音标:[bә:n] ; 柯林斯词典等级:4 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
vt. 烧, 烧毁, 烧伤
vi. 燃烧, 发热, 烧毁
n. 烧伤, 烙印
n. pain that feels hot as if it were on fire
n. an injury caused by exposure to heat or chemicals or radiation
n. a place or area that has been burned (especially on a person's body)
n. damage inflicted by fire
词型变化:过去分词 : burnt ; 现在分词 : burning ; 过去式 : burned ; 名词复数形式 : burns ; 第三人称单数 : burns



  1. Half the candle had burnt away.蜡烛已烧去一半。
  2. It's better to burn out than to fade away!与其慢慢凋谢,不如灿烂燃烧!
  3. Paper burns easily.纸容易着火。
  4. If the satellite returns to earth too fast, it will burn up on the way.如果人造卫星返回地球太快,它在归途中就会烧毁了。
  5. He is going to scalp me or burn me at the stake.他要剥掉我的头皮或是在火刑柱上烧我。
  6. She is burning to tell you the news.她急于要告诉你这消息。
  1. Tell him to put cold water on the burn.告诉他,在烧伤处敷凉水。
  2. He died of the burns he received in the fire.他因在火灾中受烧伤而死。
  3. It seems that matter is lost when fuels burn.似乎燃料燃烧时物质就消失了。
  4. Coal of this quality doesn't burn very easily.这种品质的煤不容易燃烧。


  1. The stove is burning.炉火在烧着。
  2. You'd better keep the fire burning in the evening.你最好晚上让炉火继续燃烧。
  3. The fire is burning briskly.炉火烧得很旺。
  4. The oil is burning.油在燃烧。
  5. The forest was burning furiously.森林在熊熊地燃烧。
  6. Stone won't burn.石头不会燃烧。
  7. Paper burns easily.纸容易燃烧。
  8. Buildings were smashed and burning and rubble heaps blocked many streets.许多楼房倒塌,正在燃烧,瓦砾堆堵塞了许多街道。
  9. That place was burning fast.那个地方火势很猛。
  10. All the lights were burning.所有的灯都亮着。
  11. His heart was burning like fire.他的心像火烧一样。
  12. His spirit burns as warm as in youth.他的精神和年轻时一样旺盛。
  13. The milk has burned.牛奶已烧焦。
  14. The meat is burning.肉糊了。
用作系动词S+~+ adj.
  1. The fire burned red.火烧得通红。
  2. The sky burned bright.天空烧得明亮。
  3. The old man was burning hot and breathing with difficulty.老人正在发着高烧,呼吸也困难。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. She would not say a word even though the enemy threatened to burn her.尽管敌人威胁要烧死她,但她依然只字未说。
  2. The child burnt his fingers while playing with fire.那孩子玩火时烧伤了自己的手指。
  3. Some acids are strong enough to burn the wood.有些酸的酸性强得可以烧坏木头。
  4. The milk is very hot; don't burn your mouth.牛奶很热,不要烫了嘴。
  5. She burnt her leg badly.她的一条腿严重烫伤了。
  6. The pepper burnt his tongue.辣椒辣得他舌头发烧。
  7. What burnt him after all?到底是什么激怒了他?
  8. 1
  9. She was burnt in a raging fire while working in a factory.她在工厂劳动时被烈火烧伤了。
  10. The potatoes were burnt.土豆给煮糊了。
S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
  1. People used to burn an oil lamp to get light.从前人们点油灯照明。
  2. Many people burn wood to keep themselves warm in winter.许多人冬天烧木柴取暖。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. + adj.
  1. The sun burnt him quite black.他晒得很黑。
  2. 1
  3. More than forty people were burnt alive.有40多人被活活烧死了。
  4. The bread is burnt black and hard.面包被烤得又黑又老。
其他v -ed as Attrib.
  1. A burnt child dreads the fire.一次被火烧,见火就害怕。
S+be+burning+to- v
  1. They were burning to avenge the death of their leader.他们极为激动地要为他们首领之死报仇。
  2. My younger brother is burning to go to the countryside.我弟弟渴望着下乡。
  3. She was burning to buy a computer.她很想买台电脑。
v -ing as Attrib.
  1. It is burning hot.太热了。
  1. The firemen suffered severe burns.消防队员被严重烧伤。
  2. The lariat gave me a rope burn.我被套马绳勒伤了。
  3. He suffered a second-degree burn on the face.他的面部受二度烧伤。
  4. She is suffering from radiation burns.她由于辐射灼伤而受着痛苦。
  5. If drops of sulphuric acid splashed anyone it would cause burns and blisters.硫酸溅在身上,皮肤就会烧伤起泡。
  6. He is being treated for minor-degree burns.他受到轻度烧伤,正在治疗中。
  7. The serious burn on her hand was caused by a hot iron.她手上那块严重的烧伤是被熨斗烫伤的。
  8. I smell the burn of rubber.我闻到了烧橡胶的气味。
  9. Don't lie too long in the sun or you will get a painful burn.不要在太阳底下躺太久,不然你的皮肤会晒痛的。
  10. The burn of the antiseptic made him wince.消毒剂的刺痛使他连忙缩手。
  11. He had two X-ray burns on the back.他背上有两处X射线灼伤。
  12. There were cosmetic burns on her face.她脸上有几处化妆性烧伤。
  13. Cases of major burns require medical treatment and hospitalization.严重烧伤病人需要住院治疗。
  14. The child was rescued from the fire, but died soon of terrible burns.这个孩子被人从大火中救出,但不久就死于严重的烧伤。
  15. The cigar burns in the rug are very eye-catching.地毯被雪茄烟烧坏留下的痕迹很显眼。
  16. There is a burn on the table top.桌面上有一块烧伤的痕迹。


