音标:[liv.laiv] ; 柯林斯词典等级:3 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
a. 活的, 生动的, 精力充沛的, 实况转播的
vi. 活, 生存, 居住
vt. 过着, 度过, 经历
adv. 实况地
v. lead a certain kind of life; live in a certain style
v. pursue a positive and satisfying existence
a. actually being performed at the time of hearing or viewing
a. exerting force or containing energy
词型变化:过去式 : lived ; 现在分词 : living ; 第三人称单数 : lives ; 过去分词 : lived ; 名词复数形式 : lives



  1. People cannot live without air.没有空气,人们就不能生存。
  2. After she died he had nothing to live for.她去世后,他便没有了生活目标。
  3. He's a tramp and used to living rough.他是流浪汉,惯于风餐雨卧。
  4. Where do you live?你住在哪儿?
  5. Many elderly people live an idle life.许多老年人过着悠闲的生活。
  1. The cat is playing with a live mouse.猫在戏弄那只活老鼠。
  2. It wasn't a recorded show, it was live这不是录音表演, 这是现场转播。
  3. A live band is always a good draw at a party.现场演奏的乐队在聚会上总是很吸引人的。
  4. The electrician killed the live circuit.那位电工切断了通电电路。
  5. We cooked the steak over live coals.我们在燃烧着的炭上煎牛排。
  6. Pollution is still very much a live issue.污染现象仍然是当前的大问题。
  1. The landing on the moon was telecast live.现场转播了登月行动。


  1. The coal miner was so seriously injured that he might not live till morning.这个煤矿工人的伤势很重,也许活不到早晨。
  2. The child was still living when the doctor arrived.医生到来的时候,孩子还活着。
  3. They lived happily ever after.后来,他们生活得很愉快。
  4. Don't live wastefully.生活切莫铺张浪费。
  5. I cannot afford to live expensively.我过不起阔绰的日子。
  6. Give up your arms and live!缴枪不杀!
  7. She lives about ten miles from my house.她的住处离我家约10英里远。
  8. As long as I live, the bridge lives.人在,桥就在。
  9. In the animal world the strong live while the weak die.在动物世界里,强者生存,弱者灭亡。
S+~+to- v
  1. He did not live to finish the work.他没活到完成这项工作。
  2. He didn't live to see his son back from the battle.他没有活到看见儿子打仗回来。
  3. Without the doctor,I could not have lived to see today's happiness.没有医生,我就不能过上今天的幸福生活。
There lives〔lived〕...
  1. There lived an old hunter in that small hut.在那间小屋里住过一位年老的猎人。
  2. Once there lived an old fisherman in a village by the sea.从前,海边的一个村子里住着一位老渔夫。
用作系动词S+~+ n.
  1. He lived a lonely man.他一生孤独。
  2. She lived a virgin.她守身如玉,终身不嫁。
  3. He lived and died a bachelor.他终生未娶。
S+~+ adj.
  1. He lived invisible all his life.他一生谢绝来客,不愿抛头露面。
  2. The flowers will live longer if you put them in water.如果你把这些花养在水里,它们就活得久些。
S+~+ v -ed
  1. A nation can't live isolated.一个国家不能闭关自守。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. I lived a happy life.我过着幸福的生活。
  2. He lived a simple life.他过着俭朴的生活。
  3. He lived a life of luxury all his life.他一生过着奢侈的生活。
  4. John lives a life of ease and idleness.约翰过着闲适的生活。
  5. He lived the life of a Christian.他过着基督徒的生活。
  6. Up the sixty he had lived the life of a young man.一直到60岁,他还过年轻人的生活。
  7. He lived his belief.他实践自己的信仰。
  8. He lived an unforgettable hour that seemed a lifetime.他度过了难以忘怀的时刻,好像过了一辈子似的。
  9. None of the others have lived my experience.别人都不曾有过我这样的经历。
  10. He had lived what he narrated.他讲的那些事,他都亲身经历过。
用作定语~+ n.
  1. That is a live fish.那是条活鱼。
  2. There is a dead fish among all the live ones.在所有这些活鱼中,有一条死鱼。
  3. It is usual that live fishes are sold in market.在市场里出售活鱼是常有的事。
  4. Have you ever seen a live whale?你看见过活鲸鱼吗?
  5. He has never seen a live tiger.他从没见过一只活老虎。
  6. You won't see live animals in a museum.在博物馆里你不会看见活的动物。
  7. The cat was playing with a live mouse.这只猫在跟一只活老鼠玩。
  8. Look!A real live elephant!看啊!活生生的一头大象!
  9. We saw a real live rattlesnake!我们看到一条真的响尾蛇!
  10. They found a live bomb in the valley.他们在山谷里发现一枚未爆炸的炸弹。
  11. There is a live match on the desk.桌子上有未用过的火柴。
  12. Pollution is still very much a live issue.污染现象仍然是当前的大问题。
  13. We cooked the steak over live coals.我们是把牛排放在燃烧的煤上烤的。
  14. We managed to record the whole of the concert from a live studio broadcast.我们设法把实况转播的音乐会完全录了下来。
  15. We saw a live TV broadcast of the volleyball match.我们看到了那场排球赛的实况电视转播。
  16. They gave a live broadcast while the sports event was in process in the sports ground.体育比赛在体育场进行时,他们做了现场直播。
  1. The rope is live.这根绳子是带电的。
  2. Be careful, this wire is live.当心,这根电线有电。
  3. It wasn't a recorded show,it was live.那不是一场录音演出,而是实况转播。
  1. The show is going out live.这场演出正在进行实况转播。
  2. The concert will be broadcasted live.演奏会将现场直播。
  3. The president's speech was broadcasted live.总统的演说是现场直播的。


