223. Treaty with France, 1800. 223.与法国人签订条约(1800年) This vigor convinced the French that they had been hasty in their treatment of the Americans. 这种气势让法国人相信他们对待美国人的态度过于草率, They

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182. Disagreement as to Representation. 182.关于代表分配的不同意见 The Virginia plan proposed that representation in one branch of the new Congress should be divided among the states according to the amount of money each state paid into

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194. The First Inauguration, April 30, 1789. 194.第一个就职典礼(1789年4月30日) Long before the time set for the inauguration ceremonies, the streets around Federal Hall were closely packed with sightseers. 早在就职典礼开始之前

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248. America, Britain, and France. 248.美国、不列颠和法国 Napoleon Bonaparte was now Emperor of the French. 此时拿破仑o波拿巴是法国的皇帝, In 1804 he made war on the British and their allies. 1804年,他向英国和英国的

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Chapter 24 第24章 Causes of the War of 1812 1812年战争的原因 247. The North Africa Pirates. 247.北非的海盗 Stretching along the northern shores of Africa from Egypt westward to the Atlantic were four states. 沿着非洲北部海岸从埃

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240. Paying the National Debt. 240.偿还国债 Jefferson was especially anxious to cut down the expenses of the government and to pay as much as possible of the national debt. 杰斐逊急于削减政府开支以尽可能地偿还国债, Madison

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232. Making of the West. 232.西部地区的创建 Even before the Revolutionary War explorers and settlers had crossed the Alleghany Mountains. 远在革命战争之前就有人穿过奥利哈尼山到西部探险和定居。 In Washington's time

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The great increase in manufacturing, and the great changes in modes of transport, led people to crowd together in cities and towns. 制造业的巨大发展以及交通方式的巨大改变让人们纷纷涌向大城市和城镇。 These inventions m

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At the same time it would benefit the farmers of those regions by bringing their produce to tide water cheaper than it could be brought by road through Pennsylvania. 同时,这条河还将让住在这个地区的农民收益--他们通过这条运河

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Chapter 28 第28章 The American People in 1830 1830年美国的人口 293. A New Race. 293.一种新的竞争 Between the election of President Jefferson and the election of President Jackson great changes had taken place. 在杰斐逊当选总统与

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Chapter 27 第27章 New Parties and new policies,1824-1829 新党派与新政策(1824~1829年) 284. End of the Era of Good Feeling. 284.幸福时代的终结 The Era of Good Feeling came to a sudden ending in 1824. 1824年幸福时代突然终结

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311. Jackson's Specie Circular, 1836. 311.杰克森的《金属通货公告》(1836年) The first result of the removal of the deposits was very different from what Jackson had expected. 取消存款的第一个后果让杰克森始料未及。

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He sent ships and soldiers to Charleston and ordered the collector of that port to collect the duties. 杰克森派军舰和士兵到达查理斯顿并命令海关的收税员收税, He then asked Congress to give him greater power. 随后他要求国

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In these ways slavery had ceased to be a vital institution north of Maryland and Kentucky. 通过这些努力,在马里兰和肯塔基北部已经不存在有效的奴隶制机构, Why should slavery be allowed west of the Mississippi River? 为什

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274. The Hartford Convention, 1814. 274.哈特福德大会(1814年) While the New commissioners were talking over the treaty of peace, other debaters were discussing the war, at Hartford, Connecticut. 在新任外交官讨论和平条约的同时

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268. The British in the Chesapeake, 1814. 268.英国人在切萨皮克(1814年) Besides their operations on the Canadian frontier, the British tried to capture New Orleans and the cities on Chesapeake Bay. 除了在加拿大边境的活动,英国

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265. The Wasp and the Frolic,1812. 265.维斯普号与佛罗里克号(1812年) At almost the same time the American ship Wasp captured the British brig Frolic. 几乎与此同时,美国的维斯普号夺取了英国的双桅船佛罗里克号。

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For example, the Southerners were to permit the admission of California as a free state, and to consent to the abolition of the slave trade in the District of Columbia. 例如,南方人要允许加利福尼亚作为一个自由州加入联邦,并同

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At first people paid little attention to them. 开始时人们不太关注这些传言, But when President Polk said that gold had been found, people began to think that it must be true. 但当珀尔卡总统说找到黄金时,人们开始相信果

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Hi, everybody. 大家好! Earlier this week, I visited with students at Georgia Tech to talk about the importance of higher education in the new economy, and how we can make it more affordable. 本周早些时候,我走访了佐治亚理工学院与

发表于:2018-12-30 / 阅读(75) / 评论(0) 分类 奥巴马每周电视讲话