标签:邮政术语单词 相关文章
1. invention,发明物,创作品。 eg:The machine was his own invention. 这台机器是他自己发明的。 2. invent,发明,创造。 eg:He invented a new type of stethoscope. 他发明了一种新型听诊器。 3. term,专门名词,术语。
Alan Siegel说纳税申报表、信用卡协议、医疗保健立法都充斥着冗长费解的官样文件。他提倡用简洁明了的简单英语重新设计人们能够理解的法律文件。
核心句型: Let's cut to the chase. 我们就开门见山吧。 cut to the chase 这个习惯用语来源于好莱坞电影,许多电影里最精彩的片段都是跟踪追击的场面,导演喊这句话就是让把镜头切换到追踪场面,
Back stroke 上挥杆 Back swing 后挥杆 Rap 果断而有力地推击 Recover 救球,挽救性击球 - 从长草区、障碍或任何麻烦的地方将球打到理想的位置或球洞区上 Regul
(6)活动(Moving) 躯体移动障碍(Impaired Physical Mobility) 有周围血管神经功能障碍的危险(Risk for Peripheral Neurovascular Dysfunction) 活动无耐力(Activity In
D/C-discharge rehab-rehabilitation NKDA-nil known drug allergies Neb-nebulizer RTW-return to ward CMP machine- continuous passive motion machine CPAP-continuous positive airway pressure GA-general ana
table n.桌子,餐桌 解析:at table 吃饭 desk n.书桌 tablet n.碑,匾;药片 taboo n./v. 禁忌,避讳 tabulate v.制表 tack n.平头钉 tackle v.解决,对付 tact n.机智,机敏 tactics n.策
Attack: The attempt by one team to terminate the play by hitting the ball to the floor on the opponent's side. 攻击,进攻;指一方队员将球打到对方的地面,使对方无法接起而终止
trade partner 贸易伙伴 manufacturer 制造商,制造厂 middleman 中间商,经纪人 dealer 经销商 wholesaler 批发商 retailer, tradesman 零售商 merchant 商人,批发商,零售商 concessionaire, licensed dealer 受让人,特
In our jobs, we may have occasions to communicate with people in other countries or from other cultures.Whether we are buying, selling, consulting, or simply trying to obtain informatoin, we will need to get across ideas to an audience we are not use
And the trick here is to use a single, readable sentence that the audience can key into if they get a bit lost, 这里的窍门就是使用简单、易读的句子,让观众即使有点儿不明白也能够掌握要点, and then provide visuals w
We are leaking bleed air. Request turn right heading 095 to avoid the icing area. 661. 我们的引气正在泄漏。请求右转095以避开结冰区。 CPDLC has malfunctioned. We are reverting to voice communication. 662. CPDLC失效。我们正在恢
We made the go-around because our landing gear wouldn't extend normally. Request holding pattern to perform checklist. 621. 我们刚才复飞的原因是起落架无法正常放出。申请等待来做检查单。 We have exhausted all options. We w
The air conditioning system has malfunctioned. 441. 空调系统已故障。 We have only one air conditioning pack operational. Request a new cruising level below FL300. 442. 我们仅有一个空调组件运行。请求新的巡航高度低于高度
We have severe vibration coming from the avionics ventilation fan. 461. 我们的电子通风风扇有严重抖振。 There are unusual noises coming from the avionics bay. 462. 电子设备舱有异常噪音。 Our FMS has malfunctioned. Request rad
The APU fire seems to be extinguished. Request fire trucks on standby and stairs vehicle to disembark the passengers. 521. APU火情看样子被熄灭了,申请消防车待命,还有客梯车以便让旅客下飞机。 The APU is still on fire. W
We are indicating fuel filter clog. Request descent and to maintain high speed. 561. 我们显示有燃油过滤阻塞,申请下降并保持大速度。 Our left engine failed due to fuel starvation. 562. 由于没有燃油供给,我们的左发失
首先,如果文章中出现深奥的学术名词,总会在上下文中给予或多或少的浅显解释,而这些解释可以帮助考生大概理解名词的含义。比如,很多人认为插入语是 GRE阅读文章中无关紧要的东西,