音标:['biznis] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 生意, 事情, 业务, 商业, 商行, 职责
[经] 企业, 商业, 营业
n. a commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it
n. a rightful concern or responsibility
n. an immediate objective
n. the volume of commercial activity
词型变化:名词复数形式 : businesses



  1. He had no head for business.他毫无商业头脑。
  2. He was inexperienced in business.他在商业方面缺乏经验。
  3. It's none of my business.这不关我的事。
  4. I don't understand this business.我不了解这件事。
  5. They've done some business together.他们一起做过生意。
  6. Business is always brisk before Christmas.圣诞节前生意总是很兴隆。


  1. His business there was routine cleaning and inspection.他在那儿的工作是例行的清扫和检查。
  2. His business was wrecked.他的事业失败了。
  3. Business is at a standstill.商业在停顿中。
  4. The business is under the control.业务得以控制。
  5. Taylor's business just managed to break even last month.上月泰勒的生意不赔不赚。
  6. I wish to advise you that business has been done at 100 yuan per ton.我愿告诉你有笔生意已按每吨100元成交。
  7. The insurance business is built on trust.保险业建立在信任的基础上。
  8. Business is business.公事公办。
  9. Mind your own business!少管闲事!
  10. My business is with you.我的事关系到你。
  11. Has your business been attended to by her in your absence?你不在的时候,事务一直由她处理吗?
  12. We'll have to find some place else to do business.我们得找别的地方去做生意。
  13. The company has done business with many countries.该公司与许多国家进行商业贸易。
  14. He has a good business as a greengrocer.他开了一家很好的青果商店。
  15. The chairman made a preliminary statement before beginning the main business of the meeting.在会议主要议程之前主席致了开幕词。
  16. Underinvoicing is not the proper way of doing business.开假发票不是做生意的正当办法。
  17. He has built up a good business.他已使他的生意兴隆起来。
  18. He takes the business in hand.他从事于这件事。
  19. They commenced a business.他们开始一种营业。
  20. We shut up business at six.我们6点停业。
  21. We directed our own business.我们经营自己的业务。
  22. We transacted business with the firm.我们和这家公司交易。
  23. When he had established a flourishing business, he was bought out by a larger concern.正当生意兴隆时,他的全部股权被一家较大的商行买下了。
  24. I stood for five minutes thinking the business over.我站了5分钟,把事情从头到尾想了一遍。
  25. Tell me your business shortly.把你的事简略地告诉我。
  26. I have my business to attend to.我有事要料理。
  27. He attended to his business.他专心于他的事务。
  28. He's in the wool business.他做羊毛生意。
  29. Efficiency is the dominant idea in many businesses.效率是许多事业中居首位的观念。
  30. He made a fortune in the coal and iron business.他在煤铁业经营中发了财。
  31. It takes hard work to get ahead in business.要想在商业上获得成功需要努力。
  32. In business, a prompt reply is imperative.在商业上迅速的回复是必要的。
  33. He established himself in business.他立足于商界。
  34. He is absent on business.他出差了。
  35. I shall go to Shanghai on commercial business.我将去上海办商务。
  36. On what business did she come here this morning?今天早上她为什么事而来?
  37. He is smart about business.他做生意很精明。
  38. I am deeply sorry about the whole business.我对整个事件深表遗憾。
  39. They're keeping very close about the whole business.对于整个事情的来龙去脉,他们一直保守秘密。
  40. The old woman is curious about other people's business.这位老太婆爱打听别人的事。
  41. Some kinds of business are competitive.有些商业是要竞争的。
  42. The collapse of the business was a mortal blow to him and his family.生意的破产给他和家庭以致命的打击。
  43. What brought about the failure of the business?是什么原因造成经营失败的?
  44. He wants to be promoted to the upper ranks of the business.他想晋升为本商行较高的职位。
  45. We shall have to appoint another day for the rest of our business.我们只好再约一天来处理其余的事。
  46. The telephone office is open for public business.这个电信局对外营业。
  47. The new stock exchange was open for business yesterday.这家新证券交易所昨天开业。
  48. She had no head for business, and it was not long before she went under.她没有做生意的头脑,不久就失败了。
  49. He is a business man all the time.他一向是做生意的。
  50. Below is an example of a typical business letter.下面是典型商业书信的一个例子。
  51. He advised her about her business affairs.他对她的生意经营提出一些意见。
  52. The business secret appears to have leaked.看来商业机密被泄露出去了。
  53. During the business depression, half the machines in the factory were idle.商业萧条期间,这个工厂的机器半数是闲置的。
  54. He associated himself with his friend in a business undertaking.他与朋友合伙经商。
  55. It is the business of the police to keep order.维护治安是警察的职责。
  56. It was a legal business.这是合法的营业。
  57. It's a lucrative business.这是一笔赚钱的生意。
  58. It's a profitable little business.这是一家非常赚钱的小商店。


