Silk 蚕丝 Silk is the strongest natural fiber in the world, as far as we know. Scientists long to understand just how exactly the silkworm manages the process of silk weaving, so they can replicate the process in order to manufacture such things as

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Caterpillar VS Plant 植物大战毛毛虫 If you have kids, youve probably read the children's book: The Very Hungry Caterpillar , see, at least five thousand times. If you havent had the pleasure, heres a brief plot summary. A caterpillar hatch es

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What a Fetus Hears 医学界认定胎儿在孕期十六周即有完好的触觉和味觉。十八周的的胎儿对光已经会产生反应。二十周的胎儿则发展出听觉,此时的胎儿并有做梦、记忆和思考的能力。就是说,除

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Taking a Volcanos Temperature 火山喷发(volcanic eruption)是一种奇特的地质现象,是地壳运动的一种表现形式,也是地球内部热能在地表的一种最强烈的显示。是岩浆等喷出物在短时间内从火山口向地

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Glass Beaches 在佛罗里达州的罗德岱堡,当你欣赏美丽的海岸景色时,试想一下,你脚底下踩着的沙子在阳光下闪闪发光会是什么景象。如今,面对佛罗里达海岸遭到持续侵蚀的情况,布劳沃德县

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Algae Biofuel 作为不依赖于化石资源的燃料,生物燃料逐渐得到普遍认可。但在应用上,使用高等植物的现有手段还存在极限。其原因在于单位面积的收获量较小,并且还会浪费珍贵的水资源。作

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Honeybees in Winter 一只蜜蜂无法度过严寒的冬天。一群蜜蜂则不同。据说蜂箱中的蜜蜂要过冬的时候,往往要抱成一团。最外面的一层是工蜂,它们拼命地煽动着翅膀,像厚厚的衣服一样阻隔着外

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All This Carbon Dioxide is Making Me Hungry 伊利诺伊大学的研究人员在《美国国家科学院院刊》(PNAS)网络版发布的一项最新研究报告显示,大豆类作物的抗虫害能力正随着二氧化碳含量的增多而逐渐

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Can Animals Count? 动物会数数? Can animals count? People count easily, from the time we are little kids and learn our one-two-threes. But what about other species? Careful observations in the wild support the idea that some can. The American c

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If you live up in the mountains, understanding the continually shifting landscape can mean survival. Mountains are continually shifting. Erosion wears mountains down, but active mountain ranges are also continuously rising. And heres the interesting

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白天想念某人,晚上就会梦见TA吗? Many of you probably think that the more time you spend thinking about something, the more likely you would be to dream about it. A study suggests the opposite, that if we actively try to suppress a sub

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D: OK, Yael, if you were me, would you take your date to a violent action flick, or a romantic movie? Y: A romance, of course. D: There might be some scientific basis for why romantic movies make for good dates. In one study, participants were asked

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Well, mushrooms are merely one of many types of fungi. Not all fungi grow in soil. However, mushrooms and other fungi do resemble plants in many ways, so much so that scientists long classified fungi plants, but they know better now. Eating Habits Wh

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Contrary to popular belief, alcohol does not make you warmer. It may give you the feeling that youre getting warmer, but thats just an illusion: really, alcohol makes you more susceptible to the cold. In cold weather, the body reacts by routing blood

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Weve recently been talking about the Fermi Paradox, attributed to Nobel-winning physicist Enrico Fermi. According to reasonable estimates of how many stars have planets, how many planets may be suitable for the evolution of organisms, and so on, our

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Brandy From Wine: How Alcohol Is Turned Into Brandy? 白兰地酿造工艺精湛,特别讲究陈酿时间与勾兑的技艺,其中陈酿时间的长短更是衡量白兰地酒质优劣的重要标准。干邑地区各厂家贮藏在橡木桶中的

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Why Stainless Steel Does Not Rust But Other Metals Do? 不锈钢(Stainless Steel)指耐空气、蒸汽、水等弱腐蚀介质和酸、碱、盐等化学浸蚀性介质腐蚀的钢,又称不锈耐酸钢。实际应用中,常将耐弱腐蚀介质

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Wine And Beer: Different Types Of Alcohol, Same Basic Process Why wine is stronger than beer on this moment of science. Wine and beer are made of different ingredients,but the basic process is the same. You start with a liquid containing some kind of

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Painful Injections 相信大家都有过去医院打针的经历吧?不论你是因为生病还是去注射疫苗。小孩子尤其害怕打针,一看到针就会使出吃奶的劲哭闹。这下着急的还有护士跟孩子的父母,想尽办法

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Why Clones Arent Copies 克隆是英文clone或cloning的音译,而英文clone则起源于希腊文Klone,原意是指以幼苗或嫩枝插条,以无性繁殖或营养繁殖的方式培育植物,如扦插和嫁接。在大陆译为无性繁殖在

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