 阅读(143) / 评论(0) 分类 奥运歌曲

Walk Hand In Hand Andy Williams Walk hand in hand with me through all eternity Have faith, believe in me, give me your hand Love is a symphony of perfect harmony When lovers such as we walk hand in ha

发表于:2018-12-13 / 阅读(316) / 评论(0) 分类 英语歌曲第十辑

Idiom: Like the back of your hand ( know something very well ) Hit the book: Explorer Survive Malaria Hike Fossil

发表于:2018-12-27 / 阅读(115) / 评论(0) 分类 趣味青春英语

Leif: Ant Shirley, it's being years since we last met. How were you doing in the passing years? Shirley: Pretty well. What about you? Leif: Fine. Where are the other guys? Shirley: It's a bit disappointing that they are all out for a movie. Leif: Bad

发表于:2018-12-31 / 阅读(92) / 评论(0) 分类 英语大赢家上册

Sometimes we know just a little bit about something, and other times we know something so well that we have it memorized. This episode is all about expressions we can use to talk about having a very deep knowledge of something. We also have a popular

发表于:2019-01-01 / 阅读(107) / 评论(0) 分类 英语博客-北美风情

At the mall, my wife and I picked up some hardware items, including a handsaw. We were heading back to the car when we passed a steakhouse. Let's try it.

发表于:2019-01-03 / 阅读(210) / 评论(0) 分类 英汉幽默故事选读

每一种语言都有它独特的成语和俗语。美国人经常说:“Give me a hand.” 按照字面来理解,“give me hand”就是“给我一只手。”可是,它的意思却是“帮我

发表于:2019-01-03 / 阅读(130) / 评论(0) 分类 英文名句短语

当一个人正在做坏事的时候被人家发现,这个人就会感到很难堪。今天我们要给大家介绍的两个习惯用语都是形容这种局面的。我们先来讲第一个:To ge

发表于:2019-01-09 / 阅读(136) / 评论(0) 分类 美国习惯用语

D src=sound/b3.rm width=200 height=50 type=audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin controls=

发表于:2019-01-10 / 阅读(144) / 评论(0) 分类 欧美歌手专辑


发表于:2019-01-11 / 阅读(95) / 评论(0) 分类 英文语法词汇


发表于:2019-01-11 / 阅读(151) / 评论(0) 分类 美国习惯用语

A study in rural Nepal found a greater chance that babies would survive their first month. Transcript of radio broadcast: 08 July 2008 This is the VOA Special English Health Report. A new study in rural Nepal shows the value of washing hands with so

发表于:2019-01-11 / 阅读(83) / 评论(0) 分类 VOA慢速英语2008年(七)月

今天我们要学的词组是second-hand。 Second-hand指用过的、旧的东西。比如二手车 - a second-hand car; 旧书店,a second-hand bookstore. Second-hand也有间接获得的意思,比如我们的许多知识都是间接获得的,

发表于:2019-02-03 / 阅读(96) / 评论(0) 分类 英语单词荟萃

Jack and Annie climbed onto the rock ledge andstepped into the cave. The air inside was cleaner andcooler than the air outside. I can't see anything, said Jack. He patted the head of the baby kangaroo. Me neither, said Annie. Arf! Arf! I guess we'll

发表于:2019-02-03 / 阅读(113) / 评论(0) 分类 汪培珽儿童英文分级书单《神奇树屋》

经典歌曲-我想拥抱你I Want To Hold Your Hand甲壳虫 Oh yeah, i'll tell you something, I think you'll understand. When i'll say that something I want to hold your hand, I want to hold your hand, I want to hold your hand. Oh please, say to me

发表于:2019-02-07 / 阅读(164) / 评论(0) 分类 经典英文歌曲

Hold my hand This life don't last forever(hold my hand) 苦日子不会永远下去(牵我的手) So tell me what we're waiting for(hold my hand) 你说 我们还在拖延什么呢?(牵我的手) Better off being together(hold my hand) 你我

发表于:2019-02-14 / 阅读(133) / 评论(0) 分类 好听的英文歌曲
acceleration controller
air register
aqueous humour
articles of war
caliper sliding
chi distribution
clean hands doctrine
cloth tape
common dogbanes
compound specificity
conditional acceptance
confimed service
cubic hyperbola
custodian agreement
Cyclical Stocks
debugging packaage
digitals-to-analog converter
disk type brake
earth bus
employee testimonial
endocythere moyehinae
Fellow of the Nautical Institute
fish rod
fox and hound
full floating wrist pin
graduation of curves
granville wilts
guide post
happy trail
in security
incremental frequence shift
irritation sign of bladder
multi level control
nerve terminal
Neuron unipolare
nonlocalized electron
normal magnetic flux density
patrol work
permanent health policy
perofskite (perovskite)
phenylethyl hydantoin
Plant City
polypodium eusatum thunb.
power up
promising market
psychomotor hallucination
quantity of bunkers
quartz-monzonite aplite
quasi-instruction form
recurrent cost
research domain
ringside judge
rotary gas separator
shape cutting machine
Sherburne County
soil consistence
South Sudanese
speaking up
special bargain
special table of allowance
spent scrub stream
sprinkling device
sub-voice-grade channel
Syzygium paucivenium
take a joke
temp to perm
the crease
uncoverd sweets
vicious union
white hemlock
winch barge