标签:英文词汇 相关文章
A diligent lad worked at a laboratory. The lab largely produced laser instruments. The lads job largely was to label the laser instruments. He liked his job at large and worked hard. He did not even rest on Labors Day. In his mind, hard work was a la
学习方法一、掌握新概念英语词汇 新概念教材课文里所学习的单词与其他的教材不同,都是最基本、最常用的词汇,与大家的日常生活紧密相连,所以一定要掌握。这里推荐一个好东西,迈西
1. interlude /ˈɪntəˌlu:d/ -- anything filling the time between two events; interval Between World War II and the Korean War, there was a five year interlude of peace. 第二次世界大战与朝鲜战争间有一段历时五年的和平。(意为
有偿删贴英文怎么说 Baidu's professional ethics committee sent an e-mail to more than 16,000 staff members on Aug 1, saying four workers had made money by deleting posts on online forums under requests from other corporations. 百度职业道德
中国考生的雅思写作四大弊病 近年来,中国 雅思考生的英文水平逐渐提高,但是写作始终是提高最慢、最艰难的一个环节。很多考生、甚至是培训学校的老师都误认为写作=语法+词汇,以为没
防红包协议英文怎么说 卫生部近日就《加强公立医院廉洁风险防控》征求意见,规定患者入院时进行医生不收红包、患者不送红包双向签字,协议书纳入病案管理。此举引发社会热议。 请看相
1. Elysian /iˈliziən/ -- delightful; blissful; heavenly Elysium是神话中勇敢及善良的人死后安居的乐土。埃律西昂(Elysium)希腊神话中英雄死后灵魂前往的地方,位于西方的尽头。 Students studying for final
1. saturnine /ˈstəˌnaɪn/ -- heavy; dull; gloomy; morose Saturn是Jupiter之父,虽然传说中他的统治期是黄金时代,可是炼丹家与天文学家把他的名字与重金属铅相联系,因而成为阴沉与忧郁的象征。萨图尔
1. panic /ˈpnik/ -- unreasoning, sudden fright that grips a multitude Pan是恐慌之神。潘(Pan),是希腊神话里的牧神,牧神潘是众神传信者赫耳墨斯的儿子,而名字的原意是一切。掌管树林、田地和羊群的
1. odyssey /ˈɔdɪsi:/ -- any long series of wanderings or travels Odyssey是有关奥德修斯在特洛伊战争后十年流浪返乡的史诗。《奥德赛》是古希腊最重要的两部史诗之一(另一部是《伊利亚特》),相传为