标签:黑热病正在世界范围内迅速蔓延 相关文章
Thirty years passed and though he went back home several times he always returned to Africa and at last he disappeared. 三十年过去了,尽管利文斯通回了几次家,他总是又返回非洲。最终他消失了。 He was given up for lost
Singapore is almost on the Equatorit is almost half-way between the North and South Poles. 新加坡几乎位于赤道上,几乎就在南极和北极之间的中途。 Sailors call the Equator The Line. 水手们称赤道为中线。 When you cross
One of the jobs that elephants are used for is hauling, lifting, and loading the heavy logs of teak. 大象常干的工作之一就是帮助装卸这些沉重的柚木木料。 I thought I should like to have an elephant myself, so I bought a nice on
The Buddhists believe that when they die their souls go into the bodies of animals. 佛教徒相信自己死后灵魂会进入动物体内, The kings' souls they think go into the bodies of white elephants, so in Thailand the White Elephant is sacr
India is the country that Columbus was trying to reach by going the other way around the World. 印度是哥伦布试图朝另一方向作环球旅行而期望能到达的国家。 When he bumped into America he thought he had reached India, so he ca
The fire-worshipers' chief god was called Mazda and that is where we get the name for our electric-light bulbs. 拜火教徒信仰的主神是玛兹达,这就是我们的电灯泡借用的名字。 According to their religion, everything that was l
I have told you of a White Sea and a Black Sea. Here is a Red Sea. It is a long, narrow sea bordering Arabia. 我介绍过白海和黑海,现在要讲红海了,它是与阿拉伯毗连的一个狭长的海。 I don't know why it's called Red, unl
Once upon a time there was a king in the old days long ago when kings could put to death whomsoever they wished. 在很久以前的古代,国王可以任意处死他不喜欢的人。 This king had a wife whom he was going to put to death the next
This mud is very rich soil in which the Egyptians grow wheat and a very fine kind of cotton. 这种泥土成了非常肥沃的土壤,埃及人就在上面种植小麦和一种优质棉花。 In the olden times the Nile used to overflow the banks on
A pickled man is called a mummy, and the mummies of many such rulers of Egypt are now in museums. 一个用防腐剂处理后的人叫做木乃伊。许多这样的木乃伊埃及曾经的统治者现在就存放在博物馆里。 One of the Seven Wo
A picture of two Japanese carrying a big bucket on a pole which rests on their shoulders. 两个日本人用一根杆子抬着一个大水桶, In the tubI couldn't see them but I knewthere are live fish. 画中那只桶里虽然我看不见,但是我
It would never have occurred to the Romans to do what Alexander the Great had done. 罗马人从未有过类似于亚历山大大帝那样的想法。 They had no wish to turn the lands they conquered into a single, vast empire in which everyone was
His father once bought a beautiful stallion that no one could tame. 有一次他父亲买了一匹特别漂亮的公马,谁也驯服不了这匹马,His name was Bucephalus. Whenever anyone tried to mount him they were thrown off. 这匹马叫布克
But at the time I am going to talk about, around 2,500 years ago,我要讲述的那个时期里,大约在公元前2500年,all this was yet to come, though China was already a vast and ancient kingdom. 这一切还全都没有,虽然当时的中国
You may know how the story goes on: how there was a famine throughout the land, and how Joseph's brothers traveled to Egypt to buy corn. 你知道,这故事后来如何继续,一场大饥荒如何肆虐全国以及约瑟的兄长们如何进入富庶
But that isn't all the Bible has to say about ancient Babylon. 但是这不是《圣经》所讲述的有关巴比伦的唯一的一件事。 Do you know the story of the Tower of Babel, 你知道得巴别塔的故事吗? when the people of a great
You may have already guessed who these strange and powerless herdsmen were. 也许你已经猜到了,这个奇怪的、弱小的游牧民族是谁。 They were the Jews. 他们就是犹太人。 And the songs of their deeds, which were the deeds of
And finally, after long, cruel and bloody battles, they succeeded. 经过长期残忍的流血战斗,他们终于成功了。 So now they had their own small kingdom, with its capital: Jerusalem. 就这样,他们有了一个自己的小小的国家
Speaking of labyrinths, have you ever heard the story of the evil Minotaur, half man, half bull, 说到迷宫,你听说过凶恶的人身牛首怪物的传说吗?他一半是人一半是公牛, who lived in a labyrinth and made the Greeks send
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