标签:电脑专业 相关文章
你会用电脑吗? Do you know how to use a computer? 你以前用过电脑吗? Have you ever worked on a computer before? 你常用电脑吗? Do you often work with a computer? 我喜欢电脑游戏。 I like computer games. 我们文书工作全
[00:00.00]Computer System Dialogue 1 [00:03.15]计算机系统 句型1 [00:06.30]A: Hey,Bill. Can you tell what's wrong with my computer? [00:08.62]嘿,比尔。你看看我的电脑出了什么问题吗? [00:10.95]I can't move the mouse ,I can't
[00:00.00]Chapter 9 Database Management System [00:03.07]第九章 数据库管理系统 [00:06.14]Dialogue 1 [00:07.82]句型1 [00:09.51]A:Hey ,Greg , Check out my new wallpaper! [00:12.43]嘿,Greg,看一下我屏幕的新背景画面! [00:15.
Part 1 What Do You Know About the Computer? 电脑基本知识 首先你得弄明白你想 用电脑做什么。有些人只是单纯地做些文字处理(writing documents),有些人则是为了玩网络游戏(playing computer games),还有些专业人士拿电脑做影象编辑(editing pictures),电脑
Writing is hard. Writing something worth sharing is even harder. Writing something worth keeping hardest. Thats twelve years of professional writing experience summed up in fifteen words. Experience that starts with a stint as a junior copywriter wri
C: what's wrong with you? Why do you look so sad? J: I've lost all my files from the computer. It's a total disaster. C: How did that happen? J: three days ago, my laptop went on strike. I couldn't enter the Windows system. As I was about to give it
Chloe的电脑出了点毛病,她打电话给朋友Matt,让他帮忙看看。 Professor: That's right, Winnie. Isn't it good to have friends who understand computers? 那可不,有电脑达人当朋友真不错! Chloe: Hi Matt, thanks for comin
H 单倍体 haploid haploinsufficiency 造血干细胞 hematopoietic stem cell 血友病 hemophilia 杂合子 heterozygous 高度保守序列 highly conserved sequence Hirschsprung病 Hirschsprung's d
E 电泳 electrophoresis Ellis - van Creveld syndrome 酶 enzyme 外显子 exon F 家族性地中海热 familial Mediterranean fever 荧光原位杂交 fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) 脆性
It is time to reassess your relationship with your computer when....(到了重新评价你和你的电脑的关系时候了当......) 1. You wake up at 4 O'clock in the morning to go to the bathroom
What did you study at university? 你在大学学习的是什么专业? If it was something along the lines of law or business, you might want to look away now. 如果是和法律或者金融相关的专业,你大概不太想继续看下去。 Th
In an age dominated by innovation and new technology, becoming a successful entrepreneur is no longer the preserve of a MBA degree holder. 在当今这个以创新和新科技为主导的时代,成为成功企业家再也不是工商管理硕士的专
My computer crashed.电脑瘫痪了。 例句: Once my computer crashed and I lost all my work. 对,记得有一次电脑死机,我所有的资料全丢了。