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Astronauts at the International Space Station have overcome initial fears and are preparing to perform the first spacewalk beneath the shuttle to repair two dangling pieces of material. The material, used to fill gaps between tiles, is sticking out b
In this Moment of Science Yael and Don discuss how women can see more color. Yael: Not only are eight percent of men colorblind, but even compared to men who can distinguish between reds and greens, many women may live a more colorful existence. That
Prime Minister Paul Martin on Thursday will officially name journalist Micha?lle Jean as Canada's next governor general. The official announcement is expected to come at 11 a.m. EDT in Ottawa. Jean will be installed as Canada's 27th governor general
The unprecedented collapse of an ice-shelf in Antarctica could indirectly lead to a significant rise in global sea levels, researchers say. The Larsen B ice shelf covered more than 3,000 square kilometres and was 200 metres thick until its northern p
Flutter Battle 你喜欢蝴蝶吗?你了解蝴蝶吗?有的人认为蝴蝶是非常绅士的物种,让我们一起去了解真实的情况吧。 'Flutter Battle' on today's A Moment Of Science. One thinks of nature as red in tooth and claw, as
Nice Nest 雄孔雀开屏是为了向人类炫耀她无与伦比的美丽尾巴?呵呵,似乎我们有点自作多情了,雄孔雀可没有兴趣理睬人类,他不过是在向自己的意中人表达爱意。现在研究人员发现,雄性刺
Before Satellite Images, Howd We Know Earth Turned Every 24 Hrs? 在我们有卫星行片以前,我们是如何知道地球一天二十四小时都在转动呢?去听听科学家的说法吧。 The earth turns on its axis every 24 hours or so wer
How to Meet an Eligible Gnat 夏夜,蚊子的嗡嗡声常令人抓狂,但对异性蚊子来说这或许是甜蜜的情歌。美国康奈尔大学研究人员的最新研究发现,埃及伊蚊就是通过这些嗡嗡声上演着求偶二重奏。
Floating Tin Foil 锡纸为一种涂上或贴以像银的膜状金属纸,多为银白色,实际上是铝箔。铝箔纸(Aluminium foil),亦作铝箔,在香港称之为锡纸,是一种用压平了的金属铝制造的工具,主要用于厨
How Clouds Float 形成云彩的暖湿上升气流使得云彩能够漂浮在空中。一片普通云彩的含水量约为200只成年公象的体重之和。但云彩中的水分被分解为细微的水滴和冰晶,因而不会倾盆而下。即使是
How Rocks Appear In Your Garden 岩石,是在地质作用下形成的矿物聚合体,其中海面下的岩石称为礁、暗礁及暗沙,由一种或多种矿物组成的,具有一定结构构造的集合体,也有少数包含有生物的遗骸
Chronic Sinusitis 慢性鼻窦炎,亦称慢性化脓性鼻窦炎。常因急性化脓性鼻窦炎反复发作未能得到适当治疗所致。以多粘液或脓性鼻涕、鼻塞、头痛及嗅觉减退或消失为主要临床症状。现代西医学
The Mathematical Marriage Predictor 伦敦:一位数学家说,他可以94%的准确率来预测某对新婚夫妇是否会享有长久的婚姻。西雅图华盛顿大学数学教授默里说他发明的两个公式基于一项为期10年对700对美国
Seed Dormancy 种子休眠是,有生活力的种子由于内在原因,在适宜的环境条件下仍不能萌发的现象。休眠是植物在长期系统发育过程中获得的一种抵抗不良环境的适应性。具有休眠特性的农作物种
Farewell to Arms Fly often? If you do, who gets the arm rest? You? Or your neighbor? Good afternoon, this is your captain speaking. We are at cruising altitude and will be in flight for another three hours, so youd better get comfortable. That means
Sugar bowls and hole 孔隙是岩土固体矿物颗粒间的空间。岩土中直径大于1毫米、重力水可于其中自由运动的孔隙,是大孔隙(macro-pore,large pore)。岩土中直径为0.01~1毫米、重力水和毛管水可存其
Zippy Aliens 爱因斯坦的狭义相对论认为物体的运动速度越接近光速,时间越慢。在1971年,物理学家理查德基廷和乔伊哈夫勒验证了这个假想。他们将4个极为精确的原子钟放在一架普通航行的飞
Catnip 猫薄荷是一种草本植物,闻上去非常清凉,是一种可以让猫咪疯狂和开心的植物,所以被广大猫友戏称为猫毒品。猫薄荷,Nepeta cataria,为唇形科荆芥属的植物,茎直立多分枝,茎叶有白
What Is Fire? 火是物质燃烧过程中散发出光和热的现象,是能量释放的一种方式。火焰分为焰心、中焰和外焰,温度由内向外依次增高。燃烧过程必须有可燃物、燃点温度、氧化剂三项并存,缺一
Prostate and Soy 吃大豆有什么好处?大豆对男性的好处主要体现在保护前列腺上。撒且尔教授指出,研究显示,每天喝一杯豆奶,男性得前列腺癌的风险能降低30%;喝两杯,则能把风险降低70%。跟