标签:字典情人 相关文章
1.Don't Use Adverbs 1.不要用副词 The adverb is not your friend. Adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. Theyre the ones that usually end in -ly. With adverbs, the writer usually tells us he or she is afraid he/she isnt
give me a hand foot the bill blow out lock, stock and barrel hook, line and sinker 每一种语言都有它独特的成语和俗语。而学习外语的人经常在理解这些习惯用语时会感到很
1.字典越大才越好 实务考试可带两本字典。英译汉最大的字典是译文出版社出的《英汉大辞典》,收词20万,录有大量人名、地名等专有名词。汉译英最大的字典是外研社出的《新世纪汉英大
1. (I) 在下列情况要发 (i) 的音 : 字典列出的音标实际的念法 city (`sItI) 城市 (`sIti) sleepy (`slipI) 想睡的 (`slipi) Cindy (`sIndI) 辛蒂(女孩名) (`sIndi) 由上得知,只要有两个音节以上的词,字尾有 (
18. Go ahead. 可以,做吧。 用法透视 这个句型用来对对方的要求表示允许,根据不同的情况有不同的含义,如进行;开始;往下说......。 支持范例 1. Go ahead. We're all listening. 请讲,我们都在听。 2. If you want to open the window, go ahead. 如果你想开窗,就
My valentine running rings around me 你的爱紧紧包围着我 Hanging by a thread but we're loosening, loosening 但我们已渐行渐远 The sparks are flyin' not the type that we need 我和你不断地争吵 Bringing a fire that is burning me,
在着手准备GRE写作之前,考生应对于写作的评分有一个基本的了解。首先,GRE写作从本质上却别于TOEFL写作,主要侧重于考察考生的逻辑思维能力(logical thinking)以及辩证思维的能力(critical thin
1.字典越大才越好 实务考试可带两本字典。英译汉最大的字典是译文出版社出的《英汉大辞典》,收词20万,录有大量人名、地名等专有名词。汉译英最大的字典是外研社出的《新世纪汉英大
百变教母Lady Gaga的歌你可能听过,但她的名字中的Gaga是什么意思你知道吗? The artist gleaned the name from the famous Queen song Radio Gaga, but the word gaga entered the English lexicon in the early 1900s as a term for cra
I've been living with a shadow overhead 阴影笼罩我的生活 I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed 乌云萦绕我的睡梦 I've been lonely for so long 长久的孤单伴随着我 Trapped in the past, I just can't seem to move on 我被困在
3 、翻译实务部分 笔译考试考的是实用性和实际的翻译能力,所以在笔译实务选材上,英译中方面更多的是选自英语国家的原文,更集中在英美人士写的文章。中译英一般来自中国的报刊、书
(一)选用哪本英汉词典? 按CATTI考试规定,笔译考试考生可携带纸质英汉词典和汉英词典各一本参加考试。关于英汉词典,我推荐复旦大学陆谷孙教授主编的《英汉大词典(第二版)》(上
Lexicography is really more about material science. 字典编纂学是研究物质的科学。 We are studying the tolerances of the materials that you use to build the structure of your expression: your speeches and your writing. 我们在研究不同
7. Thats incredible. 真是另人难以置信. Incredible 算是 good 这一系列形容词的最高级了吧. 如果用到 incredible 这个字, 就表示这个东西真的是好到让你印象深刻. 例如刚才拿 A 的美眉不只拿了一个 A,
【原文】 It is widely believed that every word has a correct meaning, that we learn these meanings mainly from teachers and grammarians, and that dictionaries and grammars are the supreme authority in matters of meaning and usage. Few people ask
Fain am I to stagger to this enterprise under the weightiest words of the dictionary. 这个壮举,我只得借助于字典中那些最有分量的词汇,勉力以赴了。 And here be it said, that whenever it has been convenient to consult one
第一条:一定要每次都大量地背 因为自己不比别人聪明,所以背完单词,别人忘掉五分之一,自己决不会比别人忘得少。然而,别人每天背十个单词,自己却可以背一百个,忘掉五分之一,还