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and hang it point downwards from a strip of wood placed across the top of a wide-mouthed bottle, or a pickle-glass, or a tumbler, half full of water. 然后尖头朝下悬挂在一片横放在装有半瓶水的宽口瓶、泡菜瓶或平底玻璃杯口
Lesson 10 SEEDS II 第十课 种子(2) Let us take another bean and plant it in a pot of earth, and leave it to grow there. If we keep the earth moist and warm, the bean will soon grow into a plant, and will put forth green leaves. 咱们再拿一颗
Lesson 9 SEEDSⅠ 第九课 种子(1) Can you tell me the names of some seeds? You all know the acorn, which is the seed of the oak. I am sure you have also seen peas, beans, Indian corn, wheat, and many other seeds. ACORNS(橡子) 小朋友,
Lesson 8 A LUMP OF PUTTY 第八课 一块腻子(油灰) Did you ever see a man put in a pane of glass? He first cuts away the hard stuff which holds the old glass in its place. This hard stuff is called putty. Then with some fresh putty he fixes
Lesson 4 Black-lead 第四课 黑铅 What is the black-lead in your pencil made of? If you take a bit of the metal which we call lead, you will find that it is grey in colour, very heavy, and not at all like the black-lead in your pencil. But the lea
Lesson 77 There's Nothing Like Leather! 第77课 百货不如皮货 Every child who reads this book knows that leather is made from the skins of animals. We cannot, of course, call any piece of skin leather; it must be carefully prepared before we ca
Glass is made chiefly of fine white sand or silica melted in a furnace. To make the sand melt easily, we must mix with it some soda, some chalk or lime, and a small quantity of broken glass. 玻璃主要由细致的白沙或硅石在熔炉中炼成。为
Lesson 65 The Onion 第65课 洋葱 Onions have a very strong smell, which many people dislike; but for all that they are a very good and wholesome food. The onion is a hardy plant, and is easily grown. Let us go to a seed-shop and buy an ounce of on
An onion can be easily pulled to pieces, for its bulb is made of a great many thick juicy leaves, all growing closely together. 我们可以轻而易举地将洋葱剥开, 分成很多片, 因为它的球茎由许多厚厚的多汁叶片构成, 彼此之
Lesson 64 The Red Metal Called Copper 第64课 红色金属铜 There is only one metal which is red in colour. Its name is copper. On the shores of Lake Superior in North America, lumps of pure copper are found in the rocks; but in Cornwall , and in
The bark of the cork-tree is first stripped off its trunk when the tree is about thirty years old. This bark is very rough and full of cracks. It is called virgin cork, and it is used to decorate green-houses and flowerboxes. 木栓栎树长到30年的
Below the ground the stem is swelling out into little beads that will grow into new potatoes for us. The earthmust be piled up round the stems, so as to cover the potatoes and keep them from the light. 地下的茎会长出小珠子一样的东西, 小
Lesson 31 The Gliding Snake 第31课 游来游去的蛇 Snakes belong to the class of animals which is known as reptiles. Very few snakes are found in our country. InIreland there are none at all; and in England and Scotland there are only two kinds
Lesson 33 The Pretty Pigeon 第33课 美丽的鸽子 I am sure that you all know a pigeon when you see one, and that you like and admire this pretty bird. 小朋友, 你们看见鸽子, 一定都认识吧? 你们也一定都喜欢、珍爱这种美丽的
The very young flowers of the buttercup are called buds. On the outside of each bud we see five little green leaves. These keep the bud safe from the cold and from the rain. 毛茛的花, 在很小的时候, 叫做花蕾。每一个花蕾的外面, 我
These pods are picked when they are large and full. 豌豆荚长大、长饱满之后, 人们就采下来, The peas are taken out, and boiled for us to eat. 把豌豆剥出来煮着吃。 Let us look at the curious flower of the pea-plant. 咱们再看
Lesson 26 Picking Buttercups 第26课 摘毛茛 You all like to gather the yellow flowers called buttercups. The flowers are pretty, but there are other partsof the plant which you should look at. Let us dig up the whole plant with a big knife, and t
Lesson 28 A Block Of Salt 第28课 一块盐 Every day we eat some of the white powder which we call salt. Salt does our bodies good, and keeps them healthy. We eat it at dinner along with our meat. We eat it, too, with eggs, and watercress, and with
Lesson21 A piece of slate 第21课 一块石板 Look at your slate, and see what it is made of. It is a very thin, smooth, grey stone. The pencil with which you write upon it is also a piece of soft slate. 小朋友, 看看你自己写字用的石板
Lesson20 Cocks and hens 第20课 公鸡和母鸡 I know that many boys and girls like to eat eggs for their breakfast and for their tea. They like puddings, too, that are made with eggs. Where do these eggs come from? 我知道, 很多小朋友在吃早