03 澳大利亚主张日本在东帝汶维和进程中发挥更大作用 Australia Urges Japan to Help More in East Timor Peacekeeping Amy Bickers Tokyo 29 May 2001 12:32 UTC Australian Foreign Minist

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30 布什声称北约和欧盟应与俄罗斯建立伙伴关系 Bush: NATO, EU Should Build Partnerships With Russia Deborah Tate Warsaw 15 Jun 2001 09:44 UTC President Bush has called for extending N

发表于:2019-01-11 / 阅读(92) / 评论(0) 分类 VOA2001-国际风云(1)

White Farmers to Remain in Zimbabwe Jail Martin Rushmere Harare 8 Aug 2001 19:36 UTC A group of commercial farmers in Zimbabwe, accused of attacking land 1)invaders , are being held in jail for a thir

发表于:2019-01-16 / 阅读(97) / 评论(0) 分类 VOA2001-国际风云(4)

150 北京在平静中等待奥运会申办结果 Beijing Quietly Awaits Olympic Announcement Leta Hong Fincher Beijing 12 Jul 2001 15:01 UTC As the International Olympic Committee prepares to announc

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105 以色列坚持其所谓的“积极防卫”政策 Israel to Continue 'Active Defense'Art Chimes Jerusalem 4 Jul 2001 14:23 UTC Israel will continue its 1)controversial policy of targeted attacks

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> 133 以色列军队摧毁多幢巴勒斯坦建筑 Israeli Troops Destroy More Palestinian Houses Art Chimes Jerusalem 10 Jul 2001 08:39 UTC Violence has again erupted in the Gaza Strip, as Israeli 1)

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16 布什声称北约成员国表示可接受美国的导弹防御计划 Bush Says NATO Allies 'Receptive' Toward US Missile Defense Plan Deborah Tate Brussels 13 Jun 2001 15:53 UTC President Bush has

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19 玻利维亚劳工领袖荣获高曼环境奖 Labor Organizer from Bolivia Wins Goldman Environmental Prize Rosanne Skirble Washington 13 Jun 2001 09:26 UTC Oscar Olivera believes that clean, affor

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23 布什与普京会面着重讨论导弹防御体系 Bush-Putin Summit to Focus on Missile Defense System Larry James Moscow 14 Jun 2001 20:13 UTC U.S. President George Bush will be taking his case

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244 北约和联合国试图重新启动马其顿地区和平进程 NATO, EU Officials Try to Restart Macedonia Peace Process Roger Wilkison Brussels 26 Jul 2001 15:52 UTC Two western envoys are in Ma

发表于:2019-01-31 / 阅读(92) / 评论(0) 分类 VOA2001-国际风云(3)

Zimbabwe Problems Lead to Poaching Challiss McDonough Dubamanzi Conservancy, South Africa 29 Aug 2001 The unrest in Zimbabwe during the past year has led to a 1)shortage of food in some areas. Many co

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418 Zimbabwe ' s Land Reform on Commonwealth ' s Agenda Ivan Watson Abuja 6 Sep 2001 01:57 UTC Foreign ministers from Britain, Zimbabwe and six other British Commonwealth countries arrived in the Nige

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US Snub of Racism Conference Sparks Criticism of Bush Administration Jim Malone Washington 1 Sep 2001 U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell ' s decision not to attend the international racism conferenc

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Mideast Debate Continues at Racism Conference Challiss McDonough Durban, South Africa 3 Sep 2001 17:02 UTC The showdown continues between Arab and Israeli 1)delegations at the World Conference Against

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232 马其顿骚乱打破和平希望 Macedonia Riots Undermine Peace Hopes Jeff Bieley Skopje 25 Jul 2001 13:18 UTC Riots in Macedonia's capital, Skopje, and overnight battles in another Macedonian c

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236 美国否决一项禁止生物武器的提案 US Calls Bio Weapons Proposal 'Flawed' Lisa Schlein Geneva 25 Jul 2001 17:28 UTC The United States has rejected a proposal that is designed to strengt

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238 瓦西德计划赴美访问 Wahid Plans a US VisitPatricia Nunan Jakarta 25 Jul 2001 13:43 UTC Ousted Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid says he plans to leave the country for the United State

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189 联合国轻武器大会在美遭到日益强烈的反对 US Faces Increased Opposition at Small Arms Conference Owen Fay United Nations 17 Jul 2001 22:27 UTC The U.N. conference on the trade in s

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231 和平主义者呼吁巴以双方停止流血冲突 Israeli, Palestinian Peace Activists Call for End to Bloodshed Meredith Buel Ramallah, West Bank 25 Jul 2001 17:03 UTC A group of Palestinian an

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223 印尼弹劾事件体现出法治的作用 Experts Debate Constitutionality of Indonesian Impeachment Stephanie Mann Washington 24 Jul 2001 19:56 UTC Indonesia's People's Consultative Assembly, wh

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