do the business
    命中 hit the target or mart
get〔come〕 to business
    着手开始工作; 言归正传 start the work that must be done
give〔get〕 the business
    苛责 a harsh scolding
go out of business
    停业,歇业 stop doing business
have no business
    无权〔不该〕(干某事) have no right (to do sth)have no business to-v/v-ing

    You have no business to do that.


    The weather has no business to be so hot in spring.


    You have no business saying things about me.


    He had no business getting mixed up in such a matter.


know one's business
    精通业务 expert in one's affairs or work, etc.
land-office business
    〈非正〉生意兴隆 a great rush of business
make a business of
    以…为业 work as
make a great business of it
    非常辛苦地做它 try one's best to do it or to be very hard to do sth
mean business
    认真的,严肃的 be serious
mind one's own business
    少管闲事 not interfere in other's matters
monkey business
    〈口〉不正当行为; 胡闹 any activity that is furtive or deceitful
send about sb's business
    把(某人)赶走 send sb away and tell him not to interferesend sb about sb's business

    I sent my servant about her business.



用作名词 (n.)
  • absorb business吸收企业
  • accommodate business供应业务
  • blast business摧毁企业
  • conduct business经营业务
  • confess to business交代业务
  • corrupt business收买企业
  • debate business讨论业务
  • depress business压低交易,抑制业务
  • direct business经营业务
  • dominate business控制企业
  • establish business建立业务
  • evolve business发展业务
  • get (down) business干正经事,谈正经事
  • give up business放弃业务
  • increase business增加业务
  • quit business放弃商业
  • slow down business减缓业务进程
  • speed up business加快业务进程
  • stabilize business稳定业务
  • suspend business中止业务
  • swallow up business吞并企业
  • symbolize business代表企业
  • talk business谈正经的,说正经话
  • tie up business冻结业务
  • undertake business承担业务
  • abstract business理论上的业务
  • amazing business令人惊讶的业务
  • blessed business上帝保佑的店铺
  • bloody business血腥的交易
  • brisk business兴旺的业务
  • civil business国内业务
  • commercial business商务事业
  • competitive business竞争业务
  • creative business创造性的业务
  • cruel business残忍的交易,令人痛苦的交易
  • curious business稀奇古怪的商店
  • damnable business糟透的企业
  • dangerous business危险的企业
  • dark business隐秘的行业
  • definite business明确的交易
  • delightful business令人快乐的业务
  • dependable business独立的业务
  • detailed business详细的业务
  • dirty business肮脏的业务
  • discouraging business令人沮丧的业务
  • dismal business凄凉的业务
  • distressing business令人苦恼的业务
  • domestic business国内业务
  • dreadful business可怕的业务
  • droll business滑稽可笑的业务
  • educational business教育业
  • exclusive business独家经营
  • executive business行政业务
  • experimental business试验企业
  • extended business扩大的业务
  • extensive business扩大的业务
  • fateful business至关重要的交易
  • fearful business可怕的业务
  • foul business罪恶的交易
  • gigantic business巨大的业务
  • heartbreaking business令人伤心的交易
  • honest business诚实的交易
  • illegal business违法的交易
  • illustrious business辉煌的业务
  • immense business巨大的交易
  • increasing business增长的业务
  • intelligent business智力业
  • interesting business有趣的业务
  • international business国际商业
  • irrational business不合理的交易
  • miserable business糟糕的企业
  • modern business现代企业
  • momentous business重大企业
  • money-lending business贷款业务
  • nasty business问题多的企业
  • nervy business有胆量的交易
  • petty business小店
  • phenomenal business非凡的业务,表面现象的业务
  • poor business糟糕的业务
  • private business私事
  • public business公事
