音标:[kaunt] ; 柯林斯词典等级:1 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
vt. 计算, 视为
vi. 计数
n. 计算, 合计, 计数, 伯爵
[计] 计数
n. the total number counted
n. the act of counting; reciting numbers in ascending order
n. a nobleman (in various countries) having rank equal to a British earl
v. determine the number or amount of
词型变化:名词复数形式 : counts ; 过去分词 : counted ; 现在分词 : counting ; 第三人称单数 : counts ; 过去式 : counted



  1. Material control and cycle count.基本掌握物料控制及周期计算知识。
  2. It's not humanly possible to count so quickly.计算得这么快是人力无法做到的。
  3. Fruity cocktails count as health food, study finds.研究发现,水果鸡尾酒可被视为健康食品。
  4. Since most countries already have too many laws, a pause for parliamentary reflection might count as progress.大多数地区已经立了太多的法律,中止国会审议工作或可视为一种进步。
  5. We cannot always count on our parents.我们不能总是依赖父母。
  6. I need to count on you to finish this for me.我必须依赖你来帮我完成这件事。
  1. Take your blood count first, please.请先做一次血球计数。
  2. There is a high pollen count in the air.空气中有很高的花粉计数。
  3. It will count up to a large amount.总数将相当可观。
  4. Then check if the line count exceeds the page length.然后检查行的总数是否超过页长。
  1. The count lived in that big house.伯爵曾经住在那幢大房子里。
  2. His father was the Count of Montpellier.他的父亲曾是蒙彼利埃伯爵。


  1. That one doesn't count.那一个不能算。
  2. I don't know how many I have—I didn't count.我不知道我有多少——我没有算过。
  3. The referee started counting.裁判员开始数数。
  4. Quality counts above origin.质量比产地更重要。
  5. Everything they do counts.他们所做的每一件事都很重要。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. We counted the books and found there were fifty.我们把书数了一下,总共是50本。
  2. Don't forget to count your change.别忘记数一下找给你的零钱。
  3. It is impossible to count the stars in the sky.天空中的星星数不清。
  4. Six people are on the trip if you count the children.如果把孩子们也算上,参加这次旅行的一共有六个人。
  5. Not counting the autumn crop of maize, their total grain output still exceeded that of the previous year.不把秋季玉米收成算进去,他们的粮食总产量仍超过头一年。
  6. 1
  7. Prisoners were counted each morning and evening.囚犯们早晚都要点名。
  8. Have the votes been counted yet?选票有没有计数?
  9. The number of factories able to make such a machine was less than could be counted on the fingers of one's hands.那时能生产这种机器的工厂屈指可数。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +(as/to be) n./adj.
  1. I count him as my best friend.我把他看作是我最好的朋友。
  2. The old man counted her as his own daughter.老人把她看作是自己的女儿。
  3. The city council counts its library as an important part of public service.市政会认为它的图书馆是公共事业的一个重要组成部分。
  4. On the whole she counted herself a fortunate wife.总的来说她把自己看作是一位幸运的妻子。
  5. I count him a good judge of character.我认为他很会判断别人品性的好坏。
  6. Shelley counted this experience a part of his education.雪莱把这段经历看作是自己所受教育的一部分。
  7. He counted the day well spent.他认为那天没有虚度。
  8. Finally they had to count him as dead.最后他们只能认为他已经死了。
  9. I count myself fortunate in working with you.我认为能和您在一起工作很幸运。
  10. You must count yourself lucky that you were not fired by your boss.你没被老板解雇就算幸运。
  11. After such a bad accident you should count yourself lucky escaping death.经历了这一次不幸事故,你还能活命不死,总算万幸。
  12. I count myself to be fortunate.我认为我自己是幸运的。
  13. 1
  14. He is generally counted as incorruptible good official of the law.人们普遍认为他是一个廉洁的好法官。
  15. A member of the tennis club is counted as belonging to the whole sports club.网球俱乐部的成员被认为是整个俱乐部的一员。
S+~+ n./pron. +(to be) prep .-phrase
  1. He counts his life of no importance when fighting for freedom.他为自由而战,视死如归。
S+~+it+ n./adj. +to- v
  1. I count it a great honour to serve you.能为您效劳,甚感荣幸。
  2. We count it our duty to support birth control.我们认为,支持计划生育是我们的责任。
  3. I count it foolish to let him go.我认为让他走是不明智的。
  1. He made a rapid count of those who were late.他很快地数了一下迟到的人数。
  2. People on the seashore are beyond count.海滩上的人不计其数。
  3. There were, by count, only 20 students in the library on Saturday evening.数了一下,星期六晚上图书馆里只有20个学生。
  4. According to his count, there were more than 200 people at the meeting.按照他的计算有200多人出席了这个会议。
  5. We will complete the count of the ballots by five tomorrow.我们将于明晨五点钟把选票统计完毕。
  6. The official count came to over a hundred.官方统计超过100。
  7. I want you to start on a count of five.我要你在我数到五时开始。
  8. I may have made a mistake in the count.我在数的过程中有可能数错了。
  9. You may need another count before you are certain of the total.你也许需要再数一遍才能确定总数。
  10. She was found guilty on all counts.她被判各项罪名成立。
  11. The prisoner was found not guilty on all counts.那名犯人被指控的各项罪状都不能成立。
  12. One of the counts against her is that she has maltreated her children.她被指控的罪行之一就是虐待孩子。
  13. Her indictment contains six counts.对她的起诉包括六项指控。
  14. I disagree with you on both counts.我对你的两个论点不敢苟同。
  15. This policy has failed on several counts.这项政策在几个方面都失败了。


