标签:词汇漫谈 相关文章
译界漫谈:笔译与口译的区别 【编者按】如果要想成为一名合格的口译员,还需不断体会口笔译的差异、积累口译中信息处理技巧和改进自身的思维方式。 每一位有志于从事口译工作的学习者
This is a very special podcast because I have some thanking to do. Every now and then, I check on the statistics of my podcast, and yesterday I saw that I have had more than a million downloads all together. Thank you, to all of you who have listened
译界漫谈:大数据时代,不要沦为机器的奴隶 【编者按】日前,中外语言服务人才培养模式国际研讨会暨北京语言大学高翻学院开放周活动在北京语言大学举行。大咖云集,精彩纷呈。 北京外
6个BBC最爱用的英语典故 【编者按】我们经常会在BBC中听到的一些类似中国成语典故的习语,这些习语通常能够一语中的地传情达意,比如达摩克利斯之剑,阿克琉斯之踵,等等。这些看起来艰
A single fibre of wool is very weak, but by means of a machine these fibres are twisted together to make woollen yarn, which is a strong, loose thread. This twisting together of the fibres is called spinning. The fibres are curly or wavy, and are als
The cat is bored. He tries to have fun. He plays with yarn. He scratches his tummy. He takes a nap. He drinks milk. He is still bored. He sees a mouse. The mouse is eating cheese. The cat steal the cheese. The mouse is angry. The mouse chases the cat
1.Jazz; 1) traditional jazz---- a) blues, 代表人物:Billy Holiday b)ragtime(切分乐曲): 代表人物:Scott Joplin c)New Orleans jazz (= Dixieland jazz) eg: Louis Armstron d)swing eg: Glenn Miller, Duke Ellington, etc. e)bop (=bebop, rebop) eg: Lester Yo
manager 经纪人 instructor 教练,技术指导 guide 领队 trainer 助理教练 referee, umpire (网球.棒球)裁判 linesman, touch judge (橄榄球)裁判 contestant, competitor, player 运动员 professional 职业运动员 amateur 业余运动员,爱好者 enthusiast, fan 迷,爱好者 f
still camera 照相机 cinecamera 电影摄影机 (美作:movie camera) television camera 电视摄像机 box camera 箱式照相机 folding camera 风箱式照相机 lens 镜头 aperture 光圈 wide-angle lens 广角镜头 diaphragm 光圈 telephoto lens 远摄镜头,长焦镜头 zoom lens 变
18. OATH:PROMISE:: (A)contract:agreement (B)deed:attorney (C)title:estate (D)job:loyalty (E)truce:warfare 19. INDULGE:ASCETIC:: (A)adapt:mutineer (B)sacrifice:politician (C)restrain:libertine (D)defy:
1.FERTILIZE:GROW:: (A)immunize:resist (B)nourish:enrich (C)heat:burn (D)graft:multiply (E)prune:dwarf 2.ATTENTIVE:OFFICIOUS:: (A)doubtful:ambiguous (B)absorbed:engrossed (C)refined:snobbish (D)magister
1.SL IT HER:SNAKE:: (A)perch:eagle (B)bask:lizard (C)waddle:duck (D)circle:hawk (E)croak:frog 2.COUNTENANCE:TOLERATION:: (A)defer:ignorance (B)renounce:mistrust (C)encroach:jealousy (D)demur:objection
first gear 一档 second gear 二档 reverse 倒车档 two-stroke engine 二冲程发动机 diesel 柴油机 limousine 豪华轿车 drophead 活动车篷汽车 (美作:convertible) racing car 赛车 saloon 轿车 (美作:sedan) roadster 敞蓬车 wecker, beat-up car, jalopy 老爷车 notch
sea 海 high seas, open sea 远海 ocean 大洋 inlet 小湾 bay 海湾,湾 gulf 海湾 cove 湾 cape 海角 promontory, headland 海角,岬 cliff 悬崖峭壁 port, harbour 港 (美作:harbor) bay, roadstead 碇泊处 sandbank 沙滩 beach, shore 海滩 strait 海峡 isthmus 地峡 re
land,soil 土壤 arable land, tilled land 耕地 dry soil 旱田 fertile soil 沃土,肥沃的土壤 humus 腐殖质 irrigable land 水浇地 lean soil, poor soil 贫瘠土壤 wasteland, barren land 荒地 grass 草 grassland 草地 meadow 草甸 prairie 大草原 pasture land 牧场
本文为大家准备了从老外常用的口头禅中记词汇,便于考生GRE考试备考。 1. You bet.没错。 Bet是下赌注的意思,所以You bet.就是指,You can bet money on that. (你可以把钱压在这上面),言下之意,就是