live after( v.+prep. )
    在(某事结束或某人死后)继续存在 continue or last after the end of sth or death of sblive after sb/sth

    The good he did will live after him.


    The acts of good men live after them in our memories.


    His reputation will live long after his death.


live among( v.+prep. )
    在…中生活 make one's home in an area populated by (a certain kind of people)live among sb

    After living among the natives for twenty years, the painter forgot his own language and civilized ways of life.


    I lived among the Masai people for many years, but I failed to learn their language.


live and learn
    活到老,学到老;不经一事,不长一智 learn sth new;learn by experience
live and let live
    待人容忍;待人宽容如待己 accept one's behaviour;be tolerant
live apart( v.+adv. )
    分居 (of a married person or pair) live separately although remain marriedlive apart

    After their worst quarrel,Jim and Mary wondered if they should live apart for a time to try to improve their relationship.


    live apart from sb

    After Jane had been living apart from Fair for six months, she decided to return to him.


live at( v.+prep. )
    住在 have one's home atlive at sth

    No one lives at the corner of the street now, it's all shops and offices.


    I lived at 29 Celebration Street,Nairobi, for many years.


    When the house was damaged by fire, we had to live at the Grand Hotel for several weeks.


    We then lived at Norwood Road, but now we live at Fleet Street.


live beyond( v.+prep. )
    住在远于或过了(某处)的地方 have one's home in a place further distant than (somewhere)live beyond sth

    The farmer's family live(s) beyond the next valley.


live by( v.+prep. )
    以…谋生 earn one's living by (doing) sthlive by sth/v-ing

    They live by honest labour.


    He was never serious with any trade. He lived by his wits.


    He lives by begging.


    The people in that small town are very poor;they probably live by taking in one another's washing.


live down( v.+adv. )
    使人忘记… cause people to forget or forgive (sth bad or foolish in one's past) by improved behaviour, directing their attention elsewhere, etc.live sth ⇔ down

    It will be difficult to live down this humiliation.


    After his release from prison, he vowed to live down his crimes.


    It will be a long time before you live down that foolish mistake.


    Twenty years later, his family are still trying to live the scandal down.20


live for( v.+prep. )
    为…而生活,以…为生活目的 remain alive for (a length of time);have as one's main reason or interest in lifelive for sth

    Both boys just live for football.


    She lives for her work.


    I live for the day when I retire.