  • pure business纯业务
  • queer business古怪的业务
  • ready-made business现成的业务
  • reckless business粗心大意的交易
  • reliable business可靠的交易
  • reputable business声誉好的企业
  • risky business风险交易
  • roaring business生意兴隆
  • ruined business毁了的企业
  • sad business糟透的业务
  • secure business安全业
  • serious business严肃的交易
  • shameful business可耻的交易
  • shipping business海运业
  • silly business愚蠢的交易
  • single business单项业务
  • solemn business庄严的交易
  • sorry business后悔〔拙劣〕的交易
  • stable business稳定的行业
  • stern business苛刻的交易
  • stiff business不灵活的企业
  • stirring business激动人心的交易
  • stupid business无聊的行业
  • successful business成功的交易
  • suspended business迟迟未决的业务
  • swift business迅速的交易
  • temporal business临时业务
  • tidy business趋势业务
  • timely business适时的业务
  • tiresome business讨厌的业务
  • tremendous business巨大的业务
  • trivial business平凡的业务
  • troublesome business讨厌〔麻烦〕的业务
  • ugly business丑陋的业务
  • unavoidable business不可回避的业务
  • uncrowded business非密集的企业
  • ungentle business不文雅的业务
  • unpleasant business不愉快的交易
  • unsound business无声行业
  • urgent business紧急事务
  • weighty business繁重的业务
  • well-managed business经营好的企业
  • agency business代理业务
  • charter business租船业务
  • commission business委托贸易
  • construction business建筑业
  • foreign business外汇业务
  • insurance business保险业务
  • realty business房地产业务
  • satellite business卫星业务
  • securities business证券业
  • service business服务业
  • transportation business运输业
  • trust business信托企业
  • venture business冒险投资业
  • whole-sale business批发业务
  • business address业务、办公室、店铺等的地址
  • business boom商业繁荣
  • business card名片
  • business college商业学院
  • business depression业务不景气
  • business education商业教育
  • business English商业英语
  • business hours营业时间
  • business machine商业机器
  • business man商人,实业家
  • business news商业新闻
  • business suits商业服装
  • on business因公,公差,办事


  • What is your business here so late to Night?

  • The Prime Minister..believed that the primary business of government was to administer the existing order.

    出自:W. S. Churchill

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a good bet
adverse judgement
Agadir Melloul
articulation of elbow
assembly pulley
associated space
Bachelor of Laws
be bad company
become extinct
body effect diode amplifier
carbide tipped reamer
cash account method of cash budget
cause elimination
centre-of-pressure travel
climbing irons
cutleaf coneflower
double beam densitometer
external trigger input
field beans
glomus nigrum
gone to waste
hawke bay
heat and vent system
hotel appointments
information transfer experiments
international council of ballroom dancing (icbd)
inverted receiver
jus fruendi aut frucus
kirk session
legal force
local population sample
low water period
marine vertical seismic profiling
master's mate
minimax sequential decision function
modified jelly-roll process
mount a ladder
multitemporal image
nuclear strategy
operating system component
orthophyric texture
output end mirror
primary database
punched card processing equipment
punish the bottle
renewable energy resources
Right up your street
Roca Partida, Pta.
sanaa (sana)
slope ramp
Streptococcus saprophyticus
subspiracular lobe
teeth zone
telemetered medium environment buoy
the better part of
the hokey-pokey
time of useful consciousness (tuc)
waste liquid
wet lay-up technique
width of transition steepness
wild pumpkin