Unit 22 Come with Falling Snow385 和雪花一起飘来 生活中,要想得到自己想要的东西,有时需要付出本来承受不了的耐心。人们应该从不放弃希望。生活可能会不如人之所愿,但只要希望还在,终归会获得满足 BY the year my husband turned 40 and I hit the age of 35, Jo

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Unit 23 The Shipwreck403 海难 所有灾难中,也许只有海难是最令人感到无奈的。在茫茫大海上,既不如遭遇空难一样完全无助,更不如遭遇陆地灾难一样有物可依,有的只是禁不住人的海水,幸运的话可能会有一些漂浮物,最多也就有一些幻想罢了 The rumble(隆隆声) of the s

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Unit 18 Roses301 玫瑰 我发现玫瑰不仅仅是一些特殊场合的精致饰品,而且它们自身也有一种生机勃勃、不屈不挠的精神。反观现实生活,我们是否也曾经带有偏见地误会了其他看起来娇弱无力然而生命顽强的东西呢? I had a prejudice about receiving flowers. Even though

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Unit 27 The Freak Accident485 意外伤害 玛蒂因一次意外事故失去了双腿的功能,但她没有消沉,反而发挥自己的才能,录制了一部介绍残疾人生活的录像,并获了奖。这次事故给了她改变世界的机会,也让她成为一名很好的制片人 Dr. Kaye, Marty's neurologist, called it a

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Unit 26 Media Coverage463 媒体报道 大众传媒已经成为现代生活不可或缺的一部分。但他们真的可信吗?他们能给我们提供的内容到底有多少是真实的和客观的?我们是否只能成为坐在屏幕前接受欺骗的无助的目标观众? What do we expect from those stalwart(坚定的) people

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Unit 16 When Shadows Fall261 暮色降临时 写作是需要充分的安静的。喜欢安静,又有点怪癖﹑固执的作家埃姆莉太太讨厌无聊声音的烦扰,乐意享受夜间静谧的环境 Cobwebs(蜘蛛网) hang lazily from the cracked plaster ceilings. Dust has piled thickly on the paper. B

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Unit 17 Saving the Environment271 拯救环境 比起消除真正的污染,当前加强对于环境保护重要性的认识,其意义还要深远得多。我们太晚才认识到,当我们在生产﹑规模﹑速度和发展这些方面取得成就的时候,生活条件已大大恶化 The effort to save the environment derives

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Unit 19 Knights Honor(I)315 骑士的荣誉(一) 两情相悦、世俗阻碍、他人横刀夺爱、骑士英勇复仇,这是一部很古典的外国武侠小说 Chapter 1 Shortly before daylight, Robert began to stir. He stretched his shoulders, feeling his bones grind against one another a

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Unit 20 Knights Honor(Ⅱ)341 骑士的荣誉(二) 幸运的罗伯特由于表现英勇,得到了国王赏赐的莫利伯爵的土地、财产和爵位,从一名小小的骑士晋升为伯爵,顺利地与詹妮成了婚 Chapter 5 It was clear from the beginning that they could have no future together. They w

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Unit 21 The Perfect Christmas Tree 365 完美的圣诞树 圣诞节,国外万家团聚的节日,打算回家过节的年轻夫妇一家却遭遇了大风雪和汽车抛锚的困难 The fresh green smell of Christmas filled the house and the sight of the tree took your breath away. Striped cand

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Unit 24 A Teacher Goes Deep into China423 一名外教深入了解中国 宜山经历是非同寻常的,因为我在那里的角色是整个县城惟一的一位外国人。我经历了很多从没经历过的风俗、礼遇和小插曲,至今令我回味不已 INTRODUCTION:February, 1988:I set out to start on a teac

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Here I am, in China, half way around the world from home. As I lookat my clock and calculate the time back home I realize that half a world away, people are busy getting ready for a wedding. The bride is my niece, a person I first met when she was th

发表于:2018-12-01 / 阅读(166) / 评论(0) 分类 最新15篇文章贯通英语六级词汇

[00:00.00]UNIT2 [00:15.10]Let's Dress UpIt's Halloween [00:17.94]From early childhood getting [00:21.00]dressed up is connected with [00:23.63]a special pastime in North America, [00:26.47]called Halloween. Halloween is [00:28.99]celebrated on the la

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[00:00.00]As a bewildered public endeavored to assimilate [00:03.71]this overwhelming event, [00:05.78]at 9∶03 a.m., a second hijacked jet [00:09.94]crashed into Two W.T.C. [00:13.01]Millions of people around the world, [00:16.08]having been alerte

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[00:00.00]UNIT13 [00:14.10]Sex Role Stereotypes [00:16.51]During my career [00:18.91]as a Canadian female teacher, [00:20.77]I observed many instances [00:22.96]of sex role stereotyping [00:25.04]throughout the western culture. [00:26.68]I was always

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[00:00.00]A dvertisements depict gender bias [00:03.62]while promoting products. [00:05.04]Looking at merchandise displays [00:07.12]in any mall will reveal that [00:09.75]a picture of a juvenile lad would [00:12.26]be near construction equipment [00

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[00:00.00]More recently, [00:02.07]during the spy plane incident over Hainan, [00:04.91]American President Bush [00:07.21]changed the American position toward China [00:10.01]from that of being a world partner [00:12.41](the approach of the Clinton A

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[00:14.07]The World Trade Organization(WTO) and China [00:18.34]As China has been admitted [00:22.06]to the World Trade Organization (WTO), [00:24.90]it is very apt at this time [00:27.42]to compile some important data [00:29.60]about this internatio

发表于:2018-12-01 / 阅读(345) / 评论(0) 分类 最新15篇文章贯通英语六级词汇

[00:00.00]UNIT12 [00:13.55]The American Dream [00:15.84]The dream to construct a building [00:19.89]to house everyone and everything [00:21.97]connected with world trade [00:23.94]began in the early 1960's. [00:27.34]After much deliberation, [00:29

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[00:00.00]As the couple exchange [00:01.42]wedding vows they will be [00:02.95]affirming their love and [00:04.92]making a commitment to each other. [00:06.67]All the spectators are [00:08.31]there to wish them well. [00:09.73]As the time approaches,

发表于:2018-12-15 / 阅读(244) / 评论(0) 分类 最新15篇文章贯通英语六级词汇