标签:英语经验 相关文章
赖世雄旅游观光英语通教你学会观光旅游的各种对话、句子。 An Embarrassing Experience 一次尴尬的经验 Kathy and Evan are now outside the store. 凯西和艾凡现在在那家商店外面。 K:I don't think I've ever been
刚刚收到通知,说高口(高级口语翻译)过了,没想到第一次考试就这么轻松过了,以下是一点小小经验,供大家分享: 1、关于听力:做历年真题是最好的捷径 高口听力比起中口最大的改变
台湾籍旅美老师今天交给我们的句子是: When you ask people about belonging, they'll tell you the most excruciating experiences of being excluded. 当你问起人们的归属感时,他们通常会告诉你被排挤时的痛苦的经验
David:I need to write a resume. If I need to apply for another job, I want to beready. 戴维:我必须写履历表,万一我得应聘另一份工作,我得做好准备。 Josie:I can help you! 乔西:我可以帮你! David:Really? 戴维:真
Sand is very useful. You can do so many things with it. You can make sand castles, bury yourself in it and sink your toes in it. Perhaps the biggest use of sand is in building. Most of todays buildings would not be there without sand. I wonder where
Life is like a sky wheel. It goes up and down. It doesn't mean you are up, then you'll always be You also have to learn lessons; It doesn't mean also that you will always be down You still got a bright future ahead. 生命像一个摩天轮 上上下
Life is like a sky wheel. It goes up and down. It doesn't mean you are up, then you'll always be You also have to learn lessons; It doesn't mean also that you will always be down You still got a bright future ahead. 生命像一个摩天轮 上上下
The Garden Of Love 爱情的花园 I went to the Garden of Love, 我去到爱情的花园里, And saw what I never had seen; 看见了我从未见过的情景: A Chapel was built in the midst, 在我经常玩耍的草地 Where I used to play on t
The company operated by moving quickly and tolerating mistakes, 当时公司的运作依靠行动快速、容忍错误的模式。 and lots of people were nervous that I would not just ruin the party, but squash innovation. 许多人都心情紧张,担
GRE综合高分经验:合理碎片化时间强化备考训练 因为工作和学习原因,不少GRE考生直到考前才发现复习时间来不及用,追悔莫及。其实回头看看,有很多时间都没有被充分利用起来。快要考试的
小编在此与大家分享GRE句子填空的相关内容,希望对各位备考2015年的新GRE填空有所帮助。 众所周知新GRE填空双空和三空的变化。我做下来感觉越来越难过,因为我发现逐渐提高的正确率很虚假
台湾籍旅美老师今天交给我们的句子是: The way people experience their iPhone has always started with the display. So we wouldn't introduce a larger display until we could make one that was great. 人们对iPhone的使用经验总是从
A: Hi, I would like to speak with someone in the Housing Department. B: You have reached the right area. Can I help you with something? A: I think that I may have experienced discrimination in trying to rent an apartment. B: Can you be specific as to
分享这个是因为我在写作文当中发现自己用the和不用the把握不好,对照着北美范文练习时更是发现了这个问题,所以在此分享关于the的用法. 定冠词the与指示
四级冲刺复习方法 - 四级经验 张传东:著名英语四级辅导名师,近年来不断开创新的授课模式,其课堂表现出色,擅长归纳总结各种应试题型和学习技巧。 最后一月的四级冲刺方法 还有一个
[导读]考生要注意审题一定要仔细,按要求写作,不得擅自改动题目,给定的提纲不得有遗漏,否则会按比例扣分。 一、解题技巧写作解题时间为30分钟,分为三步:5分钟审题和构思,20分钟写
高三,雅思8分,单项听力8.5阅读8口语7.5写作7.5,考完了以后还跑去牛伊斯特教了一个月备考的小朋友们。。。整个备考过程耗时两个半个月。 然后个人觉得密集周期不宜超过两个月【前提是
如何能够提高GRE词汇备考效率,在最短的时间内记住最多的GRE词汇呢?天道留学小编为您提供以下轻松搞定GRE词汇经验分享。 1.八字真言一次大量,多次反复。 2.第一遍坚持杨鹏的循环方法,一
我的英语基础不好,英语四级裸考465分,六级复习了但还是未果。大三决定要考研 http://www.chinakaoyan.com/时的我很迷茫,不知道怎么去复习也不知道怎样去选择参考书,我考的传播学,是不考数