burn away (v.+adv.)
    继续燃烧; 烧毁,烧掉(某物) continue burning; destroy (sth) by burningburn away

    The fire was burning away cheerfully.


    The forest fire burnt away for days.


    The fire burned away for five days.


    Half of the oil in the lamp had burned away.


    burn sth ⇔ away

    The sunlight has burnt away the haze.


    Half the candle had been burnt away.


    When the pilot reached hospital, it was found that tissue had been burnt away from his face and hands.


    The skin on his feet was burnt away.


burn down (v.+adv.)
    (使)烧毁 (cause to) be destroyed by fireburn down

    The fire burns down slowly.


    When the firemen came the fire has burned down.


    Let's leave the fire to burn down and go into our tents.


    The room grew colder as the fire burnt down.


    burn down

    The house burnt down in half an hour.


    burn sth ⇔ down

    The demonstrators burned police vans down.


    Don't leave the gas on— you might burn the house down.


    The enemy soldiers burnt all the houses down.


    A fire burnt the house down.


    The puppet troops burnt the whole village down.


    The magistrates are allowed to burn house down while the common people are forbidden even to light lamps.


    The old house was burnt down and only ashes were left.


    A number of houses were burned down in the fire.


    The city was all burnt down during the war.


burn for (v.+prep.)
    渴望(成功等) desire (sth such as success) greatly
burn in (v.+adv.)
    留下不可磨灭的印象 fix by burning, so that removal is impossible; fix in the mind, so that removal is impossibleburn in

    What he heard burnt in.


    What we have seen and heard in China burnt in.


burn into (v.+prep.)
    形成(某种习惯、看法等) fix (an idea, etc.) so that it cannot be removedburn into sth

    His words burnt into my mind.


    The sight of such poverty burned into his soul.


    burn sth into sth

    Some letters had been burnt into the wood.


    The owner's mark was burnt into the animal's skin.


    That day is burnt into my memory.


    burn sth into sb

    The habit of obedience was burned into me as a child.


burn off (v.+adv.)
    用火烧从(地里)清除谷物残茬 remove the remains of grain crops from (a field)
burn out (v.+adv.)
    (使)失去活力,(使)垮掉 (cause to) stop being activeburn sb/sth ⇔ out

    Flames burnt out two adjoining houses.


    We'll burn out the rats in the hole.


    The building was burnt out and only the walls remained.


    The factory was completely burnt out.


    The car has been burnt out.


    The plane was completely burnt out after the crash.


    The family were burnt out of their home twice last year.


    Thousands of people were burned out and made homeless overnight.


    burn out

    The oil lamp burnt out.


    The light bulb in the bathroom burned out and father put in a new one.


    burn sth ⇔ out

    He burnt out the clutch on his car.


    During the long race he burned out his brakes.


    The fire burned itself out.


    burn oneself/sth ⇔ out

    The farmer burned out his field by planting the same crop every year for many years.


