音标:[ju:θ] ; 柯林斯词典等级:4 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 年轻, 青年时代, 青年们, 青春
[法] 青年, 青年时期, 青春时期
n. the time of life between childhood and maturity
n. early maturity; the state of being young or immature or inexperienced
n. an early period of development
n. the freshness and vitality characteristic of a young person
词型变化:名词复数形式 : youths



  1. In his youth, he had shown great promise.他在青少年时代就显得很有出息。
  2. He mused over memories of his youth.他重温青年时期的往事。
  3. Youth glided past without our awareness.青春在我们不知不觉中逝去。
  4. I can't bear young people casting away their youth.我无法忍受年轻人虚掷青春。
  5. The youth of the country are being ignored by politicians.这个国家的青年没有受到政治家的重视。
  6. His brother is a member of a youth fellowship.他哥哥是青年联谊会的会员。


  1. He spent his youth in the north.他在北方度过了青年时代。
  2. They studied together in their youth.青少年时期他们就在一起学习。
  3. In his youth, he had shown great promise.他在青年时代就显示出前途无量。
  4. He is a friend of my youth.他是我青年时代的一个朋友。
  5. He sighed for the lost days of his youth.他哀叹失去的青春年华。
  6. I am determined to give my youth to the motherland.我决心把青春献给祖国。
  7. He lost his youth a long time ago.他早已失去了青春活力。
  8. She's trying frantically to maintain her youth.她千方百计试图保持年轻。
  9. Old Beijing is full of youth and vigour.古老的北京充满青春活力。
  10. When you're older you'll be sorry that you idled away your youth instead of preparing for a profession.等你老了你会为你虚度了青春而没有认真从事一项事业而后悔。
  11. Spartan youth were bred as warriors.斯巴达的青年被训练成武士。
  12. The youth of the country is/are being ignored by politicians.这个国家的青年人没有受到政治家们的重视。
  13. It is necessary to get the youth to have a high ethical concept.必须使青年具有高度的道德观念。
  14. The youth admitted that he had stiffed horses for a fee.这个青年承认他为了钱而对一些马作了手脚,使它们跑得不快。
  15. As a youth he showed little promise.他这个小伙子,看不出有什么出息。
  16. Both her brothers are tall fair-haired youths.她的两个兄弟都是个子高大、有着金黄色头发的青年。
  17. The fight was started by some youths who had been drinking.这场架是一帮喝醉了酒的小青年惹起的。
  18. Vigorous youth is subjected to rigorous discipline.使活泼的年轻人受严格的纪律约束。
  19. He billeted in youth hotels.他投宿于青年旅店。
  20. The children don't do much at their youth club, but at least it keeps them out of harm's way.虽说孩子们在青少年俱乐部里也干不了什么,但在那儿起码可以不出事儿。


in the first/full flush of youth
    在青春初期,在初发阶段 in the freshness or vigour, etc.; at its beginning


用作名词 (n.)
  • cherish one's youth珍惜青春
  • destroy youth破坏青春
  • educate youth教育青年
  • equip youth培养青年人
  • give one's youth to把青春献给…
  • keep youth保持青春
  • lose one's youth失去青春
  • maintain one's youth保持青春
  • preserve one's youth保持青春
  • retain one's youth保持青春
  • waste one's youth浪费青春
  • wear out one's youth消磨青春
  • ambitious youth有抱负的青年
  • attractive youth引人注目的青年
  • beauteous youth美貌的青年
  • brave youth勇敢的青年
  • carefree youth无忧无虑的青年
  • gilded youth纨绔子弟
  • handsome youth潇洒的青年
  • heroic youth英勇的青年
  • industrious youth勤劳的青年
  • inexperienced youth缺乏经验的青年
  • love-born youth害相思病的青年人
  • modern youth现代的青年
  • promising youth有希望的青年
  • romantic youth爱幻想的青年
  • sweet youth恋人
  • talented youth有才干的青年
  • teenage youths十几岁的少年
  • thoughtless youth没头脑的青年
  • undying youth不衰的青春
  • vigorous youth血气方刚的青年,朝气蓬勃的青年
  • wasted youth虚度的青少年时代
  • college youth大学生
  • farm youth农村青年
  • youth activity青年人的活动
  • youth blood年轻人,青年
  • youth culture青年人的文化
  • youth interests青年人的兴趣
  • youth lady高贵小姐
  • youth man青年男子
  • youth one孩子
  • youth people青少年
  • youth person少年
  • youth unemployment青年人的失业(率)
  • youth woman青年女子
  • from youth to old age从青年时期到老年
  • from one's youth onward从青年时代起
  • in early youth在最初的青春时期
  • in one's youth在青年时代,在年轻的时候
  • in one's hot youth在血气方刚的时代
  • in one's tender youth正值妙龄
  • full of youth and vigour充满青春活力
  • the secret of keeping one's youth保持年轻的秘诀
  • the art of retaining youth永葆青春的艺术
  • youth for the struggle of life为生活而奋斗的青年
  • youth of a country一个国家的初期
  • youth of dissipation放荡的青年时期
  • youth of eighteen 18岁的青年
  • youth of promise in painting circles在画坛大有前途的青年
  • youth of the nation建国的初期


  • His antagonist was tiring...His own youth and condition were beginning to tell.

    出自:Conan Doyle
  • Having for many years..feigned youth, he now aspired to the honours of age.

    出自:E. Waugh
  • He was..always on youth's side against the absurdities of middle age.


Youth原文 Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs o

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Youth青春Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep spring of li

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