音标:[trʌst] ; 柯林斯词典等级:4 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 信任, 信赖, 相信, 受托, 职责, 信心, 托拉斯
a. 信托的, 托拉斯的
vt. 信赖, 信任, 相信, 盼望, 赊卖给
vi. 相信, 信赖, 依靠
[计] 委托, 信任
n. something (as property) held by one party (the trustee) for the benefit of another (the beneficiary)
n. the trait of believing in the honesty and reliability of others
n. a consortium of independent organizations formed to limit competition by controlling the production and distribution of a product or service
v. have confidence or faith in
词型变化:名词复数形式 : trusts ; 过去分词 : trusted ; 过去式 : trusted ; 现在分词 : trusting ; 第三人称单数 : trusts



  1. A good marriage is based on trust.美满的婚姻是建立在互相信任的基础上的。
  2. In his will he created trusts for his children.他在遗嘱里为子女安排好了信托财产。
  1. You must trust in your own judgement.你得相信自己的判断力.
  1. Can you trust his account of what happened?你能相信他对发生的事情所做的报告吗?
  2. If you break your word,he will never trust you again.如果你不守信,他决不会再相信你。
  3. Can I trust you to post this letter?我托你把这封信寄走行吗?


  1. You've betrayed my trust.你辜负了我对你的信任。
  2. I have absolute trust in the doctors.我绝对相信医生。
  3. I don't place any trust in the government's promises.我对政府的许诺一点也不相信。
  4. Don't worry about anything; put your trust in me.什么也别担心,相信我吧。
  5. A child has trust in his mother.孩子信赖自己的母亲。
  6. The new President enjoys the trust of the people.新总统得到了人民的信任。
  7. The property is merely a trust.这财产不过是一项委托物。
  8. The money isn't mine; it's a trust I'm holding for my youngest brother.钱不是我的,是我最小的弟弟托我管的。
  9. A trust company undertakes to manage property for anyone.信托公司为任何人承办财产信托。
  10. She's not yet old enough to be employed in a position of trust.她还年轻,不能担当重任。
  11. Mr. Wade will be faithful to his trust.韦得先生会忠于职守的。
  12. The companies formed a trust.这些公司组成了托拉斯。
It is a ~+to- v
  1. I shall think it is a great trust to obey the wishes of my dead father.我认为按照先父的愿望去做是我重大的职责。
  1. This is a trust that we lay on you; we know that you will do your best.这是我们交给你的任务,我们知道你会尽力去做的。
  1. I don't trust.我不相信。
  2. Everything went all right,I trust.但愿一切都进展顺利。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. No one trusts him except himself.除了他自己,没有人相信他。
  2. Everybody likes him and trusts him.大家都喜爱他,信任他。
  3. I can't trust you.我不能相信你。
  4. “Why did you lend him all that money?” “I trusted him.”“你为何把那么多钱都借给了他?”“我信任他。”
  5. They trusted each other and supported each other.他们互相信赖,互相支持。
  6. You can't trust these cars salesmen; they'll say anything to sell their cars.你别信任那些汽车销售商,为了推销他们的汽车,他们会说得天花乱坠。
  7. Trust your own instincts.相信你自己的直觉。
  8. I don't trust his judgment.我不相信他的判断。
  9. Can we trust his account of what happened?他对事情经过的描述靠得住吗?
  10. I can't trust my memory.I'd better write everything down.我的记性靠不住,我最好把什么都写下来。
  11. You can't trust the English weather.英国的天气靠不住。
  12. 1
  13. He was trusted by the state.他受到国家的信任。
  14. Surely she was to be trusted.当然她是靠得住的。
  15. He's not the sort of man to be trusted.他不是个可靠的人。
S+~+to- v
  1. I trust to hear better news from you.我盼望从你口中听到更好的消息。
  2. We trust to receive a cheque from you in settlement of this account.我们希望收到你的支票以清理这笔账。
  3. I trust to be able to join you.我希望能来参加你们的活动。
  1. She trusted that they would never be happy together.她相信他们在一起绝不会幸福。
  2. He said he trusted that we would profit by it.他说,他相信这对我们会有好处。
  3. She trusts that nothing will keep you from coming.她希望不会有什么能妨碍你来。
  4. I trust that he is not hurt.我想他没受伤吧。
  5. We trust that you will keep your word.我们相信你会遵守诺言的。
  6. I do trust that you be successful.我确实希望你们能成功。
  7. We trust you will soon feel better.盼你早日恢复健康。
  8. I trust you will be able to help me.我希望你能帮助我。
  9. I don't trust that he did it.我相信他没做过那件事。
  1. You can't trust what the newspapers say.你不能相信报纸上的话。
用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. +that-clause
  1. You may trust me that I'm speaking the truth.你可以相信我在说实话。
  2. She trusted you that you're quite well now.她想你现在已完全好了。
  3. I trust you that you all like coffee.我相信你们都喜欢喝咖啡。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
  1. Dear mother, you can trust me to carry out this job!亲爱的妈妈,您放心,我一定能完成这个任务。
  2. Can I trust you to post this letter?我让你寄这封信,你能让我放心吗?
  3. You cannot trust him to keep his promise.你可不能相信他会履行诺言。
  4. I trusted my child to do it all by himself.我放手让孩子自己去干。
  5. You can trust the nurse to look after the baby when her mother is in hospital.她母亲住院时,你可以委托护士来照看婴儿。
  6. Do you trust the child to go there all alone ?你放心让孩子一个人到那里去吗?
  7. I know you will not speak of it, and I trust you not to write of it.我知道你不会讲出去,也相信你不会写出来。
  8. He can't trust anyone to do this for him.无论谁去替他办这事,他都不放心。
  9. Trust you to say something embarrassing!你肯定会说些令人难堪的话!
  10. You can't trust the trains to run on time.你不能指望列车准时行驶。
  11. 1
  12. He may be trusted to do the work well and quickly.他是可以信得过的,他会把这项工作做得又快又好。
  13. Can they be trusted to look after the house while we're away?我们不在的时候能相信把房子交给他们照管吗?