    The poet burned out his ability before he was thirty.


    Bill burned himself out in the first part of the race and could not finish.


    You'll burn yourself out if you work too hard.


    Mary was warned not to burn herself out with too much work.


    When we got back from the cinema we found that the fire had burnt itself out.


    The last time I saw him, he looked completely burned out.


burn to (v.+prep.)
    烧死某人 kill sb with fire
burn up (v.+adv.)
    斥责(某人); 使(某人)发怒 scold (sb); cause (sb) to be very angryburn up

    If you put on more coal the fire will burn up.


    burn sb/sth ⇔ up

    He threw a log on the fire, and it was burned up with a crackle.


    burn sth ⇔ up

    The fire burned up more than £ 50,000 worth of antiques.


    We burnt up all the garden rubbish.


    The spacecraft was burned up when it re-entered the earth's atmosphere.


    If lightning strikes, the haystack will be burned up in no time.


    The house was burned up before the firemen got there.


    burn sb ⇔ up

    The boy's rudeness burned up his teacher.


    He always burned up his mother.


    It burned me up that she was not promoted.


    It burns me up the way she treated me.


    He was all burned up about it.


burn with (v.+prep.)
    充满,被…煎熬 feel (sth) strongly


用作动词 (v.)
  • burn alive活活烧死
  • burn black烧黑
  • burn blue火光发蓝
  • burn bright火光明亮
  • burn dim火光昏暗
  • burn dull烧得不旺
  • burn hard烧硬
  • burn red火光发红
  • burn warm烧暖
  • burn a hole把…烧个洞
  • burn a hole in one's pocket存不住钱,有钱就花
  • burn a torch点火把
  • burn anger怒火燃烧
  • burn bricks烧砖
  • burn candles点蜡烛
  • burn charcoal烧炭
  • burn coal烧煤
  • burn daylight白日点灯,徒劳无益
  • burn fuel烧燃料
  • burn gas烧煤气
  • burn lime烧石灰
  • burn log烧木头
  • burn meat烤肉
  • burn one's bridges破釜沉舟
  • burn one's fingers自讨苦吃
  • burn one's hand烫了手
  • burn one's mouth(茶)烫嘴,(辣椒)辣得嘴发烧
  • burn one's tongue(茶)烫舌头,(辣椒)辣得舌头发烧
  • burn the candle at both ends过度消耗精力
  • burn the midnight oil开夜车,干到深夜
  • burn torches点火把
  • burn deep深度烧伤
  • burn fast火势凶猛
  • burn low火力减弱
  • burn badly严重烧伤
  • burn brightly燃烧得旺
  • burn brilliantly燃烧得旺
  • burn briskly火烧得旺
  • burn cheerfully暖融融地燃烧
  • burn dimly烛光昏暗
  • burn dully炉火不旺
  • burn easily易燃
  • burn fiercely熊熊燃烧
  • burn furiously熊熊地燃烧
  • burn merrily炉火暖融融
  • burn quietly静静地燃烧
  • burn severely严重地烧伤
  • burn vigorously熊熊燃烧
  • burn away烧掉,烧毁,使逐渐消灭
  • burn down减弱,烧毁
  • burn in留下不可磨灭的印象
  • burn off驱散,烧光
  • burn on被烧坏
  • burn out(把…)烧坏,烧光,用火(把…)赶出,使筋疲力尽
  • burn together熔接,烧焊
  • burn up(把…)烧掉,(使…)生气,恼火
  • burn at被烧死在…
  • burn at the stake在火刑柱上焚烧
  • burn for渴望
  • burn for utterance急于发言
  • burn from因…而刺痛
  • burn from cold冻得发痛
  • burn into在…烧上、烙上(记号等),形成(某种习惯、看法等)
  • burn into one's mind在心目中留下不可磨灭的印象
  • burn to使烧成…,烧到…
  • burn to ashes烧成灰烬
  • burn to death烧死
  • burn to the ground烧成平地
  • burn with与…一起燃烧,强烈地感受到
  • burn with a desire强烈希望
  • burn with ambition野心勃勃
  • burn with anger怒火燃烧
  • burn with ardor for study对学习充满热情
  • burn with curiosity有强烈的好奇心
  • burn with devotion to duty极端忠于职守
  • burn with fever发烧
  • burn with flame火焰熊熊
  • burn with hope充满希望
  • burn with jealousy妒火中烧
  • burn with love情火炽烈
  • burn with passion心急如焚
  • burn with resentment强烈不满
  • burn with shame羞得(两颊)发烧
用作名词 (n.)
  • brush burn擦伤
  • dress a burn包扎伤口
  • get burn被烧伤
  • receive burn被烧伤
  • chemical burn化学品灼伤
  • cosmetic burn化妆性烧伤
  • dark burn烧暗
  • deep burn严重烧伤
  • first degree burn一度烧伤
  • minor burn轻度烧伤
  • painful burn痛伤
  • serious burn严重烧伤
  • severe burn严重烧伤
  • terrible burn严重烧伤
  • cigar burn雪茄烧伤
  • electron burn电子烧伤
  • flash burn闪光烧伤
  • X-ray burnX射线灼伤
  • burn from tobacco被香烟烧坏之处
  • burn in a rug地毯被烧坏之处
  • burns on one's hand手上烧伤的疤痕


