标签:支招 相关文章
For many people, getting out of bed in the morning is no easy feat, and feelings of sleepiness can drag on long into the day ahead. 早上起床对很多人来说都不是件容易的事,昏昏欲睡的感觉可能会持续一整天。 You may auto
电话面试也要穿正装?面试官问完问题,要默数两到三秒再回答?回答问题的时候不要使用否定词汇电话面试技巧多多哦~ 下面是一位电话面试专家的建议: Be enthusiastic. It helps to smile while th
Lose curly locks for love, says guru 大牌媒婆支招:富翁更爱直发女 As the Millionaire Matchmaker, Patti Stanger knows a thing or two about how to win the heart of a wealthy man. 作为给百万富翁做媒的资深红娘,帕蒂?斯坦格
深度阅读篇 第一大原则:交叉阅读原则 第二大原则:关键词替代原则 1.主语 2.谓语动词 3.专有名词(首字母大写) 4.连接词组(用-链接) 5.介词 6.阿拉伯数字 7.人名,地名,时间 8.特殊符号 9. 超纲单词 第三大原则:路标定位原则 1.转折句(重中之重) 2.主旨句 3.强调句
1. Listen to yourself.(听自己):如果你不能听出你自己的发音问题,就很难去改正它。试着把你的朗读或演说录下来,并与以英语为母语的外国人士做个比较。 2. Slow down.(慢下来):很多英语
Putting fresh groceries in the fridge is the quickest and easiest option after a shop, but whether or not those items belong in there is another story. 把新鲜食品放冰箱里是从商店回来后最先做、也是最容易做的事,但那些食物
My wife got sick. She was constantly nervous because of problems at work, personal life, her failures and problems with children. 我妻子病了,工作和日常生活中遇到的问题,还有与孩子相处时的失败和麻烦总是使她很紧张
The answer to how to be happy alone might be quite simple, actually, and it might depend on why you are searching for answers. 其实,孤单时如何快乐起来的答案很简单,可能就取决于你为什么要寻找这个答案。 Did your sp
Tokyo Olympic organizers scrapped the logo for the 2020 Games on Tuesday following another allegation that its Japanese designer might have used copied materials. 面对日本设计师涉嫌抄袭的新一轮指控,东京奥组委9月1日宣布弃用
They say that children learn languages the best. But that doesnt mean that adults should give up. We asked some of the polyglots in TEDs Open Translation Project to share their secrets to mastering a foreign language. Their best strategies distill in
As a marriage counsellor working with men and women in relationship crisis, I help clients navigate numerous issues. While many situations are complex, there's one profoundly simple truth that men need to know: Women leave men they love. 作为一个为
Running an office involves a million moving parts: ordering supplies, troubleshooting, dealing with vendors, maintenance, payroll, etc. 管理办公室涉及众多方面:订购物资、故障排查、与供应商沟通、维护、工资表等等。
1、练就假嗓子功夫: 说明:说英语时,声音浑厚,富有磁性,听起来像外国人 操作:每天跑步10分钟,一边跑步一边有节奏地喊1234,坚持10天见效果哦。 2、 增强舌头的柔韧度: 说明:改掉