buy〔get,sell〕 on trust
    赊购 allow sb to have money to return or pay for then at a latter datebuy〔get,sell〕 sth on trust

    When you buy anything and do not pay for it until later, you are getting it on trust.


    The merchandise will be sold on trust.


in sb's trust
    由某人照管〔负责〕 be charged by sb
in trust (for)
    代管 kept as a trust (by sb)
leave in trust with
    由…代管 keep sb/sth as a trust by sbleave sb/sth in trust with sb/sth

    I left my cat in trust with a neighbor while I went on holiday.


    The estate is left in trust with a bank.


take on trust
    凭信用接受,不经证明或仔细考虑就相信 accept sth without proof or close examinationtake sth on trust

    “How do I know you're telling the truth?” “You'll just have to take it on trust.”


    There is no proof of his story; we can only take it on trust.


to sb's trust
    委托…保管 kept as a trust
trust for (v.+prep.)
    赊卖 allow sb to have money to return or pay for then at a latter date
trust in (v.+prep.)
    相信; 信任 have faith in; place confidence intrust in sb/sth

    We don't trust in God.


    I would never trust in that kind of person.


    We will trust in your word to make good any damage you may do.


    We will trust in your continued support and cooperation.


    He trusts in her honesty.


    You can trust in his wisdom and power.


    She trusted in his ability to look after her.


trust out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
    对…(处于某种状态)放心 have a calm heart when sb/sth is in a positiontrust sb out of sth

    She couldn't trust the kids out of her sight.


    It's not good to trust small children out of doors in a big town.


trust to (v.+prep.)
    交给…(保管,办理等) give charge of sth to sbtrust to sb/sth

    We'll trust to you for the performance of the task.


    When reading, don't just trust to your memory, but jot down notes in your notebook.


    It won't do to trust to the inspiration of the moment when speaking to such a big audience.


    He trusted to his strong constitution of recovery.


    You must have the whole project carefully planned in advance; don't trust to luck.


    We trusted to his coolness, and he didn't fail us.


    trust sth to sb

    I'd like to trust my room to you.


    I don't advise you to trust important documents to him.


trust with (v.+prep.)
    把…托给(某人)办理 give sb with the matter; let sb do sth; give sb the care of sthtrust sb with sth

    Mr. Mill trusts me with all his books.


    I should never trust him with my money.



