Suppose that you were Champollion, and that you were examining a stack of papyrus sheets, all covered with hieroglyphics. 设想你就是商博良,你正在检视着一叠写满了古埃及象形文字的纸莎草纸。 Suddenly you came across a p

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He said that he remembered it very clearly, 他说他记得非常清楚, because his father had taken him to Golgotha (a hill just outside the city) to see the execution, 因为他父亲曾带他去各各他(耶路撒冷城外的小山)观看死刑

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But the old-fashioned leaders of the Jewish faith, according to Joseph, were much upset. 可犹太教的老派领袖们,据约瑟夫说;对这一结果非常不满。 They greatly disliked his popularity with the masses of the poorer Hebrews. 由于

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According to my informant he made another attempt to save the life of the kindly prophet. 据约瑟夫讲,彼拉多又作了一次努力,以挽救这位仁慈先知的性命。 He kept putting the execution off. 他一直拖延着,避免对耶稣

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The Mohammedan churches or mosques were merely large stone halls without benches or pictures, 穆斯林的教堂,清真寺,仅仅是巨大的石砌大厅,里面不设桌椅板凳, where the faithful could gather (if they felt so inclined) to

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Chapter 29 Charlemagne 第二十九章 查理曼大帝 How Charlemagne, the king of the franks, came to bear the title of emperor and tried to revive the old ideal of world-empier 法兰克人的国王查理曼赢得皇冠,试图重温世界帝国的

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During the last ten years of the eighth century, however, Charles was obliged to devote himself exclusively to affairs of the South. 不过,到了公元8世纪的最后10年,查理曼不得不将其全部精力放到解决欧洲南部的诸多纠纷

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The Pope, once more sorely beset by his enemies, sent north for help. 可怜的教皇再度卷人旋涡的中心,被敌人四面包围,被迫向北方发出求救的呼吁, He did not appeal to the ruler of the west-Frankish kingdom, this time.

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The Northmen were very intelligent They soon learned to speak the language of their subjects and gave up the uncivilised ways of the early Vikings 这些北欧人异常聪明。他们很快学会讲被征服民族的语言,抛弃了早期维京人

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Pope Urban II, a Frenchman from Reims, who had been educated at the same famous cloister of Cluny which had trained Gregory VII, thought that the time had come for action. 当时在位的是教皇乌尔班二世。此人生于法国的雷姆斯,在格

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Chapter 34 The crusades 第三十四章 十宇军东征 But all these different quarrels were forgotten when the Turks took the holy land, desecrated the holy places and interfered seriously with the trade from east to west. 当土耳其人夺取圣地

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He looked after the dikes so that the countryside should not be flooded 他还担当着照看水坝的职责,以免四周的乡野受洪水之患 (just as the first noblemen had done in the valley of the Nile four thousand years before). (就像4

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Like all human institutions, Knighthood was doomed to perish as soon as it had outlived its usefulness. 像所有的人类制度一样,骑士制度一旦衰老无用,它便注定了灭亡的命运。 The crusades, about which one of the next chap

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The Pope answered with excommunication and a demand that the German princes rid themselves of their unworthy ruler. 格利高里的回答是将亨利四世逐出教会,并号召德意志的王公们驱逐这位德行败坏、不配为人君主的国王

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But the underlying causes of the decay of the State, of which I have told you in a former chapter, had not been removed and reform therefore was impossible. 不过正如我在上一章讲过的,罗马帝国的根基已经锈蚀,造成它衰败的深

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But they were not willing to engage in warfare for the benefit of an ambitious emperor who aspired to glory by way of a foreign campaign in the land of the Parthians or the Numidians or the Scots. 但他们不愿为罗马帝国打仗,因为那不过是

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Chapter 27 Rise of the church 第二十七章 教会之兴 How Rome became the center of the Christian world 罗马如何成为基督教世界的中心新教徒到来 The average intelligent Roman who lived under the Empire had taken very little inte

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The Christian communities however, refused to practice any sort of tolerance. 但基督教社团 却拒绝任何宽容与妥协。 They publicly declared that their God, and their God alone, was the true ruler of Heaven and Earth, and that all other

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They spoke a language which left no doubt as to the future of unrepentant sinners. 气度沉稳,言之凿凿。讲到拒不悔改的人在地狱的悲惨情形, The Teutons were deeply impressed. 让条顿人不由自主感到深深的触动。 T

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The story of Ahmed, the son of Abdallah and Aminah (usually known as Mohammed, or he who will be praised,; reads like a chapter in theThousand and One Nights. 阿哈默德是阿布达拉和阿米娜的儿子,世人皆称他为穆罕默德,意思是

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