    He says that he has nothing to live for since his wife died.


live in1( v.+adv. )
    住在学习或工作的地方 live in the same place as where one works or studieslive in

    The servants live in.


    Where can we find a cook who will live in?


    Jack decided to live in during his freshman year at college.


    Did you live in or live out when you were at college?


    Students of this college are expected to live in.


live in2( v.+prep. )
    住在(某地);存在于…;为…而生存 make one's home (in a place or building);be able to exist in sth or because of sblive in sth

    I've been living in this city since my family moved here twenty years ago.


    I'd like to go to the country and live in a small way.


    She indeed lives in a fool's paradise as she always dreams about making a huge fortune overnight.


    live sth in sth

    What a wretched life they lived in the workhouse!


    In the summer camp, children live the life of the collective.


live it down
    忘记;原谅 forget;forgive
live it up
    〈非正〉纵情欢乐;奢侈浪费 enjoy oneself (through excessive spending〔indulgence〕)
live off( v.+prep. )
    以…为食;以…为生 eat (certain food);make a life by depending on sb/sthlive off sb/sth

    They live off the land.


    These animals with long necks live off the leaves of tall trees.


    Thousands of waterfowl breed round the lake and live off the fish.


    He lives off fruit and nuts.


    Since he lost his job, he's been living off his parents.


    I live off the money from my first book.


    I don't know how she manages to live off her painting.


    The family was in such difficult straits they were living off welfare.


live on1( v.+adv. )
    继续活着;继续存在 continue to live;continue to exist, often for a long timelive on

    Now our monthly income is more than enough to live on.


    He's ninety, but still he lives on.


    The boy lived on for a week after the heart transplant.


    The old people died but the young ones lived on.


    He lived on in spite of the accident.


    He will die, but his fame will live on after him.


    The composer's works will always live on.


    This custom will live on for centuries.


    The scientist's name will live on from generation to generation.


live on2( v.+prep. )
    以…为食;靠…为生 eat (certain food);live a life depending on (sb/sth)
live out( v.+adv. )
    度过(某一段时间);过(某种生活) live to the end of (a period of time);live a certain sort of lifelive out

    The servants live out.


    Some of the students have rooms in their college, but most have to live out as there isn't room for them all.


    Students can live out if they wish.


    live out sth

    He is seriously ill.I'm afraid he cannot live out one more week.


    I doubt if she'll live out the winter.


    Don't bother me,O.K.?Just let me live out my life in peace and in private.


    My family lived out the earthquake, but our house was destroyed.


    Her success enabled her to live out her wildest fantasies.


live out of( v.+adv.+prep. )
    从…取食 take one's food from (a container such as a tin)
live over1( v.+adv. )
    重新过(某种日子) relive (sth)live over sth

    The old man keeps living over his memories.


    live over

    If I had my life to live over,I'd do the same again.


live over2( v.+prep. )
    住在高于…的地方 make one's home on top of or at a higher level that (sth such as a place)live over sth

    The owners live over the shop.


live through( v.+prep. )
    经历过;经历…而未死 remain alive during and in spite of (difficulty);experiencelive through sth

    He has lived through two world wars.


    He had lived through the worst years of the depression.


    They lived through the long famine.


    Can he live through the night?


    I couldn't live through another day like that.


    I don't think he'll manage to live through another bad winter.


    I don't know how I lived through the last week, waiting for the result.


    He was among the few who managed to live through the experiences in the enemy prison camp.


live to( v.+prep. )
    活到 live as long as (a certain age)live to sth

    Many people have a wish to live to old age.


    My grandfather lived to a great age.


    He lived to the ripe age of 90.


    Not many people live to a hundred.


live to oneself
    离群索居 live alone without the desire for company;not try to be friendly
live together( v.+adv. )
    住在一起;(通常指异性)同居 exist at the same time or in the same place;live as if marriedlive together

    Now they are living happily together with the Han.


    I hear Jane and Bill are living together.


    How long have they been living together?


