Meanwhile the plants had increased in number and they had to search for new dwelling places. There was no more room for them at the bottom of the sea. 与此同时,植物的数量也在不断滋长,海底的空间已经不够容纳它们了。 Re

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Chapter 1 第一章 The Setting of the Stage 人类历史舞台的形成 We live under the shadow of a gigantic question mark. 人类一直以来都生活在一个巨大问号的阴影下面 Who are we? 我们是谁? Where do we come from? 我们从哪

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History he knew well, for it was a living thing with him. 他熟悉历史故事,它们对他来说都是活生生的事情。 There, he would say, pointing to a bend of the river, there, my boy, do you see those trees? 看那儿他会指着一处河弯

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I saw the heart of time. I could hear the heavy pulse beats of the rapid seconds-one-two-three-up to sixty. 我仿佛看见了时间的心脏,我听见了飞速流逝的时间那沉重的脉搏声,一秒、两秒、三秒,一直到六十秒。

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Then a strange thing happened. 这时,一件神秘的事情发生了。 All the gigantic reptiles died within a short time. 所有这些庞大的爬行动物在短时间内悉数灭绝。 We do not know the reason. 我们不知道其中的原因。

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Once in a while, after a long and patient chase, he would catch a sparrow or a small wild dog or perhaps a rabbit. 运气不错时,经一番漫长而耐心的追逐,他能抓到一只松鼠、小野狗或老鼠什么的,开开荤。 These he wo

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Chapter 35 The Mediaeval city 第三十五章 中世纪的城市 Why the people of the middle ages said that city air is free air 为什么中世纪的人们会说,城市的空气是充满自由的空气。 The early part of the Middle Ages had bee

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Chapter 25 第二十五章 Joshua of Nazareth 拿撒勒的约书亚 The story of Joshua of Nazareth Whom the Greeks Called Jesus 拿撒勒人约书亚,也就是希腊人所称的耶稣的故事 In the autumn of the year of the city 783 (which would

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After several hundred years, the Egyptians lost sight of both these meanings and the picture. 经过了几百年,古埃及人把这两种意义都扔掉了, Here is a picture of a litttle man with a saw, came to stand for a single letter, the let

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Chapter 3 第三章 Prehistoric man 史前人类 Prehistoric man begins to make things for himself. 史前人类开始为自己制造工具 Early man did not know what time meant. 早期的人类不懂得时间的含义, He kept no records of birth

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Chapter 26 The fall of Rome The Twilight of Rome 第二十六章 罗马帝国的衰亡 罗马帝国的黄昏 The text-books of ancient History give the date 476 as the year in which Rome fell, because in that year the last emperor was driven off his

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Chapter 30 The Norsemen 第三十章 北欧人 Why the people of the tenth century prayed the lord to protect them from the fury of the Norsemen 为什么10世纪的人们会祈祷上帝保护他们免遭北欧人怒火的侵害 In the third and four

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Incidentally it explains why even to-day Moslem soldiers will charge into the fire of European machine guns quite indifferent to the fate that awaits them and why they are such dangerous and persistent enemies. 这一点也能解释,为什么到了今

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In less than ten years he conquered Egypt, Persia, Phoenicia, Syria and Palestine and made Damascus the capital of the first Mohammedan world empire. 在不到十年的时间里,奥玛尔率军相继征服了埃及、波斯、腓尼基、叙利亚、

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But in the year 732 (one hundred years after the death of the prophet,) they were beaten in a battle between Tours and Poitiers. 不过公元732年,就是穆罕默德逝世100年后,在图尔和普瓦捷之间发生了一场欧亚大会战,穆斯

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His descendants, the Merovingians, had continued to take little bits of imperial territory 他的子孙建立起墨罗温王朝,并一点一滴地蚕食罗马帝国的领土。 until the year 486 when king Clovis (the old French word forLouis) felt

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Twice the Carolingian lands were divided, by the treaties of Verdun in the year 843 and by the treaty of Mersen-on-the-Meuse in the year 870. 卡罗林王朝的国土被两次瓜分,一次是根据公元843年的凡尔登条约,一次是根据公元

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The Danes had been driven away and now (it was early in the eleventh century) another Saxon king, Edward the Confessor, was on the throne. 丹麦人终于被赶走,一个撒克逊人做了国王,他被叫做忏悔者爱德华。 But Edward was no

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These dukes and counts and barons had sworn to be faithful to the king who had given them their feudum (hence our word feudal,) 这些公爵、伯爵、男爵们统统宣誓效忠于封邑 的国王(封邑为feudum,这也是封建制(feudal)一

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The Lombards and Saxons and Slavs who succeeded the Goths were weak and backward tribes. 继任哥特人统治意大利的伦巴德人、撒克逊人和斯拉夫人,他们属于实力较弱的落后部落。 Under those circumstances it was possibl

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