count against (v.+prep.)
    对…不利; 不利于 be unfavourable tocount against sth

    The recent political incident will inevitably count against the peace process of the two countries.


    count sth against sb

    He is young and inexperienced, but please do not count that against him.


    Family background could hardly have been counted against her.


count among (v.+prep.)
    认为…属于 regard sb/sth along to certain groupcount sb/sth among sb/sth

    They counted me among their supporters.


    Her poetry is counted among the best-known this century.


    Mark Twain was counted among the greatest writers of the century.


count as (v.+prep.)
    当作 regard...as, look on ascount as sb/sth

    In English, a clause acting as the subject of a sentence counts as singular.


    For the convenience of our classification, any over eighteen years old counts as an adult.


count down (v.+adv.)
    倒数到零或规定的时间 count backwards to zero or a required timecount down

    The people at Control have already begun to count down.


    count sth ⇔ down

    The spaceship is already being counted down.


count for (v.+prep.)
    有价值,有重要性 be worth, be of significancecount for sth

    Such men don't count for anything.


    She has realized it is a serious mistake to regard me as a little kid who counts for nothing.


    In their eyes wealth counted for a great deal, education for very little.


count in (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉把…算在某一整体之内 include sb/sth, especially when doing a calculationcount sb/sth ⇔ in

    Please count me in on this project.


    Go and see how many chairs we have in that classroom, but don't count in the broken ones.


count off (v.+adv.)
    挑出 divide into groups by countingcount off

    Count off!


    count sth ⇔ off

    Will you count off the figures one by one so that I can write them down?


    count sb ⇔ off

    He counted off five men to help with the job.


count on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    期望,指望 expect or anticipate sth, usually used in the negativecount on〔upon〕 sb/sth

    We can always count on him for help in any emergency.


    Don't always count on others for help, you are old enough to do the work by yourself.


    They counted on foreign investment to stimulate their economy.


    count on〔upon〕 sb to-v

    Don't count on other people to help you out of trouble.


    I know of at least two people who can be counted on to support us.


    count on〔upon〕 v-ing

    I had counted on having it completed by March.


    We are counting on selling at least 5000 copies of the book.


    I had not counted on meeting her here this morning.


    Don't count on going abroad this summer, we may not have enough money.


    Mind,I count on your keeping the promise.


    count on〔upon〕 sb/sth v-ing

    Please count on me doing my best.


    We can count on the weather being fine.


count out (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉不把…考虑在内 omit as nonparticipating, omit from considerationcount out

    The little girl could only remember her numbers by counting out.


    count sth ⇔ out

    She counted out fifteen pence and passed it to the salesgirl.


    There is no need to tell the kids that the number of stars cannot be counted out.


    count sb out

    You can count me out of this little plan of yours.


    Those who have not yet sent in applications should be counted out.


count up (v.+adv.)
    加起来,算出总数 add up and find the total amount ofcount sb/sth ⇔ up

    You can count up the great poets still alive , on the fingers of one hand.