    Increasing numbers of young people choose to live together rather than to marry.


live under( v.+prep. )
    在…的控制下生活 be controlled by (a power)
live up to( v.+adv.+prep. )
    实行;履行 put (one's faith, principles, etc.) into practice
live well( v.+adv. )
    过道德的生活 live in a moral manner
live with( v.+prep. )
    自重,保持自尊心 keep self-respectlive with sb

    She lived in the village with her grandparents as cheerful as a lark.


    Dogs and cats cannot live with each other in the same house.


    The girl with whom he had been living for two years suddenly packed her bags and left.


    live with sb/sth

    It was very difficult when she first lost her hearing, but she has learnt to live with it.


    Powerful nations must learn to live with each other in peace.


    Whether you like it or not, you will have to live with the new tax law.


    I don't like the noise of these jet aircraft, but I've learnt to live with it.


    I don't like the winter, but we all have to live with it.


    You must live with the fact that you are no longer as strong as you were.


    You have to live with the fact that you've lost all your money.


    It's hard to live with the knowledge that you are a failure.


    live with oneself

    Would he be able to live with himself later?


live within( v.+prep. )
    住在…内 live inside (the limit of an area)live within sth

    If you live within the city border, you pay higher taxes.


    They live within easy reach of London.


live without( v.+prep. )
    在没有…的情况下生活;少…也可以生活 find it possible to go on existing in spite of lacking (sb/sth)live without sb/sth

    She tried for a little while to live without him but couldn't.


    Plants can't live without moisture.


    We can live without clothes, but food and drink are essential to life.


    We may live without books, music, and art, but our lives would be poorer.


live wire
    生龙活虎的人,精力充沛而有生气的人 sb who is energetic〔enthusiastic〕


用作动词 (v.)
  • live a country life过乡村生活
  • live a dog's life过非人的生活
  • live a double life过双重生活
  • live a dull life过乏味的生活
  • live a happy life过着幸福的生活
  • live a hurried life过忙碌的日子
  • live a lie过着虚伪的生活
  • live a luxurious life过奢侈的生活
  • live a miserable life过悲惨的生活
  • live a noble life修身
  • live a peaceful life过平静的日子
  • live a poor life过贫穷生活
  • live a quiet life过安静的生活
  • live a saint生为圣者
  • live a simple life过俭朴的生活
  • live a virtuous life过着正直的生活
  • live an idle life悠闲度日
  • live every minute of life全心全意地体验每分钟生活
  • live one's belief实践自己的信仰
  • live one's ideas实践自己的思想
  • live poetry过风流的生活
  • live the life of collection过集体生活
  • live abroad在国外生活
  • live alone独自生活
  • live apart分居
  • live close住在附近
  • live fast放荡地生活
  • live forever传世,留芳
  • live hard过艰苦生活
  • live well生活优裕
  • live actively生活积极
  • live barely几乎无法生活
  • live carefully节省地生活
  • live cheerfully过得很惬意
  • live comfortably愉快地生活
  • live contentedly心满意足地生活
  • live continently生活有节制
  • live dangerously过很不安全的生活
  • live decently像样地生活
  • live economically节俭地生活
  • live excessively过分地享受生活
  • live expensively奢侈地生活
  • live gloriously光荣地生活
  • live happily生活得很幸福
  • live harmoniously和睦地生活在一起
  • live honestly诚实地生活
  • live intensely生活过得很紧张
  • live luxuriously生活奢侈
  • live pleasantly愉快地生活
  • live precariously过着朝不保夕的生活
  • live quietly生活过得很安静
  • live secretly秘密地生活
  • live simply生活俭朴
  • live temperately生活有节制
  • live wastefully生活铺张浪费
  • live worthily生活得有意义
  • live down the fault of the past改邪归正而使以往过错被人遗忘
  • live out住到…外
  • live out one's life度过一生
  • live over再活一次
  • live together同居
  • live it up享受人生,过快乐的日子
  • live up to绝不辜负
  • live above one's position过与自己地位不相称的生活
  • live across the street住在街那边
  • live among the working people生活在劳动人民中间
  • live at home住在家中
  • live at 150 Broad Street住在百老汇150号
  • live beyond one's income过入不敷出的生活
  • live for others为他人而生活
  • live from day to day得过且过
  • live from hand to mouth过现挣现吃的生活
  • live in a flat住在单元房里
  • live in London住在伦敦
  • live in one's heart永远留在心中
  • live in peace过和平生活
  • live in quite a small way生活十分俭朴
  • live in the past生活在过去之中,留恋过去
  • live in the twentieth century生活在20世纪
  • live in this town在这个城里住
  • live on love靠爱情生活
  • live on rice以大米为主食
  • live through活过,度过,熬过
  • live through the night活过当晚
  • live through two world wars经历两次世界大战
  • live to a ripe old age活到很高年岁
  • live to ninety活到了九十岁
  • live under sth生活在…下
  • live under the cave栖身于山洞里
  • live with each other一起生活
  • live within one's income量入为出
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • live audience参加实况播送的观众
  • live bomb未爆炸的炸弹
  • live broadcast现场转播
  • live cigarette点燃的香烟
  • live circuit通电的电路
  • live coal燃烧的煤
  • live fish活鱼
  • live fountain活泉
  • live man精力旺盛的人
  • live actively生气勃勃
  • live amazingly非常热闹
  • live eagerly热衷于活动的
  • live joyously快活
  • live undeniably确实充满活力
用作副词 (adv.)
  • broadcast live现场直播
  • cover live现场报道
  • go out live进行实况转播
  • record live现场录音
  • televise live通过电视实况转播


  • We had got used to Father looking like a live scarecrow.

    出自:P. Theroux
  • She had only two more years to live.

    出自:H. Bailey

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Live Your Life 告示牌单曲亚军《过你的生活》我口齿清晰政治中立 演唱者:T.I. ft Rihanna 英文歌词 [Rihanna:] You're gonna be a shining star, with fancy clothes, and fancy car-ars. And then you'll see, you're gonna go far.

发表于:2019-01-10 / 阅读(151) / 评论(0) 分类 英语说唱歌曲

听歌学英语:杰西麦卡尼的Because You Live Staring out at the rain with a heavy heart Its the end of the world in my mind Then your voice calls me back like a wake up call Ive been looking for the answer Somewhere I couldnt see that it was ri

发表于:2019-02-01 / 阅读(123) / 评论(0) 分类 听歌学英语

听歌学英语:Because You Live (你的存在) 1987年出生于美国纽约的Jesse McCartney是著名的流行歌手和获艾美奖提名的演员。从小便已经参与演艺事业,长大后更是进军乐坛。今天我们听到的这首歌Bec

发表于:2019-02-01 / 阅读(103) / 评论(0) 分类 听歌学英语


发表于:2019-02-05 / 阅读(147) / 评论(0) 分类 音乐咖啡厅

laleh,瑞典女歌手。音乐才女,14岁开始作曲,2005年获得瑞典葛来美6项提名,其中包括最佳新人,最佳歌手,最佳专辑等重要奖项。 It's cold around me, the night is young the sun has fallen and I've become the lonely one the moon is dancing among the clouds and

发表于:2019-02-06 / 阅读(134) / 评论(0) 分类 音乐咖啡厅

Because You Live by Jesse McCartney Staring out at the rain with a heavy heart It's the end of the world in my mind Then your voice calls me back like a wake up call I've been looking for the answer Somewhere I couldn't see that it was right there Bu

发表于:2019-02-06 / 阅读(78) / 评论(0) 分类 好听的英文歌曲

Another 40 Years to live 再活40年 A middle aged woman had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital. While on the operating table she had a near death experience. Seeing God, she asked if this was it. God said, No you have another 43 years, 2 m

发表于:2019-02-06 / 阅读(124) / 评论(0) 分类 趣味英语

One should eat to live, not live to eat. - Moliere What happens to people who live to eat? How can we eat to live? What should we do? What are some specific things to avoid? Have your eating habits changed during your life?

发表于:2019-02-08 / 阅读(134) / 评论(0) 分类 english quotes 英文谚语
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