标签:美语发音 相关文章
[] + []在发音时,第一个摩擦音[s]读得短而轻,第二个爆破音[k]在发音时必须少送气并与第三个辅音[]同时进行完成发音。三个辅音音不能加元音[] scream [im] 喊叫声;可笑的 He was a perfect scream. 他是极其可笑的。 screech [it] 尖叫声 Leave me alone! he screeche
美语听力与发音技巧 第25期(短句的断句) Welcome to Daily Tips on learning English. Today’s tip is on the importance of pausing to mark the boundary between phrases or thought group
美语听力与发音技巧 第8期(冠词的用法与读音) Welcome to Daily Tips on Learning English. Today’s tip is on using the articles “a”, “an” and “the” correctly. Every stu
美语听力与发音技巧 第9期(句子中的重音) Welcome to Daily Tips on Learning English. Today’s tip is on word stress on sentences. In general, it is true that content words are stres
美语听力与发音技巧 第3期(清浊辅音结尾对元音的影响) Welcome to Daily Tips on Learning English. Today’s tip is on how different vowel lengths are used to differentiate words
美语听力与发音技巧 第15期(助动词的强调) Welcome to Daily Tips on Learning English. Today’s tip is on when to stress auxiliary verbs. Although auxiliary verbs are not usually str
美语听力与发音技巧 第4期(连音) Welcome to daily tips on learning English. Today’s tip is on sound linking. Although in written English, there’re spaces between every word, in spok
美语听力与发音技巧 第12期(问句的语调) Welcome to Daily Tips on Learning English. Today’s tip is on the intonation of questions. Remember that intonation is the rising and falling
美语听力与发音技巧 第13期(是YES还是NO) Welcome to Daily Tips on Learning English. Today’s tip is on answering “Yes/No” questions correctly. In English, “Yes” is always foll
美语听力与发音技巧 第23期(如何使用 the) Welcome to Daily Tips on Learning English. Today’s tip is on using the English article “the” correctly. The article “the” is most f
美语听力与发音技巧 第21期(及物和不及物动词) Welcome to Daily Tips on Learning English. Today’s tip is to be aware of how some verbs in English, transitive verbs, require an ob
美语听力与发音技巧 第27期(remember 的用法) Welcome to Daily Tips on Learning English. Today’s tip is on the difference in meaning between “remember doing something” and “reme
美语听力与发音技巧 第29期(regret 的用法) Welcome to Daily Tips on Learning English. Today’s tip is on the difference in meaning between “regret to do something” and “regret d
美语听力与发音技巧 第28期(forget 的用法) Welcome to Daily Tips on Learning English. Today’s tip is on the difference in meaning between “forget doing something” and “forget t
秘诀14 连读技巧 (2)字尾元音+字首元音 首先我要告诉大家,中国没几个人懂这个发音秘诀! 在两个元音之间按字尾元音的开口度大小适当添加上微弱的半元音[]或[ ], 如果前一个词结尾的音是: [] [] [] [] [] 在与后面的元音连读时可加 [ ] 音;倘若前一个音是: [] [] []
秘诀12 短元音急促有力 调动腹部的力量,一收小腹,立刻纯正 busygetalongbother 1. Lets get together again. 让我们找一天再聚一聚。 英音:IPA: [ () ]略音[] Lets = let us. 让我们 美音:K.K: [ () ]略音[] together : adv. 共同,一起,聚拢的; 口语中读音
美语听力与发音技巧 第31期(try 的用法) Welcome to Daily Tips on Learning English. Today’s tip is on the difference in meaning between “try to do something” and “try doing some
秘诀17 略音(1)辅音+辅音 疯狂英语的外号是同性相斥 ①. I dontknow whatto do. 我不知道做什么。 IPA: [ ]略音[] K.K: [ ]略音[] 口语中读音: IPA: [ () () ] K.K: [ () () ] ②. I needsomemore money. 我需要更多的钱。 IPA: [ ]略音[]、[] K.K: [ ]略
相互同化就是前后两个连在一起的音念起来不太方便,于是连在一起的两个音就互为影响而混合成一个新的、折衷的、比较好念的音,使之念起来顺口、听起来顺耳、看起来顺眼。此类同化并非是随意的,而是有规可循的。主要的变化如下: [] + [ ] = [] 此情况基本上都连读 1.
第二章元音 元音又称母音。所有元音的发音都需要张嘴振动声带。几乎所有的英文字都含有元音,因此我们可以说元音是构成英文字发音的基本元素。元音一共有下列 24 个 : (i) (I) (e) (E) (A)