标签:英语词 相关文章
今天我们要学的词是take off. To take off意思是起飞。A Boeing 737 with 113 people aboard crashed and burned just after taking off from a Havana airport. 一架载有113人的波音737客机从古巴哈瓦那一家机场起飞后不久坠机
今天我们要学的词是call off. Call off意思是取消。President Donald Trump called off his planned June 12th summit in Singapore with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. 美国总统川普取消了原定6月12日与朝鲜最高领导人金正恩
今天我们要学的词是maintenance. Maintenance 维修,养护。The U.S. Interior Department will hike fees at the most popular national parks to $35 a vehicle to raise funds for park maintenance. 美国内政部宣布,全美游客最多的国家
今天我们要学的词是trade deficit. Trade deficit贸易赤字。The monthly U.S. trade deficit increased to a near 9?-year high in February to $57.6 billion. 美国二月份的贸易赤字升至576亿美元,是近9年半以来的最高水平。
今天我们要学的词是 cusp。 Cusp 是尖端、浪尖,常用的表达方式 on the cusp of 是指正处于转变时刻。Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said he believed the U.S. economy was on the cusp of a historically rare era of ultra-low unem
在英语写作中啊,有5个weak words,它们会使你的文章显得没有力度,失去表现力。下面小E就给大家说道说道这5个词以及如何避免使用。 但是!这些不就是小E当年写作文时必用的词嘛,终于知
今天我们要学的词是walkout. Walkout 做为名词,有罢工,罢课的意思。Students from around 3,000 schools took part in a nationwide walkout to protest Congressional failure to address gun violence. 全美各地约3千所学校的学生
今天我们要学的词是committed. Committed 做为形容词,有坚定的意思。Mark Zuckerberg said Facebook is committed to stop anyone from interfering in the upcoming midterm congressional elections through Facebook. 扎克伯格表示,脸
今天我们要学的词是 on the sidelines. On the sidelines 在外围。Syria was a major topic for discussion on the sidelines of the G-20 summit. 叙利亚是G20峰会外围会谈的主要话题。U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian Presiden
不知不觉2018年已经走入了尾声,你知道今年最热门的英语词是什么吗,今天的节目Jenny和Adam就来聊聊年度热词。 Buzzwords 每年年末,各大词典官方都会选出一个最具代表的热词: Buzzwords: 流行
今天我们要学的词是 infrastructure. Infrastructure 名词,基础设施。Japan promised to spend $30 billion by 2018 on infrastructure development, education and healthcare in Africa. 日本保证在2018年以前投入300亿美元,帮助非
入伏了,一年最热的时候到了,英语中除了hot还有很多形容热的词,快来跟Jenny和Spencer学一学不同的热。 Hot的不同用法 Hot在英语里,最常用来形容三类人事物: Weather: 天气热 People: 人热辣、
辛苦了、混、撒娇......这些简单常用的词,却很难找到贴切的英语翻译。今天,我们就说说最难翻译的中文词。 关键词: Chinese expressions that are hard to translate to English: 很难翻译到英文的中文说
今天我们要学的词是 savanna. Savanna 名词,稀树草原。A comprehensive census shows that the savanna elephant population in 18 African countries decreased by nearly a third between 2007 and 2014. 一项综合全面的研究显示,18个非
今天我们要学的词是finalist. Finalist 意思是入围决赛的选手。American Girl dolls, Twister and Jenga are among 12 finalists vying for a place in the National Toy Hall of Fame. 美国女孩娃娃,扭扭乐和叠叠乐等12种玩具入
谈到尺寸,你肯定知道big和small。但是你是否也只知道big, small; very big, very small? 今天就跟Jenny, Spencer学学除了这两个词,还有什么词能用? 关键词: Big Words #1.Giant/Gigantic Giant could be a noun or a
今天我们要学的词是 coordinate. Coordinate 动词,协调。Islamic nations pledged to establish a policy center in Istanbul to coordinate anti-terrorism efforts. 伊斯兰国家保证要在伊斯坦布尔建议一个政策中心,协同打击
今天我们要学的词是 downgrade. Downgrade 动词,有降级的意思。The World Wildlife Fund has downgraded the giant panda from endangered to vulnerable. 世界野生动物基金会将大熊猫从濒危物种降级为易危物种。The Int
今天我们要学的词是 law enforcement. Law enforcement 是执法的意思。Federal law enforcement investigators are searching for more than 500 pounds of stolen explosives. 联邦执法人员正在寻找500多磅被盗的爆炸物。苹果公司
今天我们要学的词是 successor. Successor 名词,继任者。U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moons term expires at the end of this year, and a search for his successor is under way. 联合国秘书长潘基文的任期今年年底结束,寻找