  • A bright fire burned in the modernised grate.

    出自:A. Sillitoe
  • The flames burned straight.

    出自:J. Rhys

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亚瑟小子(Usher)是当今美国流行乐界最受欢迎的RB男歌星,他曾在2001年度和2002年度的第44和第45届格莱美颁奖典礼上连续两年获得了最佳RB男歌手,而这首《Burn》也入围了2005年格莱美奖的提名名单。 自出道以来,Usher一直成功地维持着他忠于自我的想法,在众多歌手试

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今天我们要讲两个表示速度很慢的常用语。第一个是:Slow burn. Slow可能大家都已经知道,是慢的意思,burn这个字有不少解释。最基本的一个意思是:烧,

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Lesson 46 Burn 1.Money burns a hole in her pocket. 2.I burned my fingers in stock jobbing. 3.Were your ears burning last night? 4.We all burn the midnight oil. 5.It's been so hard that I burned out. 6.His bad attitude burns me up. 7.They have money t

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你可能知道一直工作而不休息的人可能会burn out。你知道这是什么意思吗?看看今天的英语点滴来学习更多关于与burn相关的词组的用法吧。 burn out可以表达工作很长一段时间没有休息,而变得

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英文歌词: Silhouettes can fade at a masquerade But it's always the same Every time you leave, you never go away I'm a mystery, but the story of this Is both yours and mine Is it love, or don't you have the time? 'Cause we've set the perfect scene Co

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He needed money. He went to a crowd-funding website. On it, anyone could try to raise money for any purpose. His purpose was: Give me a million dollars, and I'll burn it all in Union Square. The bonfire will show our contempt for cash and greed. A ye

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I miss you so much I don't know what to do Can't bear the thought of My life without you Please baby, let's unburn all our bridges Whatever it was That tore us apart Can surely be healed With forgiving hearts Please baby, lets unburn all our bridges

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Tobias Regner - burn the white flag I could say I feel alright I could say I'm sleeping through the night I could say I haven't thought about you About you You have always had a way Of seeing throught the crazy things I've said Like I can be better o

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DAVID GREENE, HOST: The Supreme Court has refused to hear an appeal from veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan who say the toxic smoke from burn pits made them sick. A group of vets had sued the military contracting giant KBR for damages, but the 4th Circ

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hybrid approach
hypericum maculatums
ignition timing adjustment
injury of bladder and urethra
interclavicular air-sac (or interclavicular sac)
interdependency theory
jump spark ignition
logical full duplex flow
London Underground
long run prediction
lucrum cessans
make black white
malignant jaundice of dogs
marine officer
mica-window Geiger-Muller counter
nasal diphthery
noise at tractor operator's position
noisy modt
Olympic Airlines
on-the-spot experiment
order myaceaes
Pedicularis sphaerantha
Petrofina SA
plagiogyria falcata
press die
progressive shrinkage
pulley holding forceps
put your oar in
R. R. B.
rectangular engine house
reversing cold mill
rotor bow
routing loop
same system
sedimentary breccia
self centering punch
servo operated valve
straight-through fast acting valve
straighten one's face
strata circulare membranae tympani
submerged meadow
take sb. into one's service
take someone on the rebound
tilted stratum
upper nicol
upper semi-continous functions
wood-sugar fermentation