    The men counted up the money carefully.


    count up to sth

    Count up to ten before you open your eyes.


keep〔lose〕 count of
    知〔不知〕某数 know〔not know〕 how many there are of sth
set no count on
    看不起,轻视 look down upon
take count of
    重视,计较 take sth seriously


用作动词 (v.)
  • count cars数车
  • count five before standing在站起来之前数到5
  • count one's chickens before they are hatched打如意算盘
  • count people数人数
  • count the broken ones把破碎的算在内
  • count the house点入场者的人数
  • count the number数数
  • count the pages数页数
  • count things数东西
  • count no longer不再有价值
  • count nothing一点价值都没有
  • count one by one一个一个地数
  • count accurately准确计算
  • count basically基本上有价值
  • count carefully仔细地数
  • count clearly数清楚
  • count confidently自信地数
  • count definitely确切地计算
  • count entirely全部计算
  • count legally合法计算
  • count monotonously单调地数
  • count silently默默地数
  • count strongly理直气壮地数
  • count trustingly认为值得信任
  • count down倒数
  • count in算在内
  • count off报数,点数
  • count out点数
  • count sb out不把某人计算在内
  • count up计算,加起来
  • count above比…重要
  • count against sb对某人不利
  • count among the best of one's book认为是最好的作品之一
  • count as算作
  • count as a masterpiece算得上杰作
  • count sb as a member认为某人是其中一员
  • count sb as dead认为某人已死
  • count by fingers掐指一算
  • count by ten以十计
  • count for...有…价值,有…重要性
  • count for little无足轻重
  • count for much非常重要
  • count for nothing算不了什么
  • count from从…点算起
  • count on〔upon〕指望
  • count on fine weather for a picnic期望有个好天气进行野餐
  • count on Japan for economic assistance指望日本得到经济援助
  • count on one's co-operation期待某人的合作
  • count on one's joining期待某人的加入
  • count on one's keeping the promise指望某人信守诺言
  • count on others for help指望得到别人的帮助
  • count on sb coming期待某人的到来
  • count on sb not to mention it期待某人别提此事
  • count to数到
  • count up to数到,总计
  • count with beads用珠子数
用作名词 (n.)
  • complete the count计算完毕
  • contain a count统计数目
  • make a count统计数目
  • need a count需要数一遍
  • need another count需要再数一遍
  • take the count被判失败
  • accurate count准确的计数
  • actual count实际计数
  • amorous count多情的问题
  • bogus count伪造罪
  • exact count精确的计数
  • fraudulent count诈骗罪
  • grieved count悲痛的事项
  • lost count省略的读数
  • microscopic count显微镜计算
  • official count官方的计数
  • rapid count速算
  • background count年底计数
  • blood count血球计数
  • body count合计人数
  • census count人口普查
  • layout count数字位计算
  • noise count噪声脉冲
  • nose count清点人数
  • pulse count计算脉冲
  • reference count基准计算
  • squaring count求平方(数)
  • count cycle计算循环
  • count noun可数名词
  • at the count of M数到M时
  • beyond count数不完,无数的
  • by count以某种方式数
  • in every count在各方面
  • in the count计数过程中
  • on all counts从所有的方面
  • on the other counts在其他方面
  • out of count数错
  • count against sb指责某人的过失


  • In actual count of time, he was no longer in his first youth.

    出自:P. G. Wodehouse
  • About fifty titles, at the present count.

    出自:M. Moorcock
  • 'One, two, three...'; the seekers..began to count their hundred, aloud.

    出自:Aldous Huxley
  • He counted the flies on the ceiling.

    出自:E. Birney

[0:02.098]Lesson Y I Can Count [0:08.831]Let's talk. [0:10.257]Millie. [0:10.856]Yes? [0:11.688]I can count. [0:13.065]Really? [0:14.255]Please try [0:17.216]Ok.1 2 3 10 [0:28.598]Oh,great! [0:31.791]Magic box [0:33.831]count [0:34.600]draw [0:35.687

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(musculus rhomboideus dorsalis (dorsi))
acoustic scattering
antenna tilt
artificer's knot
automatic switchover
axis of collimation
Bridge Battery
canary wines
cardboard cut - out
certificate of naturalization
chock liner
Citrullus colocynthis Schrad.
corroded mutant
criss cross method
cyclic pump
dental precentive treatment
diagonal splicing
different quality
Dnieper R.
dual feasible condition
dwarf chestnuts
edge chromatic number
El Salto
electrooptical modulation transfer functions
first-in-first-out queue (fifo)
genus Micropogonias
give sb a leg-up
going hungry
high-pressure admission
Hope R.
Huanghe deposit
hydrological cycle
hyphodontia crustosa
ichang limestone
justifiable nitrogen
lazy eights
lettres sur la danse et les ballets
male aristocrats
net markdown
normal hydrocarbon
observed value
Oklo phenomena
physically unclonable function
pneumatolytic stage
preoral gut
propeller drive shaft
property page
radial flow reaction turbine
routing algorithm
row-crop tractor
sawbuck table
serpulorbis xenophorus
seventh nerve
shining ore
silver graphite brush
spike discharge
stomach clamp
suction fan gas freeing
three arm mooring
time compressed multiplex
triggering edge
true corpus luteum
union-hose connector
wild host