标签:三点法 相关文章
Dialogue: Xiao Gao and Jing Jing are at Jing Jings friends party, but Xiao Gao doesnt know anyone besides Jing Jing 小高和京晶一起参加京晶朋友的派对,但是小高并不认识除京晶以外的其他人 JJ:Okay, Xiao Gao, go work the
Dialogue: JJ:Okay, Xiao Gao, go work the crowd. XG:No way! I dont know anyone here! Im way too shy. JJ:How about I give you some mingling tips? XG:Okay, I could definitely use some help. JJ:First, you should turn that frown upside down. Are you liste
So...uh...I'm an Iranian-American Muslim female, like all of you. And I'm also a social justice comedian, something that I insist is an actual job. To explain what that is, let me tell you how I got here. I've performed all over the country. And let
China's top legislature is deliberating a draft law that will regulate and facilitate booming e-commerce in the country. 中国最高立法机关正在审议一份规范和促进中国电子商务的法律草案。 The draft law was submitted for rev
托福满分听力法:了解几种美式表达方式 二十世纪的语言学理论中,有一个非常有名的假说,叫做萨丕尔-沃尔夫假说。假说的核心理念可以概括为We are what we speak。,也就是说语言决定思维方
US Religious Colleges Test Anti-Discrimination Law 美国宗教大学测试反歧视法 Justin Massey chose to study at Wheaton College in 2011 because of the universitys strong religious and academic record. I grew up as a very strong Christian and
主餐一道:泛听练习 以下段落是摘自新闻里的一些重要信息,并不是一个段落的听写。空内信息可在本新闻中全部找到,大家可以根据这些信息复述新闻。 一、泛听建议: 1、完整听一遍,掌握
貌似一些不太老实的GRE词汇记忆法,但是效果确实以外的好。把一些看似没有规律的单词,找到发音上的规律进行背诵。下面就为大家介绍GRE词汇谐音法如何使用。 谐音法就是利用英语单词的
初中英语听力七种预测解题法 听力是语言的接受能力,预测是语言接受能力中最强有力的因素之一。可以说,听力是离不开预测的,如果不善于预测,不能速读选择项,抓不住重点,则会阻碍
我注意到一个事实:拿到高分的考生有共同的三大优点: 1、他们的语音语调比较标准,或者说非常标准。 2、他们的语言表达非常流利连贯。 3、他们在考场上表现得自信和大方。 对于正在备
Basically the reader is sharing an interpretation of an author with an audience, literally read and not memorized. 读者主要分享作者所传达的含义,以听众身份、以随意阅读方式进行分享,不是以记忆的方式进行分享。
自我提高法 Be honest. 保持诚实。 Being the most honest you've ever been with some one in your life will be one of the most uncomfortable things you can do, but it could also be the most valuable. To do this, he suggests writing a list of al
我所提倡的自然学习法只有三条基本原则。 I advocate this natural learning method with three basic principles. 第一、学习英语应该遵循由简入繁、由易到难、由粗至细的原则 I. Learning English should follow the
虽然减少了对单词纯意义的考察,但也不能忽视gre词汇的备考,gre词汇仍是整个考试中的基础,也是重点。下面就来看看gre词汇背诵典故法。 典故法: 英语中有很多词是来自于一个典故的,这
单词篇: 单词是英语学习的基础,其重要性不言而喻。考研一般不会考最常用的那个意思,否则体现不出命题老师的水平,着重考的一是多义,二个是联系语境理解的能力。不要妄想花两个月
讨喜法 Sincere Compliments and Plentiful Praise. 真诚的赞美和各种称赞。 As noted again by the famous self-improvement expert Dale Carnegie, individuals crave authentic appreciation. 著名的自我提高方面的专家戴尔卡内基再次
自我提高法 Wake up extremely early. 起床超级超级早。 Ekin calan loves to wake up before sunrise because it provides the perfect study-and-work environment. While everyone else sleeps, waking at 5 a.m. is the perfect, way to begin the day