标签:congre 相关文章
croak n.蛙鸣声 crochet n.钩针织物v.用钩针编织 crook v.使弯曲 crooked adj.弯曲的,扭曲的 crossfire n.交叉火力 crouch v.蹲伏、弯腰 crude adj.未提炼的,粗
asceticism n.禁欲主义 aseptic adj.无菌的,洁净的 asinine adj.愚笨的 asparagus n.芦笋(可作蔬菜) asperity n.粗鲁,艰苦 aspersion n.诽谤,中伤 asphyxiate v.(
avert v.避免,避开 aviary n.大鸟笼,鸟舍 avid adj.渴望的,热心的 avocation n.副业,嗜好 avow v.承认,公开宣称 avowal n.公开承认 avuncular adj.伯(叔)父的 awe v.敬畏 awe-ins
couch n.长沙发,睡椅 cougar n.美洲豹 countenance n.面容,表情 v.支持,赞成 counteract v.消除,抵消 counterfeit v.伪造,仿造 countermand v.撤回(命令),
11.国外引进的技术怎么说? 我建议你翻译的时候用动词短语表达^_^ import/introduce foreign technology 12.请问归一化系数怎么翻? normalization factor 13.请问五角大楼
181.诺贝尔和平奖应该是nobel prize for peace还是nobel prize in peace?? Nobel Peace Prize 182.ivory是什么意思?象牙 183. 盛大的狂欢节怎么表达呢?grand carnival 184. 热情奔
250.Re: 请问心理辅导课,价值观,自杀率,家庭暴力怎么说? 应该是“心理学辅导课”吧:)psychology tutorial 价值观values自杀率Suicide Rate(s) 家庭暴力family
132.Re: ask a translation 2 价铁divalent iron 3 价铁trivalent iron 133.Re: 请问适龄儿童,民主党,共和党,日益严峻的怎么说?多谢! 适龄儿童children of school agenbsp;
151.Re: 请指教“相对论”怎么表达,谢谢 相对论 principle of relativity;relativism;relativity;theory of relativity. 152.Re: 请指教“逻辑思维”怎么表达,谢谢logical thin
161.Re: 请问“这项支出在人们收入中所占的比例”怎么说? This ... expenditure has constituted... proportion of ... income. 162.Re: 表示“后代/前辈”有哪些词啊? 后辈
163.Re: 既然高人在,我就问几个弱问题到底是human being还是human beings,evidence没有复数形式吧? 我打字比较慢,请见谅啊:) 可以用human beings,human being是可数
141.Re: 请指教“公共意识”和“社会责任感”怎么表达呢。多谢 公共意识public consciousness 社会责任感The Sense of Responsibility in Society 142.Re: 填空那个的“空”
71.“伴随一生”怎么表示好? 感觉用名词会不会好一些呢?或尝试改一下表达。 仅供参考:... is/are my lifelong companion(s). ... is my whole life and my soul. 72.Re: 请
Essay Response Score 4 In all actuality, I think it is more probable that our bodies will surely deteriorate long before our minds do in any significant amount. Who can't say that technology has made us lazier, but that's the key word, lazy, not stup
121. On the one hand, it is indisputable that boarding schools are exerting a growing important effect, especially in last few years. 一方面,寄宿学校正在发挥越来越重要的作用,尤其是最近几年,这是无可争辩的。 122.
GRE考试写作辅导:GRE满分作文分析 Scholars and researchers should not be concerned with whether their work makes a contribution to the larger society. It is more important that they pursue their individual interests, however unusual or id
GRE阅读题型有哪几种呢?备战GRE考试,首先要了解GRE考试题型,暗示推理题是GRE考试阅读中的一种题型,下面小编就针对该题型给大家解析,希望能够帮助您更好的复习GRE阅读。 GRE考试题型有很
首先,如果文章中出现深奥的学术名词,总会在上下文中给予或多或少的浅显解释,而这些解释可以帮助考生大概理解名词的含义。比如,很多人认为插入语是 GRE阅读文章中无关紧要的东西,