标签:女生 相关文章
说到和家庭主妇有关的美剧,你一定很快想到Desperate Housewives。不过,我们近期将和大家分享的不是前者,而是另一部新作品美国主妇。为了孩子能接受好的教育,女主Katie一家不得不租住在富
在美国,大家要特别注意行为举止是否有歧视(discrimination)或骚扰(harassment)他人之嫌,这里的歧视不仅仅是种族歧视,还有体征歧视,阶级歧视,性别歧视,等等等等,不一而足。 我刚来美国时
生活中大家都喜欢获得别人的赞美,但赞美他人可是一项技术活,尤其是赞美女生。今天的节目Adam和Connor教一教你英语里的赞美法。 Romeo 对于擅长甜言蜜语、赞美女生的人,英语中可以称之为
1. Makes you feel safe 1.安全感 2. Completely trusts you 2.完全信任你 3. Truly appreciates everything you do 3.完全感激你做的一切 4. Is a good laugh 4.好玩有意思 5. Says 'I love you' when he feels it 5.感到爱你的时候就表达
TATA YOUNG,这位美泰混血的漂亮宝贝,虽然年仅23岁,但已创下全球1200万张唱片销售的辉煌纪录,被喻为亚洲的碧昂丝。 TATA YOUNG曾被封为泰国最有影响力的十大人物;亚洲周刊将她选为亚洲最具影响力的25位 时尚 创造者之一;她也登上了时代杂志的封面,被称为亚洲最成
为何女生多时男生英语成绩差 Boys' English gradesare up to a tenth worse when high numbers of girls are in the class with them, though girls' grades are unaffected。 当班上女生人数较多时,男生的英语成绩要下降10%,而
Recently a group of photos showing a birthday celebration went viral online. In the photos, what looks like hundreds of male students are holding a birthday party for just one girl. 近日,一组庆生的照片在网上被疯传。在照片中,几百
1. Their relationship will not take up 100% of their life, but they will put 100% into their relationship. It's important to ambitious girls to have other priorities and things going on outside of their relationship. But that doesn't mean they won't
1. Their relationship will not take up 100% of their life, but they will put 100% into their relationship. Its important to ambitious girls to have other priorities and things going on outside of their relationship. But that doesnt mean they wont giv
想让自己的体味更迷人吗?秘诀就是多吃瓜果蔬菜,这些食物会让你的汗液含有更多的花香,果香,甜味与药味。从今天开始,做个甜甜的美少年吧。 Contrary to popular belief, the best way for men to
And finally, let's take a look at how a little white lie is helping a little girl change her eating habits for the better. Someone using the name Mo Yizhi posted online that her nine-year old sister doesnt like eating vegetables. On Monday, the littl
1. Hey, look at the chick over there. 看看在那边的女孩。 Chick 这个字代表的就是女孩子,各位不要跟chic(时尚)这个字给搞混了。chick这个字念起来就像是chicken前面一部分?所以蛮好认的。一般而言c
中文里有太多太多的成语来形容美女,什么沉鱼落雁、闭月羞花、倾国倾城,等等。英语中用来形容女孩子的字眼也不少,我们来看看老外都是怎么谈论女孩的吧。 1. Hey, look at the chick over th
介绍: green tea bitch girls who pretend to be pure and innocent but in fact are manipulative and calculating. 假装清纯,但实际很有心计,很会算计的女生。 gold digger 拜金女 someone, usually a woman, who tries to attract a ric
Boys' English grades are up to a tenth worse when high numbers of girls are in the class with them, though girls' grades are unaffected. 当班上女生人数较多时,男生的英语成绩要下降10%,而女生们的成绩则不受影响。 Boys
Girls make boys worse at English, says new study 研究发现:女生是男生糟糕英语成绩的元凶 Boys' English grades are up to a tenth worse when high numbers of girls are in the class with them, though girls' grades are unaffected. 研究发
This is the shocking moment a Russian schoolgirl was beaten up and forced to drink from a puddle by classmates who were 'jealous of her good looks'. 有一个俄罗斯女生因为太美丽而受同学嫉妒,遭暴打并被逼迫喝泥水,简直触目