用作名词 (n.)
  • abuse trust滥用信任
  • accept trust承受托付
  • afford trust给予信赖
  • bestow trust对…信任
  • betray trust辜负信任
  • breach trust违反信托
  • break up a trust分裂托拉斯
  • breed trust培养信任
  • charge with trust承担责任
  • cherish trust抱有信心
  • confide trust in信任…
  • encourage trust增强信心
  • entertain trust of对…持有信心
  • establish trust建立一个委托管理机构
  • feel trust感到了信任
  • fix trust对…信赖
  • form trust组成托拉斯
  • foster trust抱有信心
  • found trust建立信心
  • fulfil trust履行义务
  • inspire trust唤起信心
  • nurse trust怀有信心
  • nurture trust培养起信心
  • retain trust对…持有信心
  • shake trust动摇信心
  • shatter trust对…的信赖破灭
  • shock out of trust因失去信任而感震惊
  • strengthen trust增强对…的信任
  • absolute trust绝对信赖
  • ample trust充分信赖
  • blind trust盲目的信任
  • boyish trust孩子气的信任
  • buoyant trust愉快的相信
  • complete trust完全信任
  • delusive trust轻信
  • dreadful trust可怕的信任
  • earnest trust诚挚的信任
  • false trust假信任
  • fearless trust大胆的信任
  • gentle trust高尚的职责
  • honorable trust光荣的职责
  • human trust具有同情心的信赖
  • impious trust邪恶的托拉斯
  • implicit trust绝对信赖
  • important trust重要的职责
  • instinctive trust本能的相信
  • national trust国家信托
  • public trust公共信托机构
  • sacred trust神圣的职责
  • serene trust平静的职责
  • serious trust重要的职责
  • stupendous trust巨大的信任
  • unfaltering trust毫不动摇的信任
  • unswerving trust坚定的信任
  • in sb's trust由某人托管
  • sense of trust信任感
  • trust in信任
用作动词 (v.)
  • trust each other互相信赖
  • trust instinct相信直觉
  • trust one's judgment相信某人的判断
  • trust the chance碰运气
  • trust the memory依靠记忆
  • trust the Party leader信任党的领导人
  • trust amply充分地相信
  • trust candidly坦诚地信任
  • trust commonly普遍信任
  • trust currently普遍信任
  • trust dogmatically坚定地相信
  • trust erroneously错误地信任
  • trust exclusively完全地相信
  • trust explicitly清楚地相信
  • trust fondly深情地相信
  • trust frankly坦诚地信任
  • trust generally普遍信任
  • trust heavily非常信赖
  • trust implicitly绝对地相信
  • trust ingenuously天真地信任
  • trust instinctively凭直觉信任
  • trust irrationally荒谬地信任
  • trust largely主要相信
  • trust obstinately固执地认为
  • trust passionately坚信
  • trust persistently坚信
  • trust primarily主要相信
  • trust profoundly深信
  • trust reasonably理智地信任
  • trust religiously认真地信任
  • trust scarcely几乎不信任
  • trust seriously坚信
  • trust shrewdly精明地相信
  • trust sincerely真诚地信任
  • trust solely唯一相信
  • trust staunchly坚信
  • trust strongly坚信
  • trust tacitly沉默地相信
  • trust thoroughly深信
  • trust uncompromisingly坚信
  • trust unquestioningly确信
  • trust in God信仰上帝
  • trust to memory凭记忆
  • trust to sb's coolness相信某人会冷静对待
  • trust sb with a matter把某事委托给某人办理


  • Afraid of taking decisions..she had no trust in her own powers.

    出自:Aldous Huxley
  • She had only to endure and trust in God.

    出自:J. Baldwin
  • The true..creator of fiction..trusts to memory and imagination.

    出自:J. Updike

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abdominal external oblique muscle
account of bankruptcy
accumulative binomial probability distribution
analog tester
angle of leeway
angle of light path of optical fuze
arteriae ciliares anteriores
augmentation distance
automatic tool retracting unit
ball lapping machine
basic engineering
be upset
Beit Bridge
Bertrand, Cerro
bright fiber
Brill, Abraham Arden
business policy making
buyout bid
cambrovician period
cell differential pressure photo
centrally connected power supply
constructive taking
cost of works for special purpose
CPU architecture
data acquisition camera
dirty industry
do-while statement
dull-finished sheet
environmental theatre
Fed funds rate
fore edge
forestry railroad car
funiculus (pl. -li)
genus Hydrastis
Granulationes arachnoideae
Greek yogurt
heat-resistant cable
homicide resulting from passion
humidity-temperature index
infraorbital region
intermittent prodromal glaucoma
it is said
it's no use
Kappa carbide
lay day
mean astronomic latitude
mixing condition
pars cartilaginea tubae pharyngotympanicae
phenyl trichlorosilane
resistance to chemical reagents
saptha divitiosa
shuttle mechanism
standard electromotive force of the cell
stone finish
surface emission
thin webbed girder
towel off
turn off the light
ultrasonic examination of welds
us airborne
wall pressure
window (between wave train)
working plan period
yield stress ratio