标签:经济危机 相关文章
经济危机下,为什么相关金融的书籍会如此畅销?是因为人们想要知道在这样的大环境下如何赚到钱,还是想要了解这一切的危机究竟是如何产生、发展和演变到现在这样的境地的? We felt that good ten years we've been very lucky. And now you are writing books, first
希腊已成为欧洲的经济危机的雏形,但前总理帕潘德里欧提出,希腊仅是对未来灾难的预演。 我们的民主政治,他说,深陷于庞大得无法坍塌的体系中,抑或庞大得无法驾驭的系统中像我这样
On the eve of the IMF World Bank annual spring meetings, the head of the IMF Dominique Strauss-Kahn warned that the global economic crisis continues. The crisis is far from over. We can still find a recovery in beginning in the first half of 2010. It
Tonight we have another story sent in from one of our viewers also from New England about a woman performing a badly needed service, and making a difference in the lives of her grateful customers. Her story tonight from NBC's Amy Robach. Here we go.
Across Asia women are bearing the brunt of the global economic downturn as export manufacturers shed workers. The United Nation's International Labor Organization and labor rights groups say Asian governments need to boost social protection programs
影响希腊在欧元区未来发展的经济危机仍在持续 The economic crisis concerning Greece's future in the Eurozone continues. Greece is struggling to pay back huge loans from European countries that helped keep the nation afloat. The Gree
WASHINGTON, DC In this week's address, President Obama discussed the crippling economic crisis harming 3.5 million Americans in Puerto Rico. Today, the island is spending over a third of its tax revenue on debt payments and on July 1, Puerto Rico is
Scripts: Let's talk about oil prices first, if we may. How much of it a worry is the current oil price above 88 dollars a barrel? Well it certainly is unprecedented and we've not seen oil prices at this level before. And will the economy and will bu
GWEN IFILL:Another way of looking at the ongoing economic crisis in Greece. Jeffrey Brown was in Athens recently and talked to two poets about hard times now and in the nation's past. JEFFREY BROWN: All right, so, sometimes, you're out with the kids
Funemployment(失业乐活), PIIGS and broken society have all made their way into the Collins English Dictionary, reflecting(反映表明) the dominance of the economic downturn in last year's consciousness(意识). The latest technologi
西班牙正走出经济危机 PANAMA CITY, Oct. 19 (Xinhua) -- Spain's Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said here on Saturday that his country is beginning to get out of the serious economic crisis as a result of a deep plan of structural reforms to imp
Signs Indicate Europe Economic Crisis May Be Ending 欧洲经济危机可能结束 Industrial production in Europe is starting to come back. That means more jobs and more money that workers and their families can spend. Over time, that means more eco
工作忙,压力大,很多人都眼看着年假过期也不能休。可对于有些人来说,在百忙中哪怕能抽出一天的时间,他们也要出去好好放松一下。于是,纳米假日就应运而生了。 Nanobreak is typically a
随着世界面临经济衰退,气候变化,贫富差距等,蒂姆 杰克逊对对已确立的经济原理进行尖锐的挑战,阐明了我们应该如何阻止经济危机进一步恶化并开始投资我们的未来。
How did Greece get to this point? 希腊如何落到今天这般田地? Greece became the epicenter of Europes debt crisis after Wall Street imploded in 2008. With global financial markets still reeling, Greece announced in October 2009 that it had
Leaders of Europe's major economies vow to do their utmost to prevent the 27-member EU from being hit by a major economic crisis. 欧洲主要国家的领导人星期六在巴黎召开特别峰会,他们誓言尽最大努力来避免有27个会员国
The economic crisis has spread into many areas of the U.S. economy--banks, investment firms, insurance companies, and even the oil markets. Experts seem to agree that the trouble started with bad loans in the housing industry, and grew into a widespr
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin says the global economic crisis tests the stability of all countries, including his own. Mr. Putin is expressing confidence that Russia has adequate financial resources but Russia may now be spending money faster
Scotland already has its own parliament in Edinburgh. The ruling Scottish National Party wants to break away entirely from the United Kingdom. First Minister Alex Salmond has secured a referendum on Scotlands future - to be held in 2014. I believe we
在2014年4月27日的托福阅读考试 http://toefl.xdf.cn/201404/9971242.html中有这样一道题:14世纪欧洲经济危机。针对这道托福考题,新东方谢真真老师来为大家普及一下关于14世纪欧洲经济危机的背景知