标签:流行语 相关文章
我们都知道普遍意义上的劳动分为脑力劳动(mental labor)和体力劳动(manual labor)两种。如今,一种新的劳动形式emotional labor(情绪劳动)走入我们的视野。你听说过吗? Emotional labor is a form of emotional
在款台刷卡结账时,排在后面的顾客多半会后退一步,主动回避。可有些人偏偏就要凑上来看你输密码,实在让人无法忍受。这种行为在英语里叫做shoulder surfing。 In computer security,shoulder surfi
追星综合症 celebrity worship syndrome If you are an avid soccer fan, then youll be well aware of all the tense, nail-biting feelings that mysteriously occur when your team has a match. Youre in the dying minutes, your strikers have missed chance
Xiaomubiao -small goal in English-was one of the hottest phrases in China last year, according to a new set of lists released by the State Language Committee. 小目标英语的意思是small goal,根据国家语言文字委员会最新公布的名单
It's December. So it's time to do a year-end summary! According to Evening Peak News of Voice of China, Chinese netizens have summed up top 7 network buzzwords of 2014, listed in no particular order. Dare you say you've never said one of them? 12月来
给力,秒杀,围观等这些嘴边常说的潮词你经常用,那他们的英文表达你造么? 富二代:the rich second generation 团购:group purchase 脑残:brain-impaired 给力:gelivable 秒杀:Instant Kill 围观:circuse
这TM都是套路!!!所有的所谓的把妹神技都是套路!这个世界就不能少一点套路多一点真诚吗!!! 不过套路的英文你真的会说吗? 【网络流行语出处】 微博和朋友圈中,有一段微信对话的截图受到大
政坛名人时常语出惊人,好比委内瑞拉总统查韦斯,在拉美首脑峰会上与哥伦比亚总统互掐,逼得对方冒出一句to be a man,随即被无数人引用,成为新的政坛流行语。 俄罗斯总理普京也有许多
衣橱里衣服成堆,可还是觉得没有衣服穿?不如找一天来一场衣橱血拼吧。你不用花一分钱,只需把衣服全部整理一遍,就有可能会发现好几件很不错的新衣服。 Closet shopping is a kind of shopping
我们在生活中学习,又在学习中了解生活。下面这些新鲜出炉的英语词汇,快跟着小编一起看看你知道多少吧! 1. Easy like 点赞狂人 一杯咖啡你点赞,一个表情你点赞,一本书你也点赞无论快
高温补贴: High-temperature subsidies Twenty-eight provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions have made high-temperature subsidies standard this year, China Daily reported. Employees in northern regions such as Tianjin and Gansu are entitl
What are some Chinese phrases commonly used online? 中国有哪些常用的网络短语? 获得1.3k好评的答案@Thomas Yao 233 means LOL. 233意思就是大声笑。 卧槽 means WTF. 卧槽意思是他妈的。 囧 is a Chinese character which i
有人上着班,业余时间还做兼职,没有一刻得闲;有人辞了职,却也不着急找工作,借着暂时失业的机会好好享受生活。所以说,上着班不一定have fun,失业了,也不一定没有fun。 The funemployed
如果想到数学测验会让你出一身冷汗,你的爸妈可能要承担些责任。研究者们认为,父母的数学焦虑对子女数学成绩的影响,更多地是由于(畏惧数学的)态度在起作用,而非遗传作用。 If the
With the annual political season underway, a number of hot words are being frequently used in relation to the government's work. For more, Jin Yingqiao joins me in the studio. Yingqiao, what are these words and what are they about? Well, a number of