单词:Sub Network Access protocol
单词:Sub Network Access protocol 相关文章
Unit 25 Internet445 互联网 互联网是计算机网络的国际性的集成,这些网络都理解一个标准的地址命令系统,并经中枢链路网络连在一起。互联网可以提供的服务为电子邮件、远程登陆、文件传送、电子新闻和实况对话等。可以说,互联网是你的计算机通向世界其他地方的窗口 Th
以下内容由网友topmmm听写,紧供参考。如果您觉得您写的更好,请发帖到 论坛 。 M:Tate associates is a global consultant firm, right? F:that's right,a few years ago,we had just two offices, now we're up to ninety M:why so m
Channel A channel is a single communications path in a transmission medium connecting two or more points in a network, each path being separated by some means; e.g., spatial or multiplex separation, s
CPU central processing unit Cross Connect 1.in a premises distribution system, equipment used to terminate and administer communications circuits. In a wire cross connect, jumper wires or patch cords
PVC permanent virtual circuit Partner*s Program - An indirect sales channel that offers smaller businesses in the TDS Telecom service areas an opportunity to promote and sell TDS Telecom products an
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) SNMP is the application protocol offering network management service in the Internet suite of protocols. A structure for formatting messages and transmitting
T1 Carrier A T1 carrier is a time-division multiplexed digital transmission facility capable of supporting 24 voice channels, (each encoded as a 64 kbps PCM DS0 signal), producing an aggregate multipl
Terrestrial Microwave Radio Terrestrial microwave radio is a transmission systems consisting of at least two radio transmitter/receivers (transceivers) connected to high gain antennas (directional ant
Transmission Facilities Transmission facilities provide the communication paths that carry user and network control information between nodes in a network. In general, transmission facilities consist
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Half Duplex Half duplex is a transmission path capable of transmitting signals in both directions, but only in one direction at a time. HDLC high-level data link control Header The header is control i
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ISO is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO National Bodies). The work of preparing international standards is normally carried
MAAP maintenance administration panels MACSTAR multiple access customer station rearrangement MAC media access control or moves, adds, and changes Main Cross-Connects In a premises distribution system
NOC network operations center NOS network operating system NPA numbering plan area NSEP National Security Emergency Preparedness NTSC National Television System Committee NT network termination NAP -
P-MAC packet media access controller PAD packet assembler-disassembler PCB printed circuit board PDS premises distribution system Personal Communications Personal communications provides at least one
AU Access Unit 访问单元 电信英语及其缩略语解释(3) AU Adaptation Unit 适配单元 AU Administrative Unit 管理单元 AUC AUthentication Center 验证中心 audioconference 电话会议
APCM Adaptive Pulse Code Modulation 自适应脉码调制 APCM是在PCM基础上,采用量化自适应,使均方量化误差最小的一种调制方法。 APD Avalanche Photo Diode 雪崩光电二极
BEIJING, Dec. 25 (Xinhuanet) -- China is likely to test a new Internet protocol in the next few years in an attempt to further develop the country's Internet, senior officials from the State Council said on Friday. The country will put the Internet P