标签:英语新词 相关文章
一部好剧会让你在追的过程中看得很爽,但也可能让你患上post-drama depression(剧终抑郁症),没有这部剧可看的明天要靠什么活下去?你不由得感到空虚和悲伤。 Post-drama depression refers to the feelin
Possible holders of an MRS degree are women who attendcollege just to meet potential husbands with high socialstanding and future earning potential. 有些女孩子上大学就是为了找到一个有地位又有经济前景的老公,这样的女孩子
在手术过程中,清醒的患者难免对疼痛和手术进展感到焦虑担忧。而此时,医护人员暖心的话语可卡因可以让他们感到安慰 Verbicaine refers to soothing words used to calm or distract a patient who is awake dur
要做医学扫描,或者取报告前,人们或多或少都感到紧张,为自己的身体状况感到担忧,这就是扫描焦虑症。 Scanxiety is the anxiety experienced while waiting to undergo a medical scan or receive the results of on
近日,一篇名为《留学生吸笑气成瘾 身体垮掉坐轮椅回国》的新闻报道引起社会关注,文章中,一位在美国留学的中国女生因为偶然机会经朋友推荐吸食笑气后,便一发不可收拾,吸食成瘾,
Add-on pay is similar to Add-on Card in the banking system. Itis a privilege offered to the spouse, parents or children of aprimary holder of Alipay Wallet, a mobile payment app launchedby Alipay, Chinas largest online payments provider. The primaryp
Fakeation is the unusual practice of staying at home but tellingeveryone you're away. 假装度假指明明待在家里,却告诉别人你出去玩了。 Some take a selfie that looks like theyre on holiday and post iton social media, some go so fa
不想做朝九晚五的上班族?在如今的互联网时代,只要你拥有网络连接设备,又有一技之长,就能找到微工作。 A micro job is a temporary, task-type job of all types, often booked through the Internet. Work may incl
英语新词:这些cle/ule后缀单词 你理解对了么? 以cle或ule后缀的名词常表示 small (小的) 含义。 article n. 文章;物品;条款;[语] 冠词。 circle n. 循环,周期;圆;圈子;圆形物。 cubicle n. 小卧室;
形容词的lent后缀,表示full of (充满的,全部的)。 benevolent adj. 仁慈的;慈善的;亲切的。 equivalent adj. 等价的,相等的;同意义的。 excellent adj. 卓越的;极好的;杰出的。 indolent adj. 懒惰的
英语新词:家庭词汇知多少? Helicopter Parent --n. A parent who hovers over his or her children. --从字面上,可翻成直升机父母。实际上,helicopter parent指的是那些望子成龙,望女成凤的父母。 就像直升机一样
Civic journalism (also known as public journalism) is the idea of integrating journalism into the democratic process. The media not only informs the public, but it also works towards engaging citizens and creating public debate. 公民新闻也称为公
一群朋友在一起聊天,无论别人提什么问题,总有一个人抢着回答,虽然,他的回答可能并不是很靠谱。嗯,身边这样无所不知的人还真是不少呢!他们是不是都患了男性回答综合征啊? 有问必
Social notworking refers to the practice of spending timeunproductively on social-networking websites, especially whenone should be working. Social notworking(暂译为社交不工作)指在工作时间上社交网站闲逛的行为。 With today's s
把实体店当成展厅,去看看样子试试大小比比价格,然后再网购,是不是你也经常这么做?这就是展厅现象。 Bookstore owners everywhere have a lurking suspicion: that the customers who type into their smartphones wh
逛街买衣服的时候,总是会在S和M两个尺寸之间纠结。每次把自己塞进S号的衣服里,都会顿时很欢喜。可是,你有没有想过,你穿在身上的S号跟几年前的S号是一样大的吗? Vanity sizing, also know
英语新词:说说你不得不知的经济术语 Debt vs. Deficit债务和赤字 Debt,债务,债务是指债权人向债务人提供资金,以获得利息及债务人承诺在未来某一约定日期偿还这些资金和利息。 Deficit,赤字
英语新词:Blue的含义知多少 1. Blue Democrats 民主党 首先,来看看blue和政治的关系。每当美国有选举的时候,我们都会听到红州和蓝州。红色代表共和党或保守党的州,而蓝色代表民主,或更自由
Manspreading describes the situation when a man sits withhis legs wide apart on public transport encroaching on otherseats, also called man-sitting. Those who do so are known asmanspreaders. Manspreading,也叫man-sitting,指男士在乘坐公共交