音标:[hai] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 高度, 高处
a. 高的, 高级的, 主要的, 高尚的, 高原的, 高音的, 昂贵的, 傲慢的
adv. 高度地, 奢侈地
n. a lofty level or position or degree
n. an air mass of higher than normal pressure
n. a state of sustained elation
n. a state of altered consciousness induced by alcohol or narcotics
词型变化:名词复数形式 : highs ; 形容词比较级 : higher ; 形容词最高级 : highest



  1. He earned a high reputation for his learning.他在学识方面享有很高的声誉。
  2. It's unsafe to sit the child in such a high chair.让小孩坐在这么高的椅子上不安全。
  3. My grandma was a woman of high principles.我祖母是一位道德高尚的人。
  4. He is a high official in the government.他是政府的高级官员。
  5. This doctor received high praise from everyone.这位医生受到所有人的高度赞扬。
  6. He likes swimming in high summer.他喜欢在盛夏游泳。
  1. The plane flew high above.飞机高高地在上空飞。
  2. He tested high in English, but low in Physics.他在英语测验中考了高分,但在物理测验中却考出低分。
  3. We lived high off the hog for two whole weeks while we were on holiday.我们在度假期间过了整整两周的奢侈生活。
  4. The bird sang high and clearly in the tree.鸟儿在树上清脆地高歌。
  1. Grain output reached a new high in the three years.谷物产量达到三年中最高水平。
  2. A high over southern Europe is bringing fine sunny weather to all parts.欧洲南部上空的反气旋给各地区带来了晴朗的好天气。
  3. The high lasted all night.那种快感持续了一整夜。


用作定语~+ n.
  1. There is a high mountain at the back of the house.房子的后面有座高山。
  2. High hills surround the valley.高山环绕峡谷。
  3. That's a very high pagoda.那是一个很高的宝塔。
  4. The high building over there is a guesthouse.那边的高楼是一家宾馆。
  5. Students who get very high marks are exempt from the final examination.得到高分的学生期终考试可以免试。
  6. The train was going at a high speed.火车正以高速行驶。
  7. The teacher has a high opinion of Daff.老师极为赞许达夫。
  8. He talked in high language.他讲话的口气很大。
  9. The students are all in high spirits.学生们情绪都很高。
  10. I have high hopes of passing the exam.我考试极有希望及格。
  11. A high degree of accuracy is needed.需要有高度的准确性。
  12. He has a high office in the government.他在政府部门中担任高级职务。
  13. He has received higher education.他受过高等教育。
  14. The muddy tide flat smelled to high heavens.多泥的潮汐洼地散发出极为难闻的气味。
  15. She enjoyed the high life.她过着奢侈的生活。
  16. The hotel charges high prices.这家旅社价格太贵。
  17. These are leather goods of high quality.这些是高质量的皮革制品。
  18. The products of that country's mechanical industry are renowned for their high quality.那个国家的机械工业产品以高质量闻名。
  19. Everybody has a high mind.人人有一个崇高的理想。
  20. He is a man of high character.他是一个品格高尚的人。
  21. He is a person of high principles.他是个具有高尚原则的人。
  22. She has a very high voice.她的声音很尖。
  23. She sang a high note.她唱的是高音。
  24. I came to that city in high summer.我去那个城市时,正值盛夏。
n. +~
  1. This is a building 108 meters high.这是一幢108米高的大楼。
  2. On the top of the hill there is a pagoda about five stories high.山顶上有一座约五层楼高的宝塔。
  1. He is five feet high.他五英尺高。
  2. The wall is six feet high.这墙高6英尺。
  3. The mountain is 2000 meters high.那座山有两千米高。
  4. How high is it?它有多高?
  5. We have climbed a thousand feet higher.我们已爬了1000英尺高。
  6. The temperature is four degrees higher today.今天的气温上升了4度。
  7. It was ten feet higher than it had been before.比以前高了10英尺。
  8. The prices are high.价格高。
  9. The cost in terms of human life was high.人的生命是昂贵的。
  10. Some game birds are kept until they are high before cooking.有些猎获的飞禽一直保存到开始变质才烹制。
S+be+~+ prep .-phrase
  1. He is high on marijuana.他沉醉于大麻烟中。
  2. The shelf is too high for me to reach.架子太高了,我够不着。
  3. The note was too high for him.这个音太高,他唱不了。
  1. The jet flies higher than the helicopter.喷气式飞机比直升机飞得高。
  2. The plane flied high in the sky.飞机在高空飞行。
  3. The eagle soared high into the sky.那只鹰翱翔在高空。
  4. My heart beats high.我的心扑通扑通跳得厉害。
  5. The sea waves ran high.大海波涛高涨。
  6. The kite flew high in the sky.风筝高高地飞在天上。
  7. We paid high for these commodities.我们付出高价买来了这些商品。
  8. I can't sing that high.我唱不了那么高的调儿。
  9. Food is high short at present.目前食品极缺。
  10. Popular feelings ran high.群情激昂。
  11. Let's aim high and double the output.让我们力争上游,把产量翻一番。
  12. He always wants to rise high in his profession.他一直想高升。
  13. By middle age he had risen high in his profession.中年时他就已经高升了。
  14. To live high does not mean being high in one's qualities.一个人的生活水平高并不等于品格也高。
  15. You've got to aim high if you want to succeed.你如果想取得成功,就必须有雄心壮志。
  16. He never got very high in the company.他在公司里所担任的职务,从来就不是很高的。
  1. The car cannot climb the hills in high.这辆汽车不能高速上坡。
  2. Grain output reached to a new high in the three years.粮食产量达到三年中最高水平。
  3. The temperature reached a new high.气温达到了新高。
  4. Hot and sunny weather is forecast for London over the weekend with about high of 32℃ and low of 22℃.气象预报伦敦周末天气晴热,最高温度为摄氏32度,最低温度为摄氏22度。
  5. People feel the music when they're dancing, and this becomes a high for them.人们在跳舞时和音乐融为一体,从而使他们飘飘然而感到陶醉。
  6. She's on a high today.她今天高度兴奋。


high and mighty
    神气活现 very cocky
high on
    因…麻醉的 corrupt sb with sth
hit the high spots
    先挑重要的、明显的或好的事做 do only the important, obvious, or good things
high and dry
    孤立无援,处于困境 in a helpless situation
high and low
    到处 everywhere
highs and lows
    最高和最低 the high or highest level or number and the lowest level
on high
    在天(堂)上 in heaven


用作形容词 (adj.)
  • six feet high六英尺高
  • three meters high3米高
  • at this high hour在此关键时刻
  • high blood pressure高血压
  • high building高的大楼
  • high carbon steel高碳钢
  • high character高尚的品格
  • high ideals崇高的理想
  • in high spirits情绪高昂
  • in high terms称赞地
  • high light(相片、图等中的)光线最强的部分,最精彩的场面〔节目〕
  • high limit上限
  • high mountain高山
  • high official高级官员
  • on the high ropes兴高采烈,得意洋洋,骄傲,发怒
  • high polymer高分子聚合物
  • high speed高速
  • high summer盛夏
  • high tide高潮(时期)
  • high time最适当的时候,正该…的时候
  • extremely high非常高的
  • incredibly high高得令人难以置信的
  • very high很高的
  • high above one's head在头顶上空
  • high in含…量高的
  • high in iron含铁量高的
  • high in price价格高
  • high in protein高蛋白的,蛋白质丰富的
  • high in stature身材高
  • high in vitamin C维生素C丰富的
  • high on热心于,热衷于
  • high on the list of位于…的前列
用作副词 (adv.)
  • aim high向高处瞄准,力争上游
  • fly high飞得高
  • get high on a drug吸毒成瘾
  • pay high付得高价
  • rise high高升
用作名词 (n.)
  • hit a new high创造新的纪录
  • reach a new high达到新纪录
  • new high新纪录,新高价
  • all time high空前的高度
  • on high在高处,在天空,在天堂
  • on a high处于吸毒后的快感状态


  • The common size of the natives is somewhat under six inches high.

  • The granary..stood on stone staddles, high enough for persons to walk under.

    出自:T. Hardy
  • Her high heels tilted her nearly to tiptoe.

    出自:E. Welty
  • To calculate the height of..the highest building by pacing out its shadow on the ground.

    出自:J. G. Ballard
  • The house we lived in had big, high rooms.

    出自:A. Munro

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Actinostemma lobatum
Adenophora petiolata
alethic logic
alignment of channel
Alxa Plateau
anti-radar overlay
arithmetical predicate
baryt biotite
basic operator control ssp
benzenesulfinic acid
calcium dihydrogen phosphate
classification criteria
clock reference
closed court
comparative immunity
compression refrigerating machine
condition pseudo variable
control loop
critical crack depth
crosspoint switching matrix
D. D.
disjunctive normal form
distributive algebra
duodecuple scale
electrochemical factor
entropy fluctuation
genus feliss
geopotential foot
get off the bus
industrial-relation court
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ion carburizing vacuum furnace
it seems that
merchandise ledger clerk
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movable rubber belt conveyor
non-impact pneumatic screwdriver
north channels
phosphatidyl phosphoglycerol
pollinating period
pre investment studies
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short slot
size of settlement
somesthetic path
spiral slot
street intersection
take a stab at
temperate warm zone
template rnas
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third party practice
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train chart
Trigonotis omeiensis
twentieth man
us billboard
uses and trusts
water performance test
wild sweet